Hello hello! I currently don't have any adventures left so I am back to drawing and looking for a part time job XD
But a large portion of those drawing activities will definitely be for hive. This time I gave drawing weirder characters in splinterlands. One of those being the creeping ooze but reimagined into a human lady.
Duration: 3 hours
Software: Gopaint on huawei
Me taking this concept with slime oozing everywhere.
So at first, I wanted to make her fully slime, like even the skin but that kind of defeats the point of reimagining it. So I opted for just going with slime hair and a body that can regenerate so fast since she'd only need to regrow a fraction of her damaged body. Not a bad idea for a character, right?
Also, I've been making better use of the gaussian blur on this software, also I'm just generally trying to master portraiture on this app so expect more portraiture from me for a while.
Going to my progression:
I didn't take so many shots again XD I only remembered at some point when I established the kind of slime I wanted her to be. You can also see that I had initially wanted to make slime ooze from her eyes, mouth and nose nut that would have been too creepy so I thought against it XD
Then I did the face. I used the gaussian blur again for this because I really have a hard time blending on this app, but I definitely don't have a problem adjusting the brushes to my needs now. But I definitely end up using more brushes here compared to medibang. Because in medibang, I use like 3-4 brushes, but here, I use some 6-8 brushes and sometimes, like this one, I ended up using 10 because it has a bit more detail than the ink wash drawing I did yesterday.
Then I did forget about taking shots again after that so this is the last progression shot I have. What I need to learn on this app next is to do gaussian blur on all the shading and figuring out how to color in specific parts like the alpha lock layer. I still have a time so hopefully this weekend, I can figure something out.
And that is all from me for today! I had an exhausting week and on this weekened, I just want to hibernate and eat. I am definitely not prepared to get back to work again but since I don't have that many leave credits left, I have no choice but to be a good girl and just go to work diligintly. Hopefully I can finish my application for my part time job later tonight too because I need to save some $5,000 and I also have some last bits of my credit card bill to pay. I'm also considering opening up quick commissions lately on soc med but I need to figure out my pricing and what style I can fully commit to while I save. Either way, I will be back tomorrow with something traditional because my hands just really miss doing trad drawings.