We have in language things called contractions. DO NOT might become DON'T. Yet we also have simplification of complex phrases and ideas into a new SINGLE word. This speeds up communication as new complex thoughts can be represented by a new word. Now where before you may spend several paragraphs explaining a concept you can use a single word and anyone that has seen that explanation before now has the work that previously required several paragraphs handled by a single word.
When you think about it this is important. This makes language possible. It makes the really complex designs, concepts, and things we do and think about possible. Imagine if you didn't have those words. Imagine if you had to spend time explaining every little thing you want to say down to the smallest level. Imagine how long that would take.
You, like me will quickly realize that becomes a barrier to doing anything remotely complex. You likely won't bother. People will get dumber. People will do less. People will not exercise their minds the same way. They will in a sense devolve.
You no longer have to imagine...
Instead of Woman, Girl, etc. for the sake of not offending the woke very vocal and amplified minority we now have "Birthing Person" or perhaps "Person who happens to have a uterus and eggs". We reserve the former words that defined very specific things to be hijacked and used by ANYONE that decides that is who they are at that particular moment, but maybe not tomorrow.
It goes on though... They didn't stop with woman.
Boy, Male, etc. is being replaced now in some places with "Person who produces sperm."
This is mental illness. It is actually harmful to society. It is REGRESSIVE and DEEVOLUTIONARY. It certainly is not progress to make our language less efficient. It certainly is not progress to elevate behavior that is not good for survival. In fact, it is suicidal in terms of future...
Now if your goal is to have a population that is easily controlled by propaganda...
A population that does not see the big picture...
And a population that will self sterilize and stop having children...
It's a good plan.
Is that the type of person you are?
Now you may say "they are just words, why are you making a big deal about them?" When you sit and think about ideas and how you are going to talk about them do you form those thoughts as words? I know I do. That would imply that words are very important. I'd argue they are potentially one of the most important things to our species. I'd argue they are more important than the opposable thumb, or walking upright.
Now if protecting the meaning of words becomes unimportant then as those meanings shift to very different places you make past history, and past knowledge effectively no longer accessible to future generations. Why? They read or hear information from the past but the words now mean something different. Thus, that message from the past no longer means what it ACTUALLY meant. It has been corrupted in the minds of the future.
This must be resisted...
It is a battle... It is the true World War 3.
Every time you accept their changing of existing words out of fear of offending someone you cede mental territory. You give an area of thought over to someone else. You shut off information about the past.
It must stop...
You must be part of stopping it.