My diary, 16th. Ukraine, Kharkiv (35-th day of war)

in #hive-1223152 years ago

Today my friend and I went for a real walk. Not in queues for groceries, but as before - without haste and tension, sometimes laughing. We sat in the park.

We were in the air for a total of about four hours. In the end, I even got fed up with the street.

In the evening, a fire broke out again in the city. At first, standing on the balcony, I noticed that the house opposite was blinking strangely in the dark. It was a reflection from the fire. This glow was noticeable from all parts of the city. Clouds in the sky only heightened the effect.
According to information from the public, the gas pipeline was on fire.

People are already starting to get tired of the shitty news.
And the brain is already tired of calculating options - how to be and what to do if this and that happens..

One thing pleases, spring is showing up more and more, grass is growing on the street and it with the trees doesn’t care at all that the 'most perfect organisms' of the planet decided to shoot and kill each other.
Сегодня мы с другом по-настоящему погуляли. Ни в очередях за продуктами, а как раньше - без спешки и напряжения, иногда смеясь. Посидели в парке. Мы находились на воздухе суммарно около четырех часов. Под конец я даже пресытился улицей.

Вечером опять в городе случился пожар. Сначала, стоя на балконе, я заметил, что дом напротив как-то странно мигает в темноте. Это было отражение от огня. Зарево было заметно со всех районов города. Тучи в небе только усилили эффект.
По информации из пабликов - горел газопровод.

Люди уже начинают уставать от дерьмовых новостей.
Да и мозг уже устал просчитывать варианты - как быть и что делать, если случится то и то..

Одно радует, весна все сильнее проявляется, на улице растет трава и ей с деревьями вообще нет дела до того что 'самые совершенные организмы' планеты решили пострелять и поубивать друг друга.



The images of war anywhere in the world do not suit the 21st century, I wish a lasting peace as soon as possible..

Thank you, it's nice to read this)

Have you said anything on the record, here on the blockchain, about any of the other numerous war zones around the world, condemning the perpetrators of violence and aggression? I wonder, how many wars is your own country party to, how many are waged on your soil or with your tacit silent agreement? Fuck your bullshit sentiments, fuck your inconsequential sympathy, if you don't have the IQ to observe who Started this conflict, and exactly when it became a war, and how it escalated and who escalated, and to condemn them for it, your bullshit sentiments only encourage more Tacit Agreement, more Fake Bullshit Sentiments from sympathy leeches, and in effect add to the problem, especially considering the propaganda you've been spinning as of late.

I wonder, what were your thoughts on Covid? Muh Restrictions, Muh Vaccines, muh Masks?


The horse shit of "If you have nothing nice to say than don't say anything" works diabolically well to maintain silence in the face of injustice, and in turn embolden the already cheeky, and radicalize even more the extremists.

I'd much rather be that one asshole, scrutinizing silence. You claim to be powerless, to be innocent, and I am here to ask for Receipts, anything?

More silent agreement?

Such interesting sentiment... sounds like you're doing nothing different... all typing condemnation while doing the exact same... what do you expect him to do? Not everyone is Rambo.

Thanks, Bob. But now many are full of hatred for one side or the other. Maybe he just misunderstood my thoughts. But this is just my diary in essence, I will continue and I'll not be triggered

Good idea. I do love that nothing is censored here...I also appreciate your views because it shows humanity during war people live the day to day while all hell is breaking loose around them. Keep writing! I think one day you'll look back at these writings and be very glad you did! Also, you've been able to accumulate a good amount of coins. If you would like me to show you what to do with them, I can give you some ideas.

That would be great) Thanks

Nothing different than being silent, correct? Can't expect them to condemn a war of 8 years? No, I expect him to Fight the war, correct, and I'm not doing anything else, just pushing sentiments of sympathy, nothing more and nothing less, correct?

Your silence is what the Nazi are dependent on. Just remember that, you can sit here and journal about your situation, while your silent agreement to what your supposed government and military is doing aids and enables them to continue waging war on Your Behalf. Meanwhile, the truth is pouring out of the Donbass, the truth is let out by plenty of people, in Kharkiv and elsewhere, while your silence is Resounding.

Everyone is a victim it seems, nobody is to blame, and ignoring it will make it go away, even after Donbass is no longer occupied by the Nazi, its not as if they wouldn't just evaporate if you bury your head in the sand, after all, who are you, what is your resounding condemnation and silent agreement but the essence of one self.