Mischief Managed

in #hive-121959last year

The ways you can ruin your day...

Yes, the sentence is arguable, I understand. I mean, why would I jeopardize my day? Shit happens. You can accidentally drop those two scoops of the rocky road onto your white shirt - yeah you're going to have so much fun cleaning that. Or perhaps tomato ketchup or mustard sauce sounds more exciting. I'm just being my sarcastic self and I really, honestly, do not mean any harm. As there are a thousand ways to ruin your day so are the ways to make it somewhat salvageable.


As I was coming home from work on the three-wheeler we call a rickshaw, the huge ball of fire we call the sun completely cooked me up. At the end of the day, I have to come up with something that can surely put my mood in a happy state. I can give great advice that can ensure a regular day stress and problem free. But that's just a regular day and not all your days will go about the same way. If you count your bad days, all of them are created by people - it could be you making your day bad or someone else. You can counter that idea of course. But here's the thing. If your dog peed on your white carpet and it ruined your day, the most important factor here is Your dog - you as a people are involved though by mere association. I know it's a shitty theory but it's still plausible. I'm not saying that everything that's bad in your life is directed at you - people have hands on it and that "people" can be you or can be someone else. You don't scold the neighbor's dog for ruining your lawn, you scold the neighbor.

There are so many things that ruin my day on a daily basis. It gets ruined and I fix it and then it gets trampled again. In all of those times a human was involved - since it was happening to me, I was in the equation. And if it's my carpet and my doggo, I can only put a scowl on my face, furrow my brows and eyes with immense displeasure, I'll look at him/her and say "Bad doggo" - that's the end of it. Unexpected would be if I throw my dog away - now, who throws away a cute little dog for a pee stain? We don't usually stop all communication with someone due to minuscule reasons - but if those tiny little reasons keep piling up one on top of the other, you might consider if that person is worth the days they have bungled.

Now usually I think of ways to counter the ruin that has been caused and most of the time its food. I'm very much of a foodie and whether it's savory or sweet, food has the ability to uplift my sour mood but it is a short-time fix. The point is, you got to find what has the ability to lift your mood in a matter of minutes and a temporary fix is as important as a permanent one. So you must have both of them in place. A temporary fix will help you ease your worries so you can get to the elaborate fix.

Now I'm going to have my two scoops of mango ice creams in this wretched 35c weather.


Ehh! Mango ice-cream? Whyyy?

Chocolate supremacy all day babyy, till I die. 😋


the doggo seems to like the vanilla lol

Yes, because chocolate is harmful for doggos 😬

the doggo is cute... get me a siberian husky... puppy... fluffy

Siberian Husky ai desh e hobe na, jei gorom

Sooo deshi doggo is the way....
