The second season of Upload is available on Prime Video (Amazon) since 11 March 2022.
It's a short season with only 7 episodes !
We are lucky we didn't have to wait too long, because we watched the first season the week before.
Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a way much longer for the season 3, as it's planned between mid and end 2023, if a third season is confirmed.
In 7 episodes, you won't see many new things. I don't want to spoil either, otherwise, there'll be no pleasure for you to watch the serie.
What I can say is that Nathan Brown (Robbie Amell) won't stay in the 2 Giga-level and that he will learn who is behind his murder.
Nora (Andy Allo) will go for some days with her daddy, to "disconnect" and will meet a group of persons who are against the upload.
At the end of the first season, we already remained hungry, because we saw something was on the point to happen very soon. Of course, we felt the same here, as it ends on a "cliffhanger" also. We just said : "Ok, quick, next episode ! What ? Really ? It can't finish like that !". And now, we'll have to wait more than a year .. That's torture, isn't it ?
So, let me give you a little advise : if you haven't seen the season 1 yet, wait some more months, so you won't have to wait as long as us between the different seasons. 😇
I'll stop here for today, to avoid spoiling too much. I'm sure you understand me.
Take care of you and your family,
Allowed Qwant picture