The company of man is his identity. Successful people fail by living among unsuccessful people

in Education2 years ago

There is a lioness in a forest who was giving birth to her cub, the child came into this world, but the lioness lost her life. For a while, she sat next to her mother, then she started wandering around in the forest. A herd of sheep was passing by, and the lion cub started playing with the little lambs and mingled with them. He grew up inside him, he used to sit and sit with them as if he was living with them.

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He is a lion, he is the king of the forest, he was never defeated like a lion, he never raised his head and stood up from the evening. He used to think that today the lion's cub grew up, became a young man, and became a beautiful young lion, Atta was not afraid of Tarar because the sheep were used to him. He had already become familiar with it. One day, in the light of the sun, when the batting was going on, he heard the roar of a lion.

The whole fleet that had attacked him was running for his life. He was also running with them who had attacked them when he saw a lion running among the sons, he was surprised that a lion was running among the lions, he could not believe his eyes how could this happen.

Not understanding this, the old tree caught the young lion and decided to ask him something. "Why are you not hunting?" asked the old lion angrily. The lion cub was trembling with fear and was crying. He was trying for a long time, but the big lion did not understand what to do. Why is the young lion doing this? Or came or dragged the lion cub to the lake in the forest, it was completely still and calm, just like a glass, you could see your own reflection in it. Look at me. Look at me. Look at these sheep. Look who you are.

Am I a weak sheep or the king of the forest or a lion? was seeing himself for the first time. His flowing tears stopped, he raised his bowed head, a strange sensation ran through his body, a strange power he felt, such a feeling had never awakened in him before. He was the king of the jungle. He had found his identity, while looking at his reflection in the water of the prison, he heard a loud crash, the birds sitting on the trees flew away and the crowd that covered his existence also disappeared.

Friends, this story teaches us a very deep lesson. Think about what you think about yourself. What do you think about yourself?
What do you think about yourself? What do you think about yourself? What do you think about yourself? What should be done after earning more money? Money is the root of all evil.
Man's only means of living is bread. And in general, if they don't understand your skills, even if they are not rusty, separate them from your company. Children are born to do something in this world. Man's search in this world begins when he believes in himself, and recognizes the truth within himself when he comes from a bunch of trees. Separates as he walks his path alone and then the world follows him, tracing his footsteps.