All of the images I am going to show you in this post were created today with the help of an AI text prompt software called midjourney and aside from having my mind blown by what is unquestionably the most exciting artistic tool I have ever come across, I am wondering now if we don't perhaps live in a simulation after all.
The image above was created in 60 seconds using the following words:
hive network world computer connectivity forest city ideas fractals thoughts
To be fair it wasn't quite that simple. The AI gave me these four options to choose from based on those words.
I chose number 4 (bottom right) and asked for further variations after which it gave me these.
I chose number 4 again for upscaling and that's the final image at the top of this post.
After a few further variations I also produced this one which I quite like.
More like an awesome futuristic city of blockchain bloggers reaching our influence out into the world.
Finally I created this one before moving on.
What does this mean for us?
Personally speaking this is big news because now I can create awesome powerful images which fit perfectly the theme of my posts. Like this one I used in my last post to sum up my current journey into free energy and electroculture.
I can get it done quickly and I own the copyright to the images.
Beyond this there are literally endless applications, some of which I will go into now.
One year ago Esteban & I started writing a book for children about the covid scam entitled 'The dragon who tricked the world to be afraid of the dark'. We have the first five chapters in place but were struggling to find the right copyright free images online to fit with our words. Now all we have to do is type.
baby dragon looking at his mother in a jungle
The more specific one is with their words, the more specific the image will be and it is important to note here that the midjourney AI is tailored to a more fantasy type reality as its default mode but can in fact be adjusted to fit any style you like.
A little "original" @samstonehill M C Escher style for you here.
reaching for thoughts in the style of escher
You can combine artist styles, use the faces of your favourite TV stars, locations or even vehicles or costumes from your favourite films. If it's online the AI will find it. You can instruct it to favour certain attributes or fade others out with each new render.
It was Luna's sixth birthday today so I made her a few cakes.
She was happy.
I mean really. She was seriously happy.
Esteban wanted to see what happened if we put "cat tree with elephant and dinosaur"
While Luna wanted "fairy sharks"
What about Luke Skywalker having tea with Sonic?
Even single words like "Earthship" will give us amazing results:
Though apparently this AI has not been doing its homework because it has no idea what "Electroculture" is, giving me these weird looking images which have nothing to do with it.
Just thinking about my desire to design our future home I realise now this AI may be able to help inspire ideas. It will cost me very little to look at 100 potential designs within very specific parameters, from which I can develop the aspects I like the look of.
Sabrina makes clothes pretty regularly now so she will be using it to suggest dress designs for her based on certain key words (elegant, backless, dinner party etc) combined with famous designer's styles she likes.
Beyond this I actually feel inspired to restart my Abraham-hicks series because now I can create an original image to go with every single post which visually represents words like these ones:
"Reach for the thought that feels better" - Abraham
I made the image with the following words:
reaching for thoughts dmt fractals jungle
You can also upload existing photos and merge them together or drop them into themes of your choice.
I tried it out with this picture of Luna.
Asking for it to merge her face with a "fantasy fairy land".
A bit freaky-looking with just the single image but it is possible to upload five images, so I am hoping this makes the face look more like the actually person. If not now, you can be sure this upgrade is coming.
The craziest part of all of this is that I own the rights to these images and can legally make the claim that I created them. Sure doesn't feel that way from where I am standing but why not?
It does take some skill to figure out how it all works at first (on Discord using a bot) and to learn the limitations and strong points of the AI.
It takes some life experience too, to know what certain words like DMT, opium, LSD or weed will do to your images (based on popular descriptions online of what effects these drugs have on humans).
Those who have a better understanding of art history will find it easier to create a style of their own by merging the styles of all their favourite artists.
Those who have a stronger imagination, better understanding of words, language or even poetry will also be able to produce more interesting variations than those whose have a less developed vocabulary or imagination. So certainly this is a skill and it is not for everyone, but ultimately it could be.
If you already make a living from your design work you may want to look at this before you become obsolete. Trust me, that clock is ticking.
Final thoughts
Any kind of visual arts designer you can think of will benefit from this. Book illustrators, furniture designers, architects, photographers, website designers, comic book artists, the list is endless. But one of the most obvious down-sides however is that it creates a world in which we all stay at home and do everything on a computer or a phone. We will ultimately forget how to paint glorious works of art, how to take photographs, how to compose music or how tell wonderful stories without the assistance of AI.
In time it will replace the need for University graduates who are much more expensive than an AI which is 1000 times more creative and less forgetful. Let us not forget, the goal of the elite is exactly this. We are to be made redundant, replaced by robots, crippled and reliant on the system. So we should resist it with all our might and opt always for nature & intuition over computers & data!
But it isn't as simple as that is it.
Technology evolves quickly these days and you either take advantage or you get left behind. Crypto I would say is a pretty good example of that. So once the masses know about this it will be too late to benefit from it.
Technology does in fact have a place in our lives but only when the heart of the user is true. Like it or lump it, AI is here and it is here to stay so you might as well use it to your advantage. When the time comes I will be ready to disconnect myself from the system.
I mentioned in my opening statement the idea of living in a simulation and your mind likely pushed back against it. Understandably so. The notion is absurd right?
Yet the technology to bypass a keyboard and think those prompt words instead of type them is already in existence. So too is the technology which replaces our screens with a direct feed to our neural cortex and while the rise of processing power and internet speed shows no sign of slowing down it won't be long before these images can be replaced with animations which play like a film before our eyes, interacting with our every thought.
Needless to say it will be difficult at this stage to tell the difference between reality and digital. So is it really that hard to imagine a world in which we are actually asleep in our cryopods (aged 1,360 years) busy living our 17th simulated life?
You can try to distance yourself from AI (which will ultimately become impossible while living in the modern world) or you can embrace it in moderation and see where it takes you. In a few years from now you may as a creative have no choice.
I believe we are already very close to the point where the person once known as a film-maker will open his device and say "make me an award winning film with a woman who resembles ... with a man who resembles ... with a story which resembles ... in a style which resembles ..."
And it will.
And people won't care who made the film.
They will only care that the film was awesome.
While my instinct tells me that used in the right hands this tool could be of great benefit to humanity I am conscious too that technology like this only reaches us the public when the wrong hands are done with it and our digital destiny has already been mapped out for us.
So my end goal with all of this (no more than ten years from now) is therefore to throw every single digital device I have in a hole and bury them (for electroculture purposes!) in order that I may attend fully to my land, to my family, to my friends, to nature and to the non physical aspects of my life, away from the prying eyes of the digital beast which will only grow and grow until we completely disconnect from it.
Until then I intend to use this new toy to the best of my ability to bring Love & Light to everyone, in a world where my imagination is my only limitation 🌱
Earth battery vs Lithium battery experiment update
Number of days experiment has been running: 6
Number of lithium batteries consumed: 0
To learn more about this experiment please check this post.