Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

in #hive-1230463 years ago

Spirituality is our root of existence - but we need technology as well


The ecoTrain QOTW this week is tough - thank you @eco-alex fro brainstorming and bringing such a compelling topic - I agree it definitely needs open mind and foresight to accept that technology is being slowly becoming part of our life - even though we want it or not. The good thing about our generation is that we are moderate and I believe, whoever has foresight can always decide how to deal with it - whether you lean more towards technology or believe more in spirituality. Even a perfect blend of both is quite obvious given that, we were borne with more spirituality and as we lived, we have seen technology bringing some good and bad things to our life. And when it comes to our children, I am sure, we will teach them what we believe. When I say teach, it's not like telling them to do something based on what we believe, but inspiring them by our action.

I personally believe Spirituality has a dimension that technology can never reach - however technology can make it better by helping us realize our limits and even understanding spirituality closer - allowing us to practice and take spirituality to the next level by showing it's result in a proven way. Take the example of Meditation and Pranayama, the practice of controlled breathing. They were possibly being practiced by only saints centuries back - the true believers of spirituality. But today, technology has helped us realize its power scientifically, because we can measure the benefits. I have heard about saints doing meditation and pranayama event today without eating any food and surviving for days in the Himalayas - some extreme climate. Today science admits that, it's possible. Some even have demonstrated - Take Wim Hof for example - not everything he does can be demonstrated scientifically - there are criticism but there are evidence as well.

Spirituality is more about believing where as technology is more about proving it and showing evidence to believe in it. Spirituality is abstract - attaining a higher level in spiritualism is based on pure belief. But hey, what happens, when technology fails and goes horribly wrong ? Don't you fall back to spiritualism then ? Believe that something will save you ?

Covid certainly has showed us some taste - in my own family, my 73 year mother does not believe the vaccine can protect her and did not take the vaccine. There are several people across the world who possibly believes the same - the vaccine is an agenda. People who have taken vaccine also got it and even some died. But there are these strong believers who have stood strong - their strong belief is part of they being spiritual. And you go to rural areas - you will find many people who have not taken vaccine but they are strong because they work hard and very few of them are affected. They are not very far from technology - but a simple living with hard work and strong belief makes them stronger - nothing happens to them. And technology does not disagree. They use technology but do not overuse.

So my point is that, Spirituality and Technology will always live together - we should use technology to discover anything that will make this life better but at the same time we should not play with technology trying our luck with our stupidity. Perhaps Covid was the result of one such try by few fellows from our species. Playing with technology can accidentally end humanity - there have been few instances - Its not me saying, look at this post from BBC. Our curiosity to discover more is reasonable as long as we don't mix stupidity with that, it should not so happen that we discover some machines, who take over us. As the famous scientist Stephen Hawking said "Once machines reach the critical stage of being able to evolve themselves, we cannot predict whether their goals will be the same as ours." (src)

And at the same time I am also not a blind believer of Spirituality - We had this great saint Achyutananda from my place in 16th-century who did some predictions about the world at large. Some of them are getting right, but some of them about the future are very scary as well. Listing out a few here :

  • United States of America will be drowned in water.
  • Russia will become a Hindu Country.
  • In the year 2024 a big disaster will happen and many people will lose their lives.
  • The dead will raise from the grave and only a few select will be able to survive the disaster.

But at the end it also says the main purpose of prophecies is not to scare people, but it acts as a warning to those who are on wrong path, so that before it’s too late, they can change themselves and commit to the path of righteousness. I have a plan to visit Achyutananda's Ashram soon.


So as long as I am right by my conscience, I will use Spiritualism to remain calm and peaceful to enjoy this life and amazing nature around us, without relying on technology too much. This morning while applying Jeevamrutha to the plants, these bees in my garden made my day. Posting few good ones of them out of so many clicks. Probably the plants and nature are the best explanation of Spirituality and Technology together!














At the end, you have got only one life - enjoy without doing any evil. There are so many things around us that technology possibly cannot explain - leave them to Spiritualism. Exploring spirituality to it's highest level is not easy but exploring technology probably is - but at a greater cost. Going wrong with technology would back fire. So we should know our limits and take cautious steps to bring in only the positive aspects of technology to our life - not overuse for quick gains. Thank you @eco-alex again for challenging us - It did took good time to engage with this topic.


copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.


Spirituality is the ultimate result of knowledge that cannot be explained through technology. But technology comes from knowledge, the weapon of human.
The flowers photography is amazing

Hello dear friend @sanjeevm good afternoon
Excellent post, invites reflection.
You are very right, we are a generation of moderate use of technology, we cannot say the same about our heirs who are being consumed by technology
The balance between spirituality and technological use is what differentiates us from old and new generations
How beautiful are your plants, I appreciate very much that you let us know
have a beautiful day

You have spoken very well and have good thoughts because those who believe in spirituality have never lagged behind. Technology can fail, not spirituality. The power of spirituality is far greater than the power of technology. And history will confirm that

thank you for this post! a lovely response! somehow it got missed by accident from curating. .So sorry, but thankfully others have appreciated this post..

No problem - its expression of my own feelings, so glad to write.

Yes, they can, in the future. When science discovers other dimensions. And from the body it will be possible to leave and re-enter, at will.

We also have here some people who are not willing to take vaccines. Because they don't believe it. They believe on spirituality.
On the other hand there are those people who believe on technology as well as spirituality.
Whatever, we should accept technology as long as it benefits humanity. That's it.
Btw those pictures of flowers are beautiful and attractive. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a nice day ahead.

Hey there @sanjeevm
My pleasure reading about those topics.
I also explored a few videos of the Wim Hof method back in mid-late 2018.
And I got it everything is a programing the mind.
My Yoga journey in AYM School in Rishikesh India started with the shower with the boiler in the room is broken.

  • That was my sign to start doing my cold showers daily for mostly 2+ nearly.

More about my journey to India in this post:

Also, I'll share a folder with 5 Videos on youtube that helped me understand breathing and Eating here:

Now I'm just focusing on explaining reality as simply as possible...

Namaste 🙏

@tipu curate 2