great reset | gene therapy | eugenics | blackmailing - pedos | normalisation | conspiracy

in #hive-1223153 years ago

When the #GreatReset was launched in 2020, it was not done so by Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates..

but by Charles, Prince of Wales, who heads an empire of nefarious financial interests hypocritically hiding behind a facade of charitable philanthropy.


What if a group of billionaires / NGOs / families / (insert ur favorite)
hire blackmailing / human trafficking / pedophiles to collect scientists, politicians, leaders & people in positions of power / influence ("experts") to conjure up schemes of taking out large swaths of human population & implement worldwide 🌎 technocratic systems to control it in the future?


Rockefeller 1

Rockefeller 2

[VIDEO] Jacob Rothschild is so concerned about climate change
....he helped set up Genie Energy to start fracking in the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. xD

Yuval Noah says that poor people will die and rich will survive…
There’s nothing the masses can do… ☝ 🧐


"bodies and minds are going to be the two main products"

It is generally, but especially at the end, presented as if life would finally break out of the organic and become "free" and "immortal" through the digital.

In the process, you are all simply put into a digital prison.
This has nothing to do with breaking out, freedom or immortality. ;) Quite the opposite.
You already have that, unless you give it up voluntarily.

It is all about mem virus, not genevirus!




From the European Commission website
first published May 2019...

...6 months BEFORE COVID...

Haha, holy fucking smokes.

"I am legend", intro:

well the premise is quite simple - take something designed by nature and reprogram it to make it work for the body - in this case, measles virus engineered at a genetic level to be helpful

I'm going to genetically engineer a virus.
Let's start out with the most contagious possible airborne virus.
Where is the conspiracy?

Luckily just a movie!

She tells us she has cured cancer nearly 2 decades ago. Now replace cancer with covid :)
So what is ur fuckng problem?


The aim of this study was to analyze the Cominarty mRNA for CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology, which would explain the failure in the SARS-CoV 2 virus immunization and the increase in fatal side effects after the injection.




full conclusion:



If you really want gene therapy, you should probably wait for open source.. ;)


photo_2022-04-16_13-01-07 (2).jpg


JAK1 CRISPR guide RNA, Janus kinase 1 CRISPR guide RNA [Human]

The following gRNA sequences were designed by Feng Zhang’s laboratory at the Broad Institute* to uniquely target the JAK1 gene within the genome.




Controlling CRISPR and gene therapy with an amino acid switch (2018):

A novel switch to control genome editing:

But it could also be used to control Cas9 proteins used in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing.

CRISPR-Cas9 mRNA, anyone?



photo_2022-04-16_13-02-49 (2).jpg

Another series:

We’re now passed 7 billion on this planet.
Food prices are rising, oil resources is ending.
When our resources ended in 20 years, do you think we’ll gonna just share?
Our answer to this is Janus, consists of a protein and of amino acid.

~ UK’s ‘Utopia’-series, 2013

VIDEO Janus 1

VIDEO Janus 2

Why always blue & yellow?


Clinton, Bush & Obama



Boris Nikolic 👆 👇


Staley, Gates, Boris Nikolic, Epstein, Harvard President Larry Summers...

I don't know why we are pussyfooting around with all this “booster” talk
when we know Gates/ WEF/ Epstein scientist, Boris Nikolic, worked with Moderna’s Robert Langer to pitch an “all-in-one” time-released booster combo shot 2019 - before the 🦠 was released.


Perhaps people should look into “particles for humanity” a bit further...

Imagine being the same people complaining about GMOs and Monsanto in your food for years and paying extra for ‘organic’, then getting an experimental gene editing vaccine and trying to force it on others.

Who Was JPM CEO?

Boris was “shocked” to be named backup executor in Epstein’s last minute will:

So, why did Bill Gates fund his scientist (now WEF’s) Boris Nikolic (Epstein will) on gene editing/ CRISPR, show up on Epstein’s flight log, and here’s a photo Epstein with George Church, leading Harvard geneticist?



Why has media been largely silent on Bill Clinton being named in court documents by @VRSVirginia(Twitter)?
Why is L. Summers mixed up in this?



had shown the world that ABC had buried the story on Epstein.
However, everything points to the story being much deeper than global elites + Epstein’s pedophilia:


Epstein konnte echt gut mit den besten Wissenschaftlern weltweit. Frag mich was er von denen wollte...

oh warte mal, der Larry Summers der unter der Clinton Regierung arbeitete und nun im Vorstand der DCG sitzt die über Grayscale den größten Bitcoin-Anteil halten und verantwortlich für den tollen SegWit Softfork und den "digital Gold" Narrative sind? Der Larry Summers der Haupt-Sponsor des Core Dev Teams ist? Noin wirklich...


der Larry Summers der die 100Dollar Note abschaffen wollte? Achwas mit Epstein. Achwas. Na dann sieh dir noch mal ganz genau den Dreckshaufen an der 2016 Bitcoin übernommen hat. Bilderberger Vorstand und Axa Cheff Henri de Castries ist vermutlich auch nur zufällig in dem Club. War Epstein nicht auch an Bitcoin "interessiert".

A former math and science teacher turned Bear Stearns limited partner, Jeffrey Epstein is the Brooklyn-born financier who in 1982 formed J. Epstein & Co., the money management firm that famously held a secret client list containing only the names of people worth $1 billion or more. Epstein excelled at finding hidden value for his clients and himself, identifying anomalies in the market, and using arbitrage to profit from them. He did really well for himself.

Today Epstein swims in an ocean of ideas pertaining to money, science, and technology. So when we met at his residence on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Bitcoin was a major topic of conversation.

(Interview mit Epstein - Oktober 2017)

Bitcoin scheint halt wirklich lediglich die Exit Strategie der ganz Großen zu sein?

Klar, sie gestehen uns (den Plebs) schon auch was zu.. indem sie das Finanzsystem "aus der Hand legen"..
war ihnen aber eh bewusst, dass es nicht ewig so weiter laufen kann (so war es ja auch konzipiert - endlos resetten geht aber auch nicht)

Und scheinbar reicht ihnen die Ausbeutung?

+eben eine Manifestierung des Reichtums in der Chain...

..wodurch die dann doch noch das Geldmonopol haben.. es eben nur nicht mehr komplett willkürlich manipulieren können..

gewisser Maßen in trockenen Tüchern..

Naja.. bleibt spannend.. wie damals die Trennung von Kirche & Staat.
Während der Staat selbst zur Religion wurde (Etatismus)

Und die plebs zerdrückt es so oder so.
Egal ob Inflation oder Deflation, oder beides nacheinander und dann gleichzeitig..

denke das wichtigste ist es einfach nur möglichst von der zentralisierten Maschine mit ihren Programmen/ Memviren wegzukommen

Wenn es hart auf hart kommt, wird dies wohl auch genau die Lektion sein.
Welche meist extrem psychisch verankert ist.
Entweder überkommen oder abkacken..

Freundlicherweise dokumentieren "sie" aller ihre Pläne und Aktionen im Internet. So kann hinterher niemand behaupten, er hätte nichts gewusst. Wenn die Pläne ihre beabsichtigte Wirkung erzielen, bleibt als letzte Hoffnung, dass zuerst die Ahnungslosen und Mitläufer ausscheiden und diejenigen übrigbleiben, die bereit sind, Widerstand zu leisten. So lange 80% der Fußballmannschaft auf das eigene Tor schießen, ist es sinnlos, sich anzustrengen, um das Spiel zu gewinnen.

Ich hoffe natürlich, dass ich Unrecht habe und alles von alleine gut oder noch viel besser wird.

Mal sehen.


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Much of the claim that the mRNA coding for the spike protein is nonfunctional, of coding for other things, and the CAS9 CRISPR enzyme presence, in Cominarty jabs is worded clumsily, and unsupported. While I can provide no evidence to counter those claims, they are extraordinary claims that require extraordinary evidence to support them, and no evidence is availed.

There are none of the discussions of methods that are essential for reproducibility, and the lack of any photographs, data tables, or apparent thought as to just how the claims were possible to find, leads me to be unable to have credence in those claims. While they read like an outline for a science fiction tale, the variability of the jab lots is hard to otherwise interpret than as experiment, and there may well be plentiful evidence to support hypotheses along the suggested lines that should be investigated.

There's certainly plentiful ancillary evidence of well heeled parties making public statements for generations that would support such crimes, and evidence of criminal attacks on people using vaccines tainted to neuter recipients, over a million women in Kenya, for example, as well as the fact that the jabs have killed more people than all vaccines combined since VAERS surveillance began, so I would very much support and like to see research that specified and detailed the biologically active contents of the jabs conducted.

Nothing I've seen shows that it has been.
