Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 70~71 "JEFFREY(J)"

in #hive-1223152 months ago


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

The following records are from page 70 to 71, "JEFFREY(J)". You can see Alan Dershouwitz(lawyer, former professor at Harvard Law School, on page 71).


"JEFFREY(J)" - continued

Anthony Barrett, Ossa Properties, 30 East 60th Street, Room 403, New York NY 10022, 212 288 3579(h), 212 702 8818(w), Email:ossa1@aol.com, (Hm)27 East 65th (h), Apt. 2A, New York NY 10021, 718 268 7331(f), 212 702 8814(wf), 212 288 3579 Donna Landa - home, 718 575 1000 Ossa Prop, 908 249 3633x Donna Landa - work, 917 612 4137(p)

Jonathan Barret, 220 E. 83rd street #PH, New York NY 10021, 212 644 3012(h), 001 212 816 9519(w), Email:J3arrett@aol.com jbarret, (Hm)Luminus Management, 499 8th Ave. 20th fl, New York NY 10001, 917 494 2792(p), 310 260 4989(h), 212 615 3424(w), 212 615 3430(wf)

Jerry Beck, Office of Prot. Oper, The Limited Inc, 4751 Kilzmiller Rd., New Albany Ohio 43054(h), Two Limited Pky, Columbus Ohio 43230, 614-415-7194, 614-415-7171

Albert Benamou, 16 Avenue Matignon, Paris France 75008, 331 45 63 12 21(o), 331 45 63 22 11(f), Email:benamou@art-culture.com, (Hm)(home) 18 Blvd. Georges Seurat, 92 300 Neuilly Sur Seine, 0607011918 cell, 0140883637 home

Sophie Biddle-Hakim, Husband: Gilbert Hakim, Do no send mail to: 249 West 76th Street, Apt 2A, New York NY 10023, 212 873 2344(h), (Hm) Send mail to:, 1349 Comstock Ave, Wastwood CA 90024, 401 423 0495 Parents/Rhode Island, 310 463 5759(p), 310 553 5218(h)

Nadia Bjorlin, 3 Longboat, Newport Coast CA 92657, 949 500 5555(p), 413 637 9745, 818 404 7575(p)

Leon Black, Apollo Management L.P., 1301 Avenue of the Americas(w, 38th Floor, between 52nd and 53rd, New York NY 10019, 212-515-3205(w), 212-515-3261(wf), Email:black@nyc.apolloip.com, (Hm) Residence, 760 Park Avenue, (Entrance on 72), New York NY 10021, 212 288 5576(h), 631 283 4650, 914 234 9685 Bedford, 212 794 0227(hf)

David Borden, President, Victoria International Corp., 187 West Brookline St., Boston, MA 02118, 617-247-4100(w), 617-247-0038(wf), Email:davidaborden@aol.com, 617-233-3084(p)

Kelly Bovino, 120 Hart Avenue, Santa Monica CA 90405, 310 396 9948(h), Email:kbovino@aol.com, 310 286 0271 ext.113(w), 310 286 0279(wf), 310 722 9948(p)

Coco Brown, Brown Companies, 461 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10016, 212-683-4400, 212-685-0011(f), (Hm)59 East 90th, New York, NY 10028, 212-289 55 53(h), 646 281 8158(p), 631 537 3714 Country

Buckingham Research, David Keidah, 750 Third Avenue 6th Floor, 212 922-5525 or 26, 212 922 5717(f), 212 922 5543 Bob Crowley

Butler Aviation Newark, (new name), Signature Flight Support, Hanger 15, Newark International Airport, Newark NJ 07114, 201-624-1660

Michelle Campos, 11 Dash Place, Bronx NY 10463, 718 884 6586(h), 646 418 9306(p), Email:michelle@naproperty.com


Jimmy Cayne, President & CEO, Bear Stearns, 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10167, 212-272-6439(w), 212-272-7808(wf), Email:patjimma@aol.com, jcayne@, (Hm)510 Park Avenue Apt 6A, New York NY 10022, 212-832-1707 Home, 212-272-2435 Suzette Direct, 917-992-4999(p), 908-222-7177 h - NJ, 212-826-6369(hf), 908-222-7773 2nd Home Fax, 212 272 7808 Suzette's fax, 917 992 4999 Pat Cayne, 732 229 2574(hf)

Silas Chou, 80 Chester Square, London SW1W 9DU, 917 353 6522(p), +44 207 758 8686(w), Email:silas.chou@aspucy-gavvavd, (Hm)(work), A&G UK LTD, 8 Grafton Street, London W1S 4EL UK, +44 207 730 2838(h), +852 2371 8718(w HK), +852 2371 8505(w HK), +852 2370 1305(wf HK), +852 9499 8708(p HK), +44 207 730 2808(hf), 917 353 6522(p), 917 602 1251 driver, 212 548 1388(w), 212 548 1381 other, 212 548 1350(wf), 0777 484 2756 emergency - Driver Iffy

Daniel, 011 537 879 17 82

Dayle Davison, Citibank, 153 E 53 St. 18th flr, New York New York 10022, 001 212 559 3366(w), 001 212 559 0889(f), 666-8875 Home, 559 6083 Geoff VonKuhn

George Delson, George Delson & Associates, 110 E 59 St. Floor 28(w), New York New York 10022, 212 909 9680(w), 212 355 1421(f), Email:gvdassoc.com, (Hm)135 East 83rd St.(h), New York NY 10021, 212 288 1282(h), 917 834 4716(p), 917 414 4260(car)

Catherine Derby, 332 E. 84th St. #1G, New York NY 10028, 646 263 2627(p), Email:catherine@naproperty.com

Alan Dershouwitz, 617 651 1965 firs, 8 Golden Rod Way, Chilmark MA 02535, 617 495 4617(w), 617 495 7855(wf), Email:alder@law.harvard.edu, (Hm)26 Reservoir Street(h), Cambridge MA 02138, 617 319 9892(p) New Cell 11-6-02, 508 645 9040 Marthas Vineyard, 508 645 3774 MV fax, 212 573 6685 NY Apartment, 617 661 0351 Carolyn Cohen (h), 617 576 1353(hf), 617 974 7013(car), 617 661 1965(h) First, 000000000000000(p), 212 573 6885 NEW NY #(12-7-01)

Dr. Gerald Edelman, Dr., Neurosciences Research, Neurosciences Research Foun, 10640 John Jay Hoppkins Dr., San Diego CA 92121, 858-626-2000, 858-626-2099(f), Email:edelman@nsi.edu, (Hm)7428 High Avenue, La Jolla CA 92037, 858-454-5571(h), 858-775-7129(p), 858 454 0532(hf), 212 861 8218(h), 858 626 2050(w-direct), 858 626 2099(wf)

Don Engle, 570 Park Avenue #2B, New York NY 10021, 01 212 371 1913(h), 01 212 371 2775(w)

EPSTEIN - PORTA - BLES, 800 759 5665 #402 931 8525 2nd Flight phone, 646 541 1751 Timeport, 319-540-2265 Gulfstream N909
JE (air), 319-540-8265 Gulfstream N909JE (ground), 319 540 2558(air) 727 N908JE, 319 540 8558 (ground) 727 N908JE, 651 796 5194 (satellite/emergencies) N908JE, 917 497 4880 spare 727 p, 011 881 6314 54353 satellite - GM, 011 881 6314 54123 satellite - pilots, 917 545 6300 Guest cell

Jeffrey Epstein, Epstein Interests, Alarm #64548, 457 Madison Avenue - 4th Floor, New York NY 10022, 212-750-9895, 212-371-8042, Email:jeffreye@mindspring.com, 888 783 3212 JE E-Fax (pin 0120), 917 400 1315 Yuni (p), 718 263 7182 Yuni (h), 203 762 2539 Eric (h), 203 984-6064 Eric (car), 516 791 3744 Jeff S (h), 516 578 7888 Jeff (p), 212 988 3509 Darren (h), 646 246 6434 Darren (p), 212 831 3253 Lauren (h), 917 496 6126 Lauren (p), 212 758 0256 Cimberly (h), 212 486 6609 Lesley (h), 973 650 8447 Lesley (p), 718 230 1767 Helen (h), 212 935 3961 Front Desk, 212 935 3960 457 Mad. Switchboard, 212 319 8113 Dictaphone, 718 787 0327 Al Castricone - 457 Manager(h), 917 217 6583 Al Castricone (p)