What I eat to be healthy and vibrant

in #hive-1230462 years ago

I have always been a bit of an athlete, so I was used to eating well, but it wasn't until my late 20s that I really began to understand the importance of what you put in your body. Now, I know that food is fuel for our bodies and can make all the difference when it comes to how we feel on a daily basis.

Eating a variety of foods from each of the five main food groups will help keep us at peak performance—and prevent any major health issues down the road. It's also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and find ways to reduce stress in our lives.

Breakfast: Eggs, whole-grain toast with avocado or peanut butter, and coffee.
Lunch: Grilled salmon with lemon juice and zest, sautéed spinach, quinoa, and roasted asparagus.
Dinner: Soba noodles (gluten free), stir-fried veggies, brown rice, and miso soup.
Snacks: Greek yogurt, berries, nuts, popcorn.

My morning routine.

I start every day with a green smoothie made with kale, spinach, blueberries, mango, coconut milk, and chia seeds. This helps me get my greens in and gives me energy for the day ahead. After breakfast, I'll do a quick workout using my own workouts app. I usually do about 10 minutes of cardio and then some light weights. Then I'll go for a run along the river or through the park.

My favorite lunch spot.

It's hard to beat the Bowery House. The food is delicious, the atmosphere is relaxing, and it's right by the river. I love their Thai salad and their French onion soup.

How I stay fit.

I've always been active, but since having kids, I'm even more committed to working out. I try to work out four times a week, alternating between running, yoga, and Pilates. I also like to take long walks with my family around the neighborhood. And if there's time, I'll stop into a spinning class or Zumba class at my gym.

The one thing I won't compromise on.

I try to cook most of our meals from scratch, but I am not opposed to frozen chicken tenders or fish sticks. Sometimes, after a long day, you just need something quick and easy.

My guilty pleasure.

Chocolate! But only dark chocolate. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but once a week, I treat myself to a piece of dark chocolate. It's actually really good for you too, so it's okay to indulge every now and then.

My go-to healthy snack.

Avocados are great because they're full of fiber and potassium. I also like to make hummus with chickpeas and tahini.

My secret weapon.

I use apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper in my smoothies and salads. They help boost my metabolism and give me energy.

I grew up in a home where vegetables were the centerpiece of every meal. My mother and grandmother were both excellent cooks, and we ate well. I never considered myself a picky eater, but when I moved away from home, I found that I didn't always enjoy certain foods as much as I did growing up.

As a young adult, I started drinking soda and eating fast food, which led to weight gain. I knew I had to change my lifestyle and get back on track. Now, I'm careful about what I eat and pay attention to how it makes me feel.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, I try to maintain a regular exercise routine. I run, do yoga, and lift weights. I also like to go for walks with my family, especially in the summertime.

I make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. I try to drink eight glasses of water a day, and I add lemon to my water to keep it fresh and flavorful.

I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleep is very important for maintaining overall health. When I don't get enough rest, I notice a big difference in how I feel.

To relieve stress, I try to spend time outdoors whenever possible. Whether I'm walking through the park or enjoying a picnic with my family, being outside is a great way to clear my head and relax.

If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be Roasted Brussels sprouts. When I was a kid, my mom used to make them with bacon and onions, and I loved them.

My best advice to people who want to live healthier lives is find something you love doing that gets you moving and sweating. You can walk, jog, dance, play sports, or anything else you enjoy. If you like it, you'll stick with it.

When I was younger, I had a bad habit of skipping breakfast, which often led to snacking later in the day. It wasn't until I learned about the importance of eating a balanced breakfast that I realized how important it is to start your day off right.

Today, I always make time for a hearty breakfast. I like to start with a cup of hot water and lemon juice, followed by a bowl of oatmeal topped with berries and nuts. I finish with a smoothie made with kale, spinach, blueberries, coconut milk, and chia seeds.

I always make sure to include a serving of protein in my breakfast. I like to eat eggs, either scrambled or over-easy, with whole-grain toast. I also like to add avocado to my plate, which is high in heart-healthy fats.

Eating a nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the rest of my day. I feel better and have more energy.

I also make sure to eat a good lunch. I like to keep things simple, so I usually pack leftovers from dinner the night before. My go-to lunches are grilled salmon with lemon juice and zest, sautéed spinach, quinoa, and roasted asparagus.

I like to end my day with a glass of wine and a healthy snack. I'll often have a small bowl of hummus and pita chips, or a slice of cheese with fruit.

"We are what we eat." I've always believed this to be true. When I was a kid, my parents and grandparents were always cooking with fresh ingredients. We didn't eat processed foods, and we rarely ate out.

Now, I'm committed to eating well and staying healthy. I try to avoid fried foods and sugary sweets, and I make sure to get plenty of exercise.

I try to eat at least two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables every day.

For breakfast, I usually have a bowl of oatmeal with fruit or eggs cooked in olive oil. Lunch is usually a sandwich with lots of veggies. Dinner is usually a lean protein with steamed veggies.

I also try to meditate once a day, either while I'm walking or doing yoga. I find it helps me clear my mind and focus on the present moment.

My biggest health tip.

Don't let yourself get too hungry. When you're hungry, your body will crave unhealthy foods that are high in sugar and fat. Eat a healthy breakfast every day to start your day off right.

I like to eat fresh, organic food whenever possible. I buy produce at local farmers' markets and shop at Whole Foods whenever I can.

I also avoid packaged foods and opt for whole foods instead. I'll look for foods that contain whole grains, fresh vegetables, and lean proteins. I try to eat seasonally whenever possible. I love summertime, because everything is so fresh and delicious.

One of my favorite snacks is a homemade trail mix. I'll combine dried cherries, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

My favorite healthy recipe.

My go-to healthy recipe is my mom's pesto pasta. She makes it with whole wheat penne pasta, fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and salt and pepper. It's so delicious!

A healthy dessert

My favorite healthy dessert is raw cacao powder mixed with almond butter and sprinkled with cinnamon. I like to add bananas and strawberries for extra sweetness.

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