in #hive-1224722 years ago

Does that mean I am embracing transhumanism and will very soon have an antenna up my bottom?
Hell no,


I wanted to be a comic book artist at the time

That's interesting. A few years back I wrote a short story that I really wanted to turn into a comic but decided it wasn't possible for me. I can draw, but not well enough for what I invisioned or fast enough to make it feasible. It would be cool to do a comic though. This looks like it could be an option. Are those services free and do you get the rights to them or at least, could you publish them in a book or comic?

Great work by the way, except maybe the jacked face one hahaha


Hahaha you cracked me up with this gif!

That's a good question, you can commercialise midjourney work if you pay for the subscription which is 10 bucks and most of these AI offers a sub of the same price giving you access to a certain amount of credit. All the processing of the AI cost GPU and is based on servers I think. Check this about copyright:

Does the license allow me to sell my creations or use them for commercial purposes?
Short answer: Yes, provided you didn't use any Copyrighted images in the creation process, and subject to the Copyright laws in your jurisdiction.

Copyright laws for AI-generated artworks are still evolving, and vary from country to country. It's up to you to check the Copyright laws in your own country.

In jurisdictions where NightCafe is deemed the Copyright holder (as the AI-generation platform), we agree to transfer the Copyright ownership to you - the creator - to use however you like, provided that you didn't use any Copyright restricted images to create it.

That means, as long as you own (or have permission to use) any input images you used, you will be assigned Copyright by us. For style transfer, you must have copyright permission for the content and style images. For text-to-image artworks, you must have copyright permissions for any start and target images. If your creation doesn't use any other images, you're welcome to use it for commercial purposes.

We do our best to ensure that only public domain and royalty-free images appear in the preset styles and free images tabs of the image picker, but we don't guarantee that these images are free of copyright limitations, and it's up to you to double-check.

So there's 2 ways to create ai generated art. Either from an existing picture called image source, or text generated only. You can also combine both. If you own the pic, you good to go.

OK thanks for the additional information. I'll have to check that out. It's sounds super cool.

No worry, it's fun like a video game, that's all I can say!

Yeah I bet. I've been trying it out. My images are shit so far haha. I'm sure there is a trick to it. My text prompts were very short and vague so maybe I need to be long and more detailed haha

Hahah the beginning is a bit wonky, but the learning curve is very very fast. It's all about the linguo, you'll see when you hit a gem, you can just trim & shape the art in one specific direction, it's up to the eye of the artist then 😁

Midjourney is probably more powerful than Night Cafe, but I also like Night Cafe because it's really challenging to do something coherent.

I learn a lot about how neuronal network work, thanks to that.

That's really interesting and makes sense really. I'm waiting for my free credits to replenish on nightcafe to try again hahaha

So do you use more key words or less. Can you give me an example of what you might type in (if it's not too much trouble)?

I'll have to see what the "evolve" function is as well at some point. Is that what you mean by

trim & shape the art in one specific direction


Check this out it will explain most of it.

For the trimming and shaping, you'll understand eventually 😅 young padawan 🙏

Haha okay thanks. I'll take a look 👍

Edit: okay wow. That's so detailed what you can ask it to do. That's amazing.