Respect: the rainbow sprinkles on the cupcake of life.

in #hive-12210811 days ago

Respect has alwsys been very important in life because it helps us feel safe and express ourselves, and it can improve our relationships. It gives us a status in the society. To earn respect foremost thing we need to do is to learn about giving respect. Showing respect towards others can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourself and the people around us. Respectful behavior can improve our relationships, both personal and professional. However there are certain kind of people who never deserve respect. Our Sanskrit highlighted these people through this verses.

अधीरः कर्कशः स्तब्धः कुचेलः स्वयमागतः|

एते पञ्च न पूज्यन्ते व्रहस्पति समा यदि||


Adhirah karkashah stabdhah kuchelah svayamaagatah.
Ete panch na poojyante vrahaspati samaa yadi.

Adheera = impatient, nervous.
Karkasha = harsh, rude.
Stabdh = arrogant
Kuchail = shabbily clothed in dirty and tattered garments.
Swayamaagat = an intruder, one who has come uninvited.
Ete = these.
Panch = five.
Na = not.
Poojyante = honoured, respected.
Vrahaspati = Head priest and teacher of Gods. Considered to be epitome of Knowledge.
Samaa = equal to.
Yadi = even if, in case.

The following lines likes to highlight that. "There are five types of persons, namely impatient, rude, arrogant, shabbily dressed in dirty clothes, and an intruder , should never be honoured and respected even if they are like Vrahaspati, the Guru of Gods".

As mentioned, dressing alwsys helps us to present in a better way. It defines our personality, so does our way of behavior and attitude. Missing any of them surely hurts us badly in creating reputation. It is important to present us in better way, just to ensure, we get tye desired respect and honoured likewise.

Learning is Passion !!

Thanks for Stopping @queenart

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Shady dressing does not show a good sign and that might make people not to respect us, also rudeness, we should keep a good manners in places we have been to, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏