Mish Mash Dialogue V - Ever Vigilant

in #hive-1223153 months ago

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An interesting conversation I had with someone....this is what they said...

So your idea on forgiveness is excellent and I've often observed this in many religions.
But my point is that forgiveness is not the most effective way to resolve ones blockages, specially those arising from the wrong doings of other to you because one can resolve them by many methods as you mentioned, one which is 5 element mediation and grounding chi regulations, that not only rectify anger and hatred but also transform these energies to higher energies....
Forgiveness is very confusing to me as I believe forgiveness as bowing down to the evil to triumph.
I don't think forgiveness can bring any tangible transformation within until you transcend over the evil or forgiveness or even righteousness!!
My point is that forgiveness may just be a process of glorification of evil and be complacent with it.
In my view if one can resolve a negativity by self transformation and meditation, then where is the need of forgiveness to be manifested at all??!

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I appreciate the depth to your thinking, but more importantly I appreciate how you choose to use this depth for the greater good during this time of spiritual degeneracy.

When I began restructuring my neurological psychosis I was 33 as well. The ultimate irony in dismantling of these ingrained societal constructs is that it can and will be labelled/perceived as psychosis by those who are still fully deluded.

Which ultimately gives a greater context to the spiritual vigilance that is necessary for us to navigate our way through society.

Maintaining non-reactive stoicism is tough, especially if one is sensitive to energies and can sense when spiritual attack is in real-time progress, but it almost always results in better outcomes when we remain stoic and seemingly unphased.

I often wonder about the jabs and medications, if they serve to maintain the neurological mass psychosis, and in my wondering the answer is absolutely yes this contributes to their inability to connect the dots on a deeper level.

"When you see the truth, you can't unsee it." ...Indeed...

The thoughts regarding forgiveness are interesting. This is something I think about quite often, and I see it like this:

Forgiveness is not necessary. Acceptance is necessary.

If one is to forgive a spiritually inept individual, are they not cosigning agreement to accept the evil that was done to them?

When one can come to a place of acceptance, then one can move on from the traumatic elements that ties the individual to the spiritual degradation of the memory.

If the one in "need" of forgiveness actually shifts their spirit to good and takes full meaningful accountability, then perhaps forgiveness is in order, otherwise I see a world of people who mostly never change.

Awesome thoughts you shared in this video. It's a breath of fresh air to see others out there who are thinking straight like yourself.

Hey man!

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to listen to my ramble. Your words really encourage me to share more of my thoughts.

Maintaining non-reactive stoicism is tough, especially if one is sensitive to energies and can sense when spiritual attack is in real-time progress, but it almost always results in better outcomes when we remain stoic and seemingly unphased.

I often wonder about the jabs and medications, if they serve to maintain the neurological mass psychosis, and in my wondering the answer is absolutely yes this contributes to their inability to connect the dots on a deeper level.

You hit the tomato on the head. We've been pushed into a drug dependent society for many decades, whether it is indirect drip-feeding of drugs (in our food, water, air) or direct influence glamourized by the media. The drug society has created abused people whos lifeline depends on substances, from sun up to sun down it's all substances. And now we move into the age of digital substances, with all its various outlets and platforms, keeping tabs on all variations of attention spans on all spectrums of interests.

The jabs are not only devious for their poisons, but it serves to bridge the gap between the physical body with the legal system, for which in the jabs hold the key in solidifying the man/woman into their legal system. Before this shit, there were remedies available to the man/woman who understood how the legal system works and where it all comes from (birth certificate fraud - see Justinian Deception youtube channel); as we move into a paperless world, that remedy/loophole of the system needed to be closed, but the Bastards have done it...they've found a way.

Regarding your past psychosis, what's the story?

It's a pleasure brother, I appreciate people like yourself who've put in the work that so many are afraid to put in.

I'd say my story isn't much different than the majority. Broken home in childhood, joined the military to escape it, became a hardcore drug addict during my entire twenties, and came close to death as a result of abusing myself to drown out the madness.

After that didn't work I just had to face life in a way I never had prior, and the obviousness of the lies of this world started becoming apparent.

I went down many rabbit holes of thought and research, and still do sometimes, but ultimately rabbit holes are just ponderings in a big play that we have little influence over, other than how we choose to compose ourselves and perceive the world around us. I feel we have to be the change we want to see and that's about the only influence we really have.

I mostly perceive it as a dark depressing place these days with hoards of people who've all but given up on themselves and their neighbors, so to me the most important thing these days is having purpose and sharing these insights with people who are willing to listen.

Who's willing to listen anymore though? The theatre has all but cleared out and now I'm just talking to the janitors as we blaze a big fat joint looking at the brick walls surrounding us.

When does the next play start, that seems to be the topic of discussion ;D

Cheers bro, stay vigilant out there.