Canada and the World Economic Forum - A Deep Dive Intro

in #hive-1223152 years ago

Trudeau Chatelaine WEF.jpeg
source: chatelaine

But what we are very proud of now, the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of Argentina, and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.

So, yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet or even more than half of his cabinet are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Form.

  • World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman - Klaus Schwab

These are the words of Klaus Schwab opining on the success of his organization's Young Global Leaders program. Much has been made of this statement in the media and on online forums. Legacy media derides any discussion of the "Great Reset" put forth by Schwab and members of the World Economic Forum as nothing but online conspiracy theory that "Reads like a Globalist Plot with Some Plot Holes" according to Canada's CBC news.

Curiously, at a recent session in Canadian parliament a question addressing comments made by the head of the WEF appears to have slipped through the cracks. During question period, Conservative member of parliament Colin Carrie posed a question originating from a concerned constituent asking the following.

“Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, and he bragged how his subversive WEF has “infiltrated” governments around the world,” said Carrie. “In the interests of transparency, could the member please name which cabinet ministers are on board with the WEF’s agenda?”

Appearing visibly flustered by the unexpected question the Speaker of the House, Chris d'Entremont, fumbled the question. First stating that it was a great question and then quickly feigning technical difficulties attempting to move along as if the question was never posed.

New Democratic Party member Charlie Angus followed by claiming that the member's question "was openly promoting disinformation".

The problem with completely dismissing the question as "disinformation" is that the member was simply quoting Klaus Schwab when he spoke at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government on September 27, 2017.

This post, one on a series focused on the WEF, aims to shed some light on whether or not the Canadian government has been infiltrated by the WEF "Great Reset" agenda.

The "Great Reset"

Essentially, Covid-19 provides the background for the "Great Reset" championed by the WEF during the ongoing global health crisis that has gripped the planet for nearly two full years.

The premise is simple, that the current crisis provides an opportunity for a drastic transformation of society ushering in a new era with the potential to reshape our relationship to public health, technology , politics and the economy.

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world"

  • Klaus Schwab

The World Economic Forum is best known for hosting an elite annual retreat at the Swiss ski resort at Davos that boasts a who's who of global political power and high finance. Once a year the world's elite converge on Davos to discuss the world's most pressing issues.

The exclusive meetings boast a guest list that includes: heads of state, royalty, tech CEOS, media, financial titans and other powerful, wealthy and influential individuals from around the world.

Davos is an invite only event and traditionally the names of attendees have remained secret though in recent years list have been made public. A heavily armed private security force is dedicated to making sure that only those who have been invited have access to the multi-day conference. Even private security for the elite guests are not permitted during the retreat.

Though the WEF has been around for decades, what actually goes on at the Davos event remains shrouded in mystery. Is it simply a weekend get-away? "So what!", the legacy media tells us, "Who cares what the uber-rich and powerful do in their free time! If they want to let their hair down and hit the slopes with their peers, it's not a conspiracy you paranoid plebs!"

But should we be concerned that our elected officials, whose duty it is to serve the people who elected them as their representatives, are hob'nobbing with the the world's elite and global heads of industry?

It begs numerous questions:

Whose interests do our elected officials actual serve?

What is taught to the Young Global Leaders of the WEF?

What ideologies return home with attendees?

What influence does a conference of the world's elite have over national governments, free societies and open democracies?

What influence does the WEF, and the interests that they represent, have over the government of Canada?

This series on the WEF intends to provide some observations that will help to paint a clearer picture as to the extent of the WEF's influence in Canadian politics.

Canadians at Davos

There's a long list of Canadians who have ties to the WEF or have attended Davos summits. Some names are instantly recognizable while others are not so well known, yet their positions in key institutions are significant.

Here's a list of the current Canadian members and some past attendees of the WEF.
[*The names of some members have been removed from the official WEF website but have been archived]

Notable Canadian attendees from Davos 2020


Mark Carney
Governor of the Bank of England
Level 3Top Central Bank

David McKay
President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Canada
Level 1Top Executive

Darryl White
Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group, Canada
Level 1Top Executive


François Legault
Premier of Quebec, Canada
Level 4Sub-National/Regional Head

William Francis Morneau
Minister of Finance of Canada
Level 3Minister

Navdeep Bains
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada
Level 3Minister


Stephen J. Adler
Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, Canada
Level 1Editor-in-Chief

Robert Cox
Global Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, Canada
Level 1Editor-in-Chief

David Walmsley
Editor-in-Chief, Globe and Mail, Canada
Level 1Editor-in-Chief

Alessandra Galloni
Global Managing Editor, Reuters, Canada
Level 2Journalist

Simon Robinson
Global Managing Editor, Newsroom, Reuters, Canada
Level 2Journalist

Axel Threlfall
Editor-at-Large, Reuters, Canada
Level 2Journalist

WEF Board of Trustees

WEF board of Trustees.png

There are two prominent Canadians that are members of the Board of Trustees. First, there is Chrystia Freeland who simultaneously holds two key positions in the Canadian government as the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and as Canada's Finance Minister. She's a member of the Liberal party of Canada and a graduate of Harvard.

The other Canadian on the WEF board of Trustees is former governor of the Bank of Canada, Mark Carney (2008-2013), who more recently completed a term as the head of the bank of England (2013-2020). There has been a lot of speculation that Carney may be eyeing the Liberal party leadership after Trudeau's tenure ends. Along with Freeland and Carney, several more Canadians also contribute to the Davos agenda.

The CEO of the Bank of Montreal, Darryl White is listed as a contributor to the WEF, the vice president of the Royal Bank of Canada, John Stackhouse, and the former Editor-in-Chief of Reuters, Stephen Adler to name just a few.

To be clear, simply by attending Davos is not a crime and does not necessarily mean that attendees are part of a plot to take over the world. However, this series aims to unravel some of the mystery surrounding the WEF and Davos while hopefully provide a more complete picture of the organizations power and influence.

This post is simply an overview and sets the table for the deep dives to follow. In part 1 we'll examine the political dimension by looking at key members in Canada's parliament and at top ministers in Trudeau's cabinet.



Ah the WEF.

Probably the modern equivalent of trying to be the medieval Catholic Church. Kinda funny how things change, but the structures never seem to.

What an excellent analogy!

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Why no #Switzerland tag?

The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland.

So many tags, so little time...

Notice many "new users" on Hive? Not many, like this place is a disease. No outside communities bringing in new comers. No other sites having many links or no links to any articles from Hive on sites that show professional interests they view as noteworthy to a profession or hobby. Hive articeles are rare on Wouldnt people post on with links to their articles attracting their own new following and groups? No crypto forums acknowledge Hive exists as a place to be either. Ever seen a person asking for support show a way to give support with HIVE listed as a supporting wallet address? Is there a world address on Hive for countries made more unfortunate because of Hive? Would a large Hive holder or large earner of Hive donate a LARGE amount of Hive to help support Ukraine? What? Support something thing that could attract unwanted media attention? Nothing to see here......I dont get out much though.

People are hiding exposure to Hive. People either play dumb, could be scared or intimidated, mislead or dont beilieve it. Maybe just not electronically cultured enough to know. Who knows. Its mostly fake with fake attention paid for by people with ill intentions as many do gloating in their own groups special mindset. Such a small town here to support this kind of high pay. Who is buying Hive tokens with no notable new user base coming in? People trying to buy this place as a grooming ground on the sly. Articles that arent in the interests of their own goals and views dont get much attention. I dont see many high paid articles I would put on a real news sites or link to as noteworthy. Be part of one of their groups and they groom you. They buy comment and article writers in ways that keep their lies hidden. Here to take our FREEDOMS completely in treason as the sacks of shit they are.

Most interest groups and businesses have discord rooms on the side because they wont talk here or more able to teach views there to shill out of public view. They can do odd stuff to you in discord rooms they cant do here. I’ve seen people get mugged and shaken down in discords, be careful while visiting new discords, even if they are a business. They shut down the discord room along with all of the evidence of their crimes the group around @fyrstikken and his discord server @steemspeak. They also hide behind skirts there while on the creep like they do in the new ones they are in.

The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.

I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.

Hey @v4vapid ! I just wanted to pop by and say a massive thank you for your generous upvote on my recent video that i put out called NWO Blues! (

I am at a loss for words, and my thanks i can only give. Stay safe, and let's win this together!

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Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

As long as the foundation is that we will kill you to control you everything else is extraneous.
Window dressing on a stage play.

Definitely we live in a time of political theatre, absolutely. I'm sure you're well versed in this department. For me, I think it's still important to understand the forces that are trying to oppress us so that we can counter those forces and create alternatives, versus laisser faire (which I don't think you're advocating for).

Until the masses reject violence as a means to their goals, we will always live under more, or less, enslavement to the those most willing/capable to bring violence to bear.

This book explains many people's feelings on being ruled by bullies.

Fat chance of them finding that in a cat video or on dancing with the stars.

There might be more, but I identified 4 Canadian ministers as WEF Young Global Leaders:

Canadian government is under WEF's control?

They are Chrystia Freeland, Francois-Philippe Champagne, Karina Gould, and Sean Fraser.

Leader of NDP, Jagmeet Singh is also WEF Young Global Leader. He sided with Trudeau to pass the Emergencies Act in the House of Commons:

The Emergencies Act passed in the House of Commons of Canada.

Looking forward to your next post. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Yes! Three of them are on my list, not sure if I found Sean Fraser so thanks for that, I'll be sure to have a look at him as well.
I'll be featuring several of Trudeau's cabinet members in upcoming posts.
There are also former Ministers such as William Morneau (Finance) Navdeep Bains (Innovation and Science) and Melanie Joly (current Foreign Minister).

Wow that is a huge amount of information that really blows up this idiot of a leader.

May Justin Trudeau end up dealing with this situation. I am surprised that they haven't held him accountable yet.

Thank you very much for your excellent content!

This should be the top trending post, people are so distracted that they can not see the forest for the trees. It's all there in black and white, anyone with half a brain cell should be able to connect the dots and figure out that we are under attack by a dark force.

These people must be stopped, they have no empathy, no soul. Who can call them human?

Great post @v4vapid

Thanks for dropping by Mark and good to see you back posting yourself! There's a lot of distraction in the media atm, we're lead to just leap from crisis to crisis without much understanding of events unfolding around us. Hopefully, this series that I'm working on can help shed some light on how organizations like the WEF are shaping our "new normal".

ive watched quite a few of the canadian parliament sessions lately. its such a farce, a total joke.. Trudeau is so creepy i almost want to slap his soul back into his body.. he is so clearly not in charge, or calling the shots.. and totally disconnected from any authenticity. that is of course true of all parliaments these days, but Canada in particular seems to be pretty pointless.. its just a show, it looks like a show, feels like a show, and sounds like one.. all to keep the illusion of democracy in place..

thanks for sharing this joke of a democracy in action.

Lol, yeah Trudeau is so disingenuous, it really is a cringefest to listen to him rattle off buzzwords and pc rhetoric while pretending to care about the citizenry. Invoking the Emergency Act and freezing bank accounts of average Canadians should be a wake up call for everyone. A farce of democracy, indeed.

Did you ever see the recent time when he was asked around 5 times consecutively the exact same question by the opposition? He totally refused to answer it and instead read off this utter tripe about something unrelated.. without batting an eye he continued this farce.. and you could tell he didnt care, with this ridiculous expression and oblivity.. there is no care for truth or integrity whatsoever.. very few I’ve witnessed such contempt .. made it clear that the entire thing is a joke.. and that speaker! Omg is it just me or is he the most annoying speaker ever! I stopped watching now as i just get frustrated

This is a hot topic right now, it seems a lot of us are awakening to the power the WEF has this last 2 years. I'm glad you have the names of the Canadian members here on the blockchain now, I did see that some of them were being removed from the WEF website. Good one!

I'm looking forward to this series and will be sharing on all social media. Thanks for reporting on my home country and how our so-called 'government' has been "penetrated" by that weirdo Klaus.

Thanks @lynds! Hope the series lives up to your expectations. I don't believe that WEF is orchestrating and controlling everything, but they certainly have influence that ultimately serves specific interests. I've discovered some interesting connections in my research and looking forward to sharing them soon.

Yes, some profiles from the WEF page have been removed. I'll be highlighted a few of those individuals for sure.

Hope you're doing well and the renos are complete?!

Hey V, thanks for the question. Yes, we are very well, the renos are done, the house is sold and because of that in 1 week we will be moving to a farmhouse on 34 acres! Finally going to do some serious planting and animals 😍 #DreamsDoComeTrue

Welcome back! I was so happy to see you appear in my feed this afternoon and after reading, it seems I have a lot to look forward too.

As for the topic matter, even the most politically beige, fence sitter like myself has serious doubts to the motives and amount of global power this annual Davos jamboree has. As we know already, there are so many names involved in multiple committees and corporations that criss-cross politics and industry and I simply think no matter what the politics are, there should be absolute disconnect if politicians are to serve citizens' best interests.

Again, so pleased to see you back and writing, and I hope life is treating you well. Best wishes :-)

Thanks for the kind words. I've done quite a bit of research on this so hopefully other people find it as interesting as I do. You're right that there's a lot of 'criss cross' between politics and industry. Not to say that's anything new, it's been going on forever, but it's always revealing to see those relationships out in the open. I agree that politics and industry should be disconnected, not an easy task but certainly would be an improvement on the cesspool we have now.

Excellent detail of participation in WEF infiltration of government and the transformation of government into public/private partnerships, or fascism.


Yea, will be diving deeper into some of the participants here. You touch on an important point mentioning the attempts to usher in PPP/fascism on various levels. It's not just the WEF but Davos Man is definitely a force pushing in this direction.

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