THE WAR: Ending the WWII

in #hive-1223155 days ago

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Two years ago I wrote a text titled THE WAR: Unfinished War where I explained why The Second World War was only apparently finished with the German capitulation signed on May 8th, 1945 in Berlin…

The false history of that war is crumbling before our eyes today. Today, it has been fully exposed who the warring powers really were, and this knowledge dictates the need to finally end the Second World War. With the end of the Cold War the balance of the great powers was shattered, and that was a certain sign that we will soon have a new rebalancing – A Great War.

But how will that war unfold? To assess the balance of power in the conflict that has already begun, you will hardly find a better connoisseur than Andrey Martyanov, an expert on Russian military and naval issues, and rocket weapons. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group.

He authored four books:

LOSING MILITARY SUPREMACY: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning
The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs
DISINTEGRATION Indicators of the Coming American Collapse

And the latest one:



He blogs at his smoothiex12 blog and is very often a guest on YouTube channels where he provides very precise analyzes of events in the key hotspots of the planet. Last Monday he came out with an extremely interesting assessment of future events in the European theater of war. I recommend reading his short text:

* * *  Reminiscence of the Future…  * * *
by Andrei Martyanov

Monday, October 14th, 2024

People ask me why I insist that the SMO is effectively a closing salvo of WW II. My first book is largely about it without stating it like this. But with Kazan BRICS summit coming and new reports pouring in about atrocities committed by “mercenaries” from the West and about their (very low) combat qualities, one begins to understand why they hate Russia. This also explains why they cannot lose as in maintaining a degree of decency and honor when defeated. And they have been defeated. Now comes this sensitive issue of how much, in the end, Nazis influenced the US – a lot, but we knew that. The issue, however, is larger, it is metaphysical. The moment the West is defeated and enters “arrangement” phase…

Translation: VATICAN CITY, October 14 – RIA Novosti. Pope Francis’ envoy for a settlement in Ukraine, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, arrived in Russia on Monday to assess efforts to facilitate family reunification and prisoner exchanges, the Holy See press service told RIA Novosti. “I confirm that Cardinal Matteo Zuppi began a new visit to Moscow today as part of the mission entrusted to him by Pope Francis last year to meet with the authorities and assess further efforts to facilitate the reunification of Ukrainian children with their families and the exchange of prisoners,” a Vatican press service spokesman said. Earlier, a RIA Novosti source reported that Zuppi had met with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov; this information was confirmed by the Russian Foreign Ministry. Another source did not rule out a meeting between the cardinal and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

I don’t doubt for a second that Vatican and its envoy have humanitarian aspirations and are genuine in that. But Pope’s envoy is in Moscow not for that as a main item of discussion. They are not idiots in Vatican, they have been doing this for centuries, including assisting in saving remnants of Nazi big honchos in 1945. But this time Vatican knows that Russia has all economic, military, diplomatic, political and intellectual resources to finish the combined West off as a threat. The Western Europe in 1944 was ‘saved’ from the Red Army marching in 1946 to France, thus obtaining a full control of Europe, not least through massive political power on the Communist and real left-wing parties in Italy, Greece, France etc. It was ‘saved’ by Anglo-American Allies. But then, the USSR lay in ruins, courtesy of the unified European Nazi forces, today the picture is radically different--it is the combined West which is hollowed out economically, militarily and spiritually. So, Vatican needs to know what’s next. They worry… and rightly so.

Next is the dismantling of the Western institutions which allowed morally bankrupt Western Europe, as an active enabler of Nazism economically and militarily, and as a tacit supporter of the Nazi vision in the East, to continue after the WW II and even prosper. This time is over – it is the combined West which must be denazified. I talk about it in my today’s video and Kazan-2024. And Vatican knows that once Russia withdraws from European geopolitical project of the last 1,000 years, Europe and the West are over. Russia is the only country in the world which can obliterate the West physically, economically and morally and Russians, it seems, finally made up their mind. Stalin was explicit on May 9, 1945.

The great sacrifices we made in the name of the freedom and independence of our Motherland, the incalculable privations and sufferings experienced by our people in the course of the war, the intense work in the rear and at the front, placed on the altar of the Motherland, have not been in vain, and have been crowned by complete victory over the enemy. The age-long struggle of the Slav peoples for their existence and their independence has ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny. Henceforth the great banner of the freedom of the peoples and peace among peoples will fly over Europe.

Europe doesn’t deserve freedom and it is time to finish the job.

* * *   End of Text   * * *

Brace yourselves, this is going to be a very bumpy ride…

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THE WAR and the Revolution [eng/срп] РАТ и Револуција

THE WAR against Man

РАТ против Човека (Serbian)

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THE WAR: Watch the Water [eng/срп] РАТ: Чувајте се воде

РАТ из угла Никите Михалкова (Serbian)

THE WAR: Of the nature of Evil [eng/срп] РАТ: О природи зла

THE WAR: Neocortical war [eng/срп] РАТ: Неокортикални рат

THE WAR: Is Poland Next? [eng/срп] РАТ: Да ли је Пољска следећа?

THE WAR: Collective Nervous Breakdown [eng/срп] РАТ: Колективни нервни слом

BITCOIN: Russia Returns to Gold! [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Русија се враћа злату!

BREAKING NEWS: Financial Nuke! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Финансијска нуклеарка!

March 24th 1999 – NATO Aggression on FRY [eng/срп] 24. март 1999 – НАТО напада СРЈ

BREAKING NEWS: Financial Nuke! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Финансијска нуклеарка!

THE WAR: The Demon Seed [eng/срп] РАТ: Демонско семе

THE WAR: Global corporations go full Nazi mode [eng/срп] РАТ: Глобалне корпорације откривају нацистичко лице

THE WAR: Geopolitics of Ukraine [eng/срп] РАТ: Геополитика Украјине

Коронапревара и биолабораторије у Србији (Serbian)

THE WAR: The day NATO cease to exist [eng/срп] РАТ: Дан кад је НАТО престао да постоји

THE WAR: Biological War [eng/срп] РАТ: Биолошки рат

THE WAR: Fighting Censorship [eng/срп] РАТ: Борба против цензуре

THE WAR: Choosing Sides [eng/срп] РАТ: Бирање стране

THE WAR: Truth as the First Casualty [eng/срп] РАТ: Истина као прва жртва

BREAKING: Russia starts special military operation in Ukraine [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Русија започела специјалну војну операцију у Украјини

THE WAR: Sport is War [eng/срп] РАТ: Спорт је рат

THE WAR: Russian Response [eng/срп] РАТ: Руски одговор

* * *

Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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There is an issue not addressed here, which is that the West joined the Soviet Union in militarily destroying the actual Nazis. Certain policies of the Nazis were anathema in the West and still are today. This caused many people's brain to explode when Azov, Right Sector, and other Ukrainian groups funded and armed by the West against Russia were openly Nazi - and this inevitably was learned by people that hadn't been aware of it.

What is the difference between overt Nazism that is demonized in the West and the covert Nazism that is being claimed the West still engenders? In what ways is National Socialism still being promoted and remains the policies of countries of the West - who are all opening their borders to hordes of racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse immigrants, almost without any vetting whatsoever - which is directly contrary to the fundamental ethnonationalism of National Socialism. Clearly, that is the not the Nazism being referred to, because that is literally anathema to the West today.

What is Nazism without that ethnonationalism component?


West joined the Soviet Union in militarily destroying the actual Nazis.

Wrong assumption, @valued-customer. West was actually saving their Nazi project from the total destruction. Remember Paperclip and the Rat Channels?

Sure. But that was after Eisenhower starved ~1m soldiers to death. That was after the utter destruction of Germany and the people of Germany, the production facilities, the armies of the Nazis. The overt Nazi government was utterly destroyed and then the few scientists and officials were sucked out of the survivors with Paperclip and smuggled into the West.

It's not an assumption. Overt Nazism was destroyed by the West allied to the Soviet Union.

It's not an assumption. Overt Nazism was destroyed by the West allied to the Soviet Union.

Overt Nazism was destroyed by Soviet Union Red Army. Alfred Jodl attempted to surrender to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Reims, France, but since it was not accepted by the Red Army, they insisted German High Command must ratify the capitulation. The surrender ceremony was repeated in Berlin on 8/9 May.

West was basically murdering German civilians testing, for example, new thermobaric bombs on innocent people of Dresden. But Nazi army capitulated to the Red Army only.

West didn’t destroy ‘Overt Nazism’, because they have saved every overt Nazi they could find. See the example of Yaroslav Hunka

They destroyed Germany so they could control it, and after the war install NATO under the slogan: “To keep US Army in, Germans down and Russians out”. That is no secret in history.