AI hype got crazy: German YouTuber der8auer visited a computer fair and discovered AI was meaninglessly slapped onto almost every hardware product 😂

in #hive-1215663 months ago

Der deutsche Tech-YouTuber hat die Computex Computer-Messe in Taipei besucht und festgestellt, dass auf fast jedes Hardware-Produkt widersinnig AI draufgeklatscht wurde.

"Der Blödsinn muss endlich aufhören!". AI-ready Kabel und Netzteile 😂

Der KI-Hype hat wirklich schon irre Ausmaße erreicht und erinnert mich an den Blockchain-Hype, wo auch jede Firma gefühlt plötzlich etwas mit Blockchain gemacht hat.

Zum Beispiel hat sich 2017 die amerikanische Eis-Tee-Firma "Long Island Iced Tea Crop" in "Long Blockchain Corp" umbenannt und wollte etwas mit Mining machen. Kritiker sahen darin eine Masche, leichtgläubige Investoren abzuzocken. Stupid money.

Was sagt ihr zum AI-Hype? Denkt ihr, dass der Hype bald platzen wird?

der8auer about AI hype: "This bullshit has to stop!"


Video credit: der8bauer

Dieser Blödsinn muss endlich aufhören!

Video credit: der8auer


The German tech YouTuber der8bauer visited the Computex computer trade fair in Taipei and noticed that AI was absurdly slapped onto almost every hardware product.

"This bullshit has to stop!". AI-ready cables and power supply units 😂

The AI hype has really reached crazy proportions and reminds me of the blockchain hype, where it felt like every company was suddenly doing something with blockchain.

For example, in 2017, the American iced tea company "Long Island Iced Tea Crop" renamed itself "Long Blockchain Corp" and wanted to do something with mining. Critics saw this as a scam to rip off gullible investors. Stupid money.

What do you think of the AI hype? Do you think the hype will soon burst?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


Ai Will stay its different than blockchain, it can improve things so its good

Blockchain is here to stay as well, it enabled the first global decentralized digital currency, Bitcoin, and many other new financial platforms and apps like hive.

im sure AI will stay. it will just improve or evolve every year.

AI hype will remain and people will take advantage of it. Soon we'll see food with AI!

Ist ja nichts Neues.

It's AI today, who knows what next? The hype will not burst anytime soon I'm sure.

Ich hab vor über 20 Jahren mal in einem Computergeschäft gearbeitet. Da waren PCs Ready for the Internet. Oder am besten fand ich den Verkaufsschlager "MS Office zertifiziert",später ..

Soon the internet will be split in two
Ones who approve of AI and ones who don't approve of AI

Irgendwas musste ja den NFT-Hype ersetzen 🤣

Hoffe ...

Ai is really changing and making massive wave beyond we can ever imagine of actually

yup! I think I'll put on my AI clothes and go outside to enjoy the fresh AI air! :)


I think it's indeed the reality. They sell everything as ai nowadays..

I hope AI will be used more for the good of the human race moving forwards, rather than using AI to mash AD's into our brains and get rid of people's jobs.

Der AI Hype wird nicht platzen. Das ist erst der Anfang.

People seem to be making almost everything with the AI now


Geht ein Pokémon in die Kneipe
sagt der Erste Pi. Der Zweite sagt ka und der Dritte sagt chu.

Credit: quekery
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AI everywhere
AI here and there
I wish to see how far this will go

Just a temporary hype, in my opinion, it will douse soon. No matter how advanced AI becomes in the future humans should still do certain things for themselves, like online or on a computer. The current craze about AI is only natural but will be short-lived. Thanks for writing.

It's pretty interesting how AI is getting slapped onto everything these days hahaha. I really wonder what's next after this !LOLZ

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He wanted to take up residence.

Credit: reddit
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Ein Website Anbieter hat sein Produkt mit KI "bereichert". Irgendwann merkten wir, was die KI bei uns angerichtet hatte: einfach selbständig die veröffentlichen Teste verändert, während die originalen Texte im Editor erhalten blieben, ohne Möglichkeit, den Fehler zu korrigieren. Wenn dann im Text "bewährte Lösung" durch KI in "fehlerhafte Lösung" umgewandelt wird, freust Du Dich ja gewaltig über die Leistungen der KI.

I think it's overhyped but I think AI is there to stay. I just think that the market valuations and other things related to it are overblown