I've seen discussions of Poland becoming the leader of a central and eastern Europe bloc of nations, incorporating Belarus and W. Ukraine, while W. Europe degenerates into penury. Ritter isn't alone in understanding the Ukraine is no longer potential to be a country. The people of the Donbas aren't just 'ethnic Russians'. They are family members of people living in Russia. The Donbas was cut out of the Ukraine by Right Sector and Azov when they were pushed by the CIA into waging genocidal war against it.
The rest of the Ukraine has variously been Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian for centuries. The Ukraine means 'the hinterlands', and it has always been the route to Europe for steppe barbarians invading, or into Russia for conquistadors. It's geographically a corridor for war, not a viable nation. This isn't just relevant in historic times, but clear back to Neolithic times, and probably farther than we have the archaeological acumen to ascertain.
Dmowski was right then, and he's right today. Adventurers and ready men have always been the Ukraines primary resource. As long as it's not divvied up into it's neighbors, like Kurdistan, so it will remain.