The legendary Mufasa, once an orphaned lion cub, lost and alone, encountered a kindhearted lion named Taka, heir to a royal family. This chance meeting sparks the beginning of an epic journey alongside a group of outcasts searching for their destiny. But is this new addition to the beloved Lion King franchise worth it?
- The animation, as expected from Disney, is excellent (the expressiveness of the lions has improved but is still not perfect).
- Timon and Pumbaa remain delightful (even though their screen time is minimal).
- Some of the cinematic shots are truly beautiful.
- Visually, the depiction of the jungle is impressively realistic.
- The voice casting is solid.
- Taka’s (Scar’s) backstory is intriguing, as it sheds light on many things.
- The script is engaging, especially through the values and messages it tries to convey to the audience.
- I hate to say it, but the songs didn’t really impress me. They’re okay but nothing more.
- As mentioned earlier, the realistic depiction of the lions’ expressions hasn’t improved enough to make you truly connect with the characters and their emotions.
- It still doesn’t match the level of the original 1994 animated film—on any front.
- The direction feels slightly procedural, and you don’t sense the personal touch of Oscar-winning Barry Jenkins. To be fair, I’m not sure if this kind of movie gave him much room to leave his mark.
- The battle scenes are somewhat repetitive and lack substance.
- Overall, the result feels a bit “tired.”
The highly anticipated second season of Squid Game has arrived, continuing the story that captivated millions of viewers worldwide. With even darker themes and new games, the series aims to delve deeper into human nature and the limits of survival. Does it succeed? For me, absolutely!
- I loved the character of 456, Seong Gi-hun, just as much as in the first season.
- Many of the new cast members are also interesting, managing to make you care about them.
- Brilliant move to include Player #1 in the game (no spoilers!) and reveal more of his backstory.
- It had suspense, intensity, and was visually a bit more violent than the first season.
- While there’s action early on, the series doesn’t jump straight into the games, instead exploring other aspects—which I appreciated.
- I was worried there wouldn’t be much development in Season 2, but thankfully, it pleasantly surprised me.
- There’s a deeper dive into the characters’ psychology.
- The direction remains top-notch.
- Although I found the games interesting, they weren’t as intricate or impressive as those in the first season.
- The police officer’s storyline felt somewhat sidelined, weakening his character—perhaps he’ll come back stronger in Season 3.
- The cliffhanger ending might frustrate some viewers, but it’s probably because the next season is coming soon.
- Inevitably, the originality of the first season is gone, and you kind of know what to expect—but honestly, that didn’t bother me.