Manual Poll - My trauma is better than yours - a peculiar phenomenon in the 'woke' population

in #hive-1230463 years ago


Ok, everyone, raise your hand if you believe that you are not your body?

Ooh, ooh, me me!

Ok, next question,

Now raise your hand if you believe that you chose to be born into this life like some kind of navigating soul and are now bound to a body for the life of its experience?

Ooh, ooh, me!


Ok, now that we have that out the way...

How do you answer the following serious questions?

So you've had a pretty hard life, eh? (awww, you poor bugger) Like, WTF? Why would God do such a thing? Ok, so we've eliminated the agency of 'god' in this equation with the first two qualifiers of this article...

Why would you choose such a life?
  1. Lessons.

  2. Masochistic/sadistic nature.

  3. I didn't have a choice - the soul washing machine put me here.

  4. God is a cunt.

  5. Stop asking questions and just accept what is (and possibly become holier than other 'woke' people through the simple act of acceptance).

  6. I created the perfect trauma recipe for having life skills to survive in this particular time in history.

  7. A mixture of some or all of the above (or something else - place in comment).

Place your answers below!

Infact I'm going to convert this post into a manual poll (drung!! that was the magic sound of manual pollifying a post).

What fun!

Everyone, come and vote (in the comments and I will count them - dpoll shits me in its non-functionality)... (or don't, if you don't provide a vote it just proves that I am more woke than you are! (btw, I always use sound logic to back up my reasoning!))

Let's consult the 'woke' Hive mind!


For the purposes of continuity and addressing the key heading here - 'My trauma is better than yours' - I will delve into the first option a little here.

Why would you choose such a life?

1. Lessons

So, you've come to the magnanimous realisation that life is a big lesson and because of the bad things your daddy did to you and your coming out of that - finding peace and acceptance eventually ("oh, it's been hard, woe - but I did it!") - and also in this seeing the cracks of the facade of society because you were so distracted by the trauma that you were constantly facing in a shell shocked kind of way within (how convenient!) - you are now miraculously holier than other people who have had no trauma or less trauma than you.


if you needed trauma to be holy - well someone that is just a good person for the sake of it, without trauma is infinitely better than you - they chose it of their own agency! Wow!

If you indeed chose this life and chose this trauma to make you into a holy being through a pre-destined path - then - you in actual fact decided to remove your capacity for free-will in this life so you would be guaranteed certain capacities, skills and emotional intelligence as a result of coming out of said trauma (should of course you come out of it).

So, let's first establish that someone that can give unconditionally and love unconditionally without the need to plan a traumatic existence in order to be like this is a perfect being (love those perfect people - you can't pin a single piece of shit on them!).

And you, who has chosen to use trauma to manipulate your awareness in order to 'lock-in' certain capacities - are actually a much lower level of consciousness despite your perceived level of holiness after that long eventful warrior battle and enigmatic thorny path walk of coming out of this trauma.

Something that is a little funny within the 'woke' circle is an interesting phenomenon where 'woke' individuals will participate in the unspoken competition of the 'Grand Trauma Athletics'. (I want my favourite masochist to win! Yeah!).

"I've been running this trauma marathon for longer than you have and have planned better trauma then you have in life! Therefore my potential and capacity for holiness is better than yours and I am more 'woke' than you!"

"Can't you see what makes me holy?"

"I am holy and holier than you motherfucker because I have come out of all this shit and I have come out of MORE shit than you, you 'woke underling'!"


Yet, the fact remains that if you do believe in pre-destination from birth - then you chose this life and you chose to manipulate your behaviour by guiding yourself into a traumatic fucked up life in order to manipulate who you would become today - to what - save humanity? Oh gees...

You masochistic fuck!

(Over here folks, we've got another closet messianic... bring the emergency logic brigade).

If teaching by example was a thing - then you approve of such a way of doing things in others and even encourage it. Let's all just plan the most traumatic experiences we can next time we're in the out of body club! Hell, let's just keep planning realities in which this trauma can exist so we can keep being more and more holy!

Is my soul so bereft of essence that I cannot see how holy your trauma has made you and how necessary it was for you to train your body into such a contorted conundrum as this path of supreme pain (erhm, I mean enlightenment)?

You decide!

Answer the poll!

Regards from your most cynical brother,



Yo bro, had been wondering what kinda mood this was written in lol, guess 'cynical' works, but it's heARTy too methinks and anywayz I'm gona have a straigh-faced go. Just my subjective opinion, I'm not claiming to 'know' anything:

How do you answer the following serious questions?

So you've had a pretty hard life, eh? (awww, you poor bugger) Like, WTF? Why would God do such a thing? Ok, so we've eliminated the agency of 'god' in this equation with the first two qualifiers of this article...

Why would you choose such a life?

IMO the question applies to any life, be it one of trauma/suffering or not. If one chooses one's life (and yep, I raised my hand :), then WHY would one choose THIS life and not configure it differently?

Closest is #1 'lessons', but not necc. lessons that fit into the span of a single life. I'd rather go for #7 'Other' and say: to learn, to experience, to grow/expand through understanding one's experience. From a non-form perspective (when 'planning' this particular life), the importance is of gaining experiences which have the potential for learning this or that. The manner/circumstances in which these lessons are learned (or not :) - when seen in human terms, become like/dislike or good/bad as the label is applied. The whole thing about the human experience is that the holographic projection/computer simulation or whatever it is, feels VERY REAL and appears to be all that there is. Maybe not so much that 'everything is fake', but that REALITY itself is not so limited.

So, let's first establish that someone that can give unconditionally and love unconditionally without the need to plan a traumatic existence in order to be like this is a perfect being

The Trauma Olympics eh? :D .......and, sure Monty, but it seems to me as if one of the 'key features' of taking life here and having the Human Experience is the experience of polarity (no armchair travellers man, the Human Experience is to go out into the wilds and discover; appearances almost always deceive in some manner which is why the 'ineffable' can never be demonstrated in WYSIWYG manner to another - must be a self discovery assimilated into experience or else remain in the realm of belief), in non-form I might choose to experience the polarity of being closer to the 'victimiser'/'abuser' in one life and in the next I'd play the 'victim' (to give a crude example). By playing both parts, as it were, I have a much fuller and expanded view/perception of what (for eg) it means to deny choice to another by subjugating and abusing them. Then next time (could be in the same life too) I experience what it's like to be on the other side. What utter richness of experience...right?

But above perspective is only poss if the value judgements are stripped away. That's part of the game itself, but expresses the 'forgetting' that it's a game.

It seems to me that the whole achievement thing, of whatever type, is a rehashing of the same-old stuff that folk have used to convince themselves that they may not need to explore deeper - perhaps into those very traumas that are now used as badges of competition and attack, but if explored with unconditional love for self (clearly this is absent when I'm in competition with another, right?) could perhaps be 'healed' (meaning one is released from whatever 'shadow' is driving one's self-destructive behaviour in this particular regard).

If 'I' am a unique point of expression of the entire fucking universe, one of countless others, as is everyone/thing else, then comparison becomes meaningless for it can only be done between attributes that belong to a 'false' sense of 'self'. In that sense, no, I am not my body to compare penis/boob sizes or depths of scars, in any meaningful manner that reflects anything about 'I'.

'I' express through the body, the temple. 'I' is not better or worse; not above or below; not ahead or behind anyone or anything. Appearances are really tools of learning, and appearances shift all the time. Pain is not avoidable but suffering (wallowing in one's 'pain' or otherwise avoiding dealing with it) is not necc, it seems!


You sound holy as fuck man, you must have been through a lot! 😉

Reading your comment, possibly you're more inline with ura-soul's option - I am living a live that is a result of past life choices and not necessarily a conscious choice or conscious plan as such. Am I right?

Kinda more like (accepting some words in my mouth :): living a life influenced by and deeply connected to past life choices...but with Consciousness planning and taking this into account, for sure.

Alright gotcha!

Happy hunting! 😃

Cool Monty!

I responded to your invitation to voice an opinion.

I understood your post to contain anger but I didn't take it personally and saw no need to respond to that aspect and engage in justification or refutation. I acknowledged the anger in passing (the opening para of comment #1). I also hereby acknowledge the application of label(s). Yet both the anger and the labels are nought to do with's what you express; your opinion; your perception. I have no particular issue with an image of me being placed in a box but this is not of my doing and I don't identify with the doing of it.

Just pointing this out!

Hey man, chill.

You've put yourself in this box.

We decide how we react to things.

If you find offense, ask yourself, why?

This post was clearly stated as cynical from the get go.

I am glad you gave a serious response but it sounds like a mass justification for the life you have and not an honest assessment.

When someone is in a fishbowl and they're not aware they're in a fishbowl what do you do?


it sounds like a mass justification for the life you have and not an honest assessment.

Fair enough that it should appear so from your perspective. AFAIC I gave my opinion on a question you raised.

When someone is in a fishbowl and they're not aware they're in a fishbowl what do you do?

If that has reference to me, I'd be happy to hear your description of the fishbowl you see me in...if you're up for describing your view of it, that is! I'll accept it as your opinion: will consider it and won't contest it. May comment on it though :)

I asked a question - in a cynical ploy to get some interesting responses - you chose to respond with spiritual narcissism.

This fishbowl is yours.

Then, I didn't give you the spiritually qualifying response that you desired.

So you kick up a fuss and won't let go of the fuss until I agree with you and your assessment of the situation.

That's generally what we call - Toxic anxiety.


If I need to spell it out any clearer - please, let me know!

Silver Meta ✊😎🥓👍

Hahaha this is so true I need t do some of these firstly the naked spiritual girl, then the spiritual goddess who needs to declare herself a goddess by getting likes for being naked.... so many more

I am glad you are committed to making yourself holy!

A worthy aim!

Now proceed to share your life's history and I will twist it into a spiritual narrative to ascertain your divine origins! 😃

Sure I met a guy at 28 I thought was my twin flame, i then spent 10 years purging all my limiting beliefs, understanding my ego ( not getting rid of it), clearing blocks and toxic patterns. I had about 4 very toxic connections of intensity and running then met someone where it’s beautiful and balanced and now focusing on building my abundance and being more happy in the now.

Sure you’ll have a field day with that one :) go mad i can take a joke.

Have you checked your natal chart?

I think you might be Jesus!

It’s totally possible 😎 was he also a Pisces / Aquarius? He did seem to have a good command of the water and creating fish from thin air.

Well... yeah. This is very relevant.

Will you start posting commands for the people via instagram?

We do need a good leader.

You're our only hope!

Sure commandment one is everyone donates 10 percent of their wealth to my wallet so they can understand the true importance of giving :) its for your benefit not mine.

Yes, master!

Hiiii thanks for mentioning me, will take my time to read this and respond to the poll :)

Hey @perceptualflaws are you still floating around these parts? Can I cry like a baby for some attention?


I identify as someone whose life has been destroyed by downvoting


I am downvoting this comment in order to contribute to your trauma which you will eventually grow stronger as a result from in which your holiness quotient can and will increase to its ultimate potential.

Have a nice day! 😀

Er....thanks, I think...

Don't you feel it?

Don't you feel the holy rain coming down on you now?

Wholey AZ



Ok, so I'm going to tag a bunch of woke and holy motherfuckers (who hopefully have a sense of humour) and also might have the capacity to see the paradox of wokeness, the motive for doing good and predestination -

@ura-soul @kennyskitchen @katharsisdrill @mes @blewitt @barge @frankbacon @mammasitta @frot @rok-sivante @selfhelp4trolls @kaliphae @tracer-paulo


I'd go for #1 if were to conform to any for the sake of participation.


Love a good conformer for the sake of participation! Makes the world more fun! 🤣

Ahhh... lessons... lessons

I woke up to THIS


If I didn't want all this random goo gah on my post I wouldn't have tagged you.

Thanks for your input! 😃

As the old philosopher used to say, i only know that i know nothing.
So as a holly motherfucker that i don´t pretend to be, (i'm simply a big fool motherfucker, with a head full of shit), who tends to think that, being alive is the opposite to being dead, and in this order, one can only take for granted the experience of live itself wile it lasts, all the rest is fiction, created by our own minds necessity to justify the actions we take wile living, the way we live will always be influenced by the mindset/dogmas we inherit/accept, our actions will always have impact on our self's an in others, the impact depending on the point of view can be positive or negative, some implications are not aparent, and can have a big influence on the outcome, that is to say we are here to Live, choosing is the way for it, if i chose to be here, i don't remember and can not say in regards to it, that is the way!
So yes and no, i acept life without fear, witout conditioning in the aproach of choice, if i love inconditionaly its my choice, if i see all creation as meaningfull its my choise, that dosen't mean that i'm rigth, it means that i've choose in my mind to organize thought this way.

(i'm simply a big fool motherfucker, with a head full of shit)

If we all said this together. The world would be a better place. Possibly the 'big reset' we're all looking for. haha

Beautiful words in your comment man, I want to put them on a plaque and have them above my door.

It's so good to have a grounded approach at this time.

I remember a quote I once found that I vaguely remember its full content but the gist goes like this:

"Fear is not life, fear is a symptom of death and its imposing control over everything - in this regard when we fear - we are dead - life is life and is for living - why, if I am indeed alive, would I choose to be dead? There is an unlimited period where I will indeed be dead and yet there's a very limited gap for which I will be alive - I prefer to live while I am alive."

Good luck out there! It's a mad, mad world 🤠

Wile most people pretend to be wake and still behave just like another gear spinning in the machine, i'd rather "sleep" dreaming my way out, and be a loose part, refusing to contribute for the movement of the machine.
"Wake" is the "new normal" mindset to keep people lost in the same looping trap. But again this is just my mind, spinning some alternative "conspiracy theories" to justify the fake, wake apparent inaction.
Fear to face the facts and look for the root causes is, in my opinion, what ultimately puts people out of touch with reality and in a dead position as you rightly pointed out.


wellll that was deep. If I planned all these traumas to make 'me' understand something shows that I probably did not trust myself fully to make authentic choices without trauma on my throat.. that feels very disturbing lol
I'm glad I read such a perspective, I've never thought about that! Do I deep down crown myself with 100% Free will or did 'I' prepare my human entrance here just like an anxious parent full of trust issues would have done?
ahahah thanks I enjoy contemplating this now 🤡

Do I deep down crown myself with 100% Free will or did 'I' prepare my human entrance here just like an anxious parent full of trust issues would have done?

You've hit the nail on the head. 🤠

Glad you took the time to check it out and respond.. and of course.. thanks for the reblog!

Ah can't like anymore, I'm late! Well thanks for the avenue, happy to share!

Now I’m wondering if you’re hitting the spot here on what would be a huge fucking circus if you were nailing it, or if you’re just being the devil who wants others to think that their struggle for enlightenment is pointless and that the only thing to do is to just take what you can from the material plane and forget about holy nonsense.

But then again I think that about almost every word I hear or read.

The truth is I also see the quest for holiness as huge load of bs and self-glorifying theater play, while at the same time I see no escape from the complexity of this wicked game.

I want eternal bliss, but I don’t want to get bored of it. So once I feel peace for a while I swim back to the oceans of trauma and help myself to struggling my way out, so that bliss is once again a prize to be valued.

There’s also OCD which is an actual disease to the rationally oriented and I wonder what life might be if we actually became forever free of it. How good would it be to look at everything with gratitude and not have a single dark thought flash through your mind while you’re at it?

Anyway, thanks for this post, both fun and deep.

Wow.. thanks for your thoughtful response.

I am not against the pursuit of self betterment - this post is rather a poignant missile aimed at the over entitlement of self proclaimed holy individuals who use past lives as some kind of unequal qualifier into their holiness club - including but not limited to some major spiritual leaders.

I want eternal bliss, but I don’t want to get bored of it. So once I feel peace for a while I swim back to the oceans of trauma and help myself to struggling my way out, so that bliss is once again a prize to be valued.

To me, admitting the self's addiction to conflict is part of healing. By ignoring the demons in the closet we give them a permanent home in our ignorance.

How good would it be to look at everything with gratitude and not have a single dark thought flash through your mind while you’re at it?

It would be amazing and sometimes it is like this yet the mind finds old patterns unguarded and we repeat an old cycle.

As you said in other words - we get bored of just joy.

These are important admissions for the non-self-declared divine.

it's a complicated topic.. people like to see through rose tinted glasses to try to explain or understand why they attract traumatic events and to feel that they are on some kind of weird holy mission, yes. in reality, we attract them mostly as repeats of imprinting that we are holding from original traumas long ago.. basically, most people are living many lives that are similar to all the others because their own will is so held back and unconscious that they are unaware of what needs to be done to free themselves.

'people' also, on top of that, do plan out lives to try to 'fix karma' etc. and so actually do plan out traumas in their lives before incarnating, but this isn't necessary and I doubt it's actually helpful in many cases.

You offer another option!

That of - I was thrown into this life by my own past choices and I am living a repeat of the past - which leaves us in the conundrum of the woke community that justifies why their unchosen previously experienced trauma was indeed a chosen one.

Seems to be a very ultimate form of self abuse to find the self in a place like this - to continually justify self abuse which was originally choices made from the point of not wanting to self-realise then go on to prove why such trauma makes one holy... wow that's a head fuck of the most immense proportions.

Also, the whole karma choice path thing you mention - seems a bit messy.

As I mentioned in another way, if we choose these choices as a type of 'self corrective surgery' before we were born, it validates a reality in which choices like that can be made and thereby we actually actively create the pain/desire/polarity spectrumed reality by participating in this karmic supermarket of choices. We support the ultimate cycle of abuse and then have the nerve to be some of the 'holiest' woke motherfuckers on the planet.

There must be some keen karma sales sharks in the dimensions selling dodgey bottled trauma snake oil!

Thanks for your most thoughtful and productive feedback!

You are welcome! Karma is the process of drawing experiences from which to learn to come into balance, however, this does not need to be driven by scripted life events afaik. - it's a natural result of us attracting that which matches our own state of being.

In most cases, the original cause for the patterns I am describing happened in an unconscious way/state - meaning that we don't actually know how it all got started (until we start making the unconscious parts of self become conscious).

Lack of self acceptance is driving most dysfunction on Earth and is also behind the drive to become 'holy' that you are pointing to. Divinity is reached only through self acceptance.

Ah, a divinity that need not be recognised... thanks for the clarification.

Have a nice day! 😀

Ha! Yeah, I've been saying lately that the spiritual community as a whole takes itself way too goddamn seriously (which by extension makes it very make-funable). I've certainly been guilty of this and still catch myself falling into it occasionally. But I've found that spirituality and really ALL schools of thought offer infinite rabbit holes, and it can be fun to go down those holes occasionally. But these days I'd rather laugh at how ridiculous it all is and spend time actually carrying out my existence than analyzing the meaning of it all.

Sure, it is quite absurd this circus of beliefs. I have fallen privy to many in the past and feel that it is time to find reality again. You know, be here with everyone else.

Humanity has found so many little pockets to hide awareness so as to not face reality - as reality gets more weird - more holes are taken more seriously.

Which holes will prove to be livable long-term?

The ascended 5th dimension white light hole?

"So you're going through a painful experience? No problem, just remember - you're ascending!"

I'm starting to think nothing in this world—at least the way it's presented to us—is real. The level of absurdity just continues to increase.

"So you're going through a painful experience? No problem, just remember - you're ascending!"

Ha! Reminds me of a book, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You. Actually a really good book. The title is mostly meant to be sarcastic.

Personally, I don't think either a positive (I'm racking up my karma points!) or negative (life sucks, why is everything so unfair, everything used to be so much better) interpretation of pain/trauma is particularly useful. Sometimes valuable lessons can be gained from upsetting experiences (like forcing you to deal with something you'd been putting off), but ascension is way too nebulous of a concept for me. Usually it comes down to two choices -- deal with it, or say "it is what it is" and move on.

deal with it, or say "it is what it is" and move on.

New religious movement right there.

We can add sparkles later.

Thanks for your input! 😃

Yes, gotta have the sparkles!

Ok, everyone, raise your hand if you believe that you are not your body?

Eh... "I" comes from the mind, which is part of the body. All my particles and such are just part of the one big-ass system that is the Universe.

Now raise your hand if you believe that you chose to be born into this life like some kind of navigating soul and are now bound to a body for the life of its experience?

Nope. That particular concept seem pretty unlikely to me, out of all of the possibilities.

So you've had a pretty hard life, eh? (awww, you poor bugger) Like, WTF? Why would God do such a thing? Ok, so we've eliminated the agency of 'god' in this equation with the first two qualifiers of this article...

I've had exactly the life that led to me being who I am now, and the only life I could have had (unless we're on infinite-timeline-multiverses)

Until I chose to take Agency & Responsibility for my own experience, I was simply creating by default - manifesting what was already around me, what was being shown to me. Since I took the reins of my life, I've taken full responsibility for my experience.

"I" comes from the mind, which is part of the body. All my particles and such are just part of the one big-ass system that is the Universe.

Ok, so you don't identify also as an individual that has some kind of continual relevance to this 'I' cycle? Or are you completely 'hive'?

Nope. That particular concept seem pretty unlikely to me, out of all of the possibilities.

That's good to hear.. well this article doesn't relate to you then. haha

I've had exactly the life that led to me being who I am now, and the only life I could have had (unless we're on infinite-timeline-multiverses)

Until I chose to take Agency & Responsibility for my own experience, I was simply creating by default - manifesting what was already around me, what was being shown to me. Since I took the reins of my life, I've taken full responsibility for my experience.

I like it man, it's a grounded approach and by god we need grounding at the moment.

I suppose the pre-destination approach supports those that wish to put themselves higher than another by claiming some kind of past life distant history.

Thanks for your mindful response!