
Let's get it straight, marx was a tool of the banks.
What I advocate broke off from marx (who got backing eat from the crapitalusts by writing what they wanted to hear) here, in September, 1868.
One has nothing, nothing!, ZERO!! to do with the other, so you can drop those comparisons now.

You can't know what you don't know, nor that you don't know it.
The unknown unknowns are not taught in the skools and will not come out of the flashylight box unless you know to look for them.
And even then it is hit and miss.

There is no communism in russia.
Emma Goldman, from russia, in 1935.

Evil Rich people is cringe philosophy, nothing else about it.

Only poor people are evil?
They can't even afford to eat, let alone pay off a judge.

Hating Rich People isn't going to empower one poor person, ever.

No, but destroying the system that creates wealth at the expense of the poor, lower wages higher profits, will empower them, though.
It is a zero sum game, what goes to the top comes out of the bottom.
Sure the comfortable like it, they want to climb the ladder, but what of the ones that never had a chance to be comfortable.
Nobody hires the homeless, in most areas.

Evil Rich people.

Destroy the 'idea' of free markets and "Freedumb" the poor, then it'll be so much better.