The Coal Town System - The Originator of the 15-Minute City and CBDC Digital Cage

in #hive-1223153 months ago

A while back I was watching some new information on the mining wars from round about the 1920's. As I learned particularly about the old Coal Towns, which were established by the mining companies, I was struck by how much it brought to mind the hellish proposed future world of 15-Minute Cities and the Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC). I came to the conclusion that the origination for the 15-Minute City and CBDC system came from the prototype of the Mining Company Coal Towns. Disney took a similar approach to refine and field test this financial system in their theme parks that exclusively used "Disney Dollars". A form of "company script" which can only be used for financial transactions upon Disney's premises. The currency is redeemable for goods or services at the Disney theme parks and Disney Stores and how this isn't considered a form of counterfeiting I'll just leave to your imagination.

Now back to the topic at hand, these mining towns were often remote, isolated and disconnected from other towns and businesses. Established exclusively by the coal mining companies for dictatorial control and brutal subjugation and exploitation of the coal miners. They created what were called, "Company Towns" usually run by thugs and gangsters with Pinkerton Detective Agency, other mercenaries, or corrupted local law enforcement. In the company town, was set up the monopolistic 'Company Store' which sold literally everything the miners would need. They were forced to pay for their own picks, shovels, helmets, lights, clothing and footwear and domicile rent automatically deducted from their salary by the company. You HAD to buy EVERYTHING you needed from the company store ONLY. The company also devised a system engineered to keep workers in debt and impoverishment with inability to leave or move due to lack of financial resources. The miners were all paid in company script and not fiat U.S. dollars. If all you are paid in is the "company script", then you have NO currency accepted and for use elsewhere. Keep this in mind when agents of the sub-human predator class come to your locale with 15-minute cities and CBDC, they're coming with updated company towns.


Did you know the vilified term "Rednecks" actually originated during the Mining Wars and meant something completely different?

During the apex of miner oppression and exploitation, the miners had enough and began organising and fighting back. The U.S. Government sided (of course) with the mining companies and lent military advisors and conducted actual warfare against the miners, their families and communities. The U.S. military were called out on various occasions to bomb, battle and machine-gun massacre miners who resisted. They utilised terror campaigns, targeted assassinations of miner leaders and used the slaughter of women and children to terrorise the miners into capitulation. During the battles with these corporate/government forces, miners made up of immigrants allied with black and white Americans united. To identify one another during military engagements they wore red bandanas around their necks and were nicknamed "Rednecks".

That term has now been poisoned to redefine and detract from a meaning of valiance, unity and American resistance to an acrimonious Dictionary definition of:

Redneck |ˈrɛdnɛk|
Noun - N. American informal, derogatory
A working-class white person from the southern US, especially a politically reactionary one.

If you'd like to watch a great movie dramatising the miner community and wars please watch the excellent film "Matewan" on my channel here:



They people here at DEEP DIVES are gonna love your work brotha.

Keep it up!


Roger that brotha, will do. Cheers! 🙏

There are other kinds of company towns, too. I once very carefully considered buying the town of Gilchrist, Oregon, which had been a company town for a logging outfit that once had extensive holding of timberland in the area. There was then a little ghost town with ~140 houses, a bowling alley, supermarket, theatre, and similar amenities appropriate to such a town in the 1940s, during Gilchrist's heyday. When I was thinking of buying Gilchrist for ~$1.1M lock stock and barrel, the surrounding hills and dales of the central Oregon coast were there an extraordinary expanse of stumps.

Apparently the logging company never bothered to replant any trees (that costs money) after they logged them, so when they ran out of trees the company ran out of business too, and the town died. I don't think anyone lived there, or had since about the 1970s when they logged the last spruce, hemlock, or doug fir. Someone had been caretaking the town for decades, though, because they'd maintained the roofs, repaired windows when the broke, and etc. They just ran out of trees. Sometimes people are so silly.


Wow, thanks for sharing that. The kind of mindless and stupid greed that would cut down all the trees and put themselves out of business is a testimonial of broken humanity.