Those who assume that "trans" is innate assume that rigid sexist gender stereotypes are innate.
"Trans" has no equivalent in physical-material reality. It is purely a feeling.
Sex is innate - just like the ability to distinguish between men and women.
It's an important social and survival instinct.
Gender stereotypes are socialized and instilled.
They are a social construct and prescribe fixed norms of behavior for girls and boys as "typically male" / "typically female."
Children who do not conform to these stereotypes suffer in a sexist environment.
"Trans" reproduces rigid sexist gender stereotypes - but in this case of the opposite sex.
"Trans" does not exist without these stereotypes.
Suffering from these stereotypes is painful and real.
Homosexual women in particular can tell you a thing or two about it.
A massive suffering under one's own bodily reality is called gender dysphoria or gender incongruence.
Besides breaking out of homosexuality and sexism via "trans", there are various paraphilias, e.g. autogynephilia, especially in men.
This is the sexual arousal and narcissistic supply through the representation and external perception as a woman.
This form thus relies on an audience and requires others - especially women and children - to validate their own self-image.
This form of "trans" occurs predominantly among adult men and is fueled mainly by porn consumption (e.g., "sissy porn," "feminization").
Most of these men do not seek gender reassignment - except for hormone supplementation and breasts.
They keep their penises and are heterosexual, even if they call themselves lesbians.
Quite a few homosexual men also go this route.
Women who are "trans" very often want to escape the rigid sexism and homophobia of our society.
Especially among girls there is an extreme demand for gender reassignment.
The long-term consequences are ignored.
Detransitioners tell about it.
If you now sells "trans" to children as innate, this has the following effects:
children are confused in their self-perception and the perception of others. Clearly stating the over 90% certain perception of an adult's gender is important for child protection and their whole development (Trans as a distraction from deeper problems, more problems later on, just mentioning masks & mimics here)
when children have problems with their own body and gender, they are served "trans" as a way out. In Sweden, this has led to a massive influx of girls into gender clinics. Sweden has stopped the treatment with puberty blockers because of the severe consequences.
when girls are told to be tolerant and to put aside their clear perception of gender for the needs and self-perception of a man, this is a abuse tactic. Girls should be taught that they have a right to say no.
explaining to children that they might be born in the wrong body, that they might feel their gender, or that they might perceive their gender for themselves confuses self-perception. Children should learn that gender is irrelevant to talent and preferences.
telling children that high heels, a dress, and glitter make a man a woman promotes sexism and rigid gender stereotypes - the exact opposite of diversity.
- In summary, it achieves the exact opposite of what it wants to achieve. Especially when it comes to child protection, children should learn that tolerance ends where (perceptual) boundaries are crossed to make an adult feel better.
Once you don't know what a woman is.
It won''t take long until you won't know what a child is.
And then we certainly "won't have a pedophile problem anymore"..
or more like the pedophiles have no more problems.
Also the whole debate just shows how deeply people are trapped in duality and therefore dialectics.
But the world is certainly more polar, than dual.
There is a spectrum in between.
How about we go back to individualism, everyone can just be oneself,
instead of identity politics?
But the masses are instrumentalized to go back to sexism, misogyny, groupthink, even racism (against russians.. is okay?)..
Just a few thoughts & examples.
It is all about memevirus, not gene virus!
Divide & Conquer.