Back In Action is a 2025 American action comedy directed by Seth Gordon and written by Brendan O’Brien. It features Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, Andrew Scott, Jamie Demetriou, Kyle Chandler, and Glenn Close.
Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz Star as Matt & Emily, ex-CIA agents forced back into the world of espionage after their secret identities are compromised.
For one, it was so much fun watching this movie. Jamie Foxx is quite the character and I get that some people don’t like his movies but, I gotta hand it to him. The guy does crack me up and he has on point delivery.
Then we have the two put together, giving up their lives to protect family. From my perspective, I know it couldn’t have been easy. Which is why I got excited when the two got a tiny bit of action before things went all south.
Ah! The quirky scenes and cliche lines that are twisted out of character… haha! Had me laughing. Who would have thought that these two would be boxing rather than having sex? Confused? Go watch the movie.
This movie incorporated both the themes of family and career in the reality of some people. The characters had wonderful lines and personalities that made them stand out. And the actors brought them to life. Stunning acts!
Well, there are moments I just couldn’t watch. Like the pure teenage girl drama and the- who invites a fourteen year old to a club?! That’s just me anyway. So, the drama that unfolded after busting some balls before shit got real? Totally worth it.
I tell you the truth, apart from the cussing and explicit gestures, I think it’s a good watch. Don’t watch with your kids though. It’s rated 16+ and can be watched on Netflix.
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