A term known as Atychiphobia is referred to as the Fear Of Failure.
Overtime we human beings naturally gets scared of failing in every aspect of our life. This in most cases may be because we find it very difficult to believe in ourselves and in that respect, we by default tend to get scared of any goal we are aspiring to achieve.
As much as this is a natural feeling for everyone, it is somewhat a defect to human race. However, there are few reasons why human beings never seized to keep getting scared of failure which I'd like to talk about.
When trying to deal with the fear of failure one should consider the causes or the reasons behind one's fear, for it may be an accurate reference to provide a better solution to the defect.
Parental Pressure:
Having a parent that encourage their children into striving hard when it comes to going for achievement is one of the best thing one should always pray for.
On the other hand, parents are expected to always listen to their children when it comes to goal getting. Some parent find it difficult to apprehend with this style; hence, forcing a child into going for their own decisions. This creates fear in the mind of such child because he or she is achieving the goal for parent and not for himself or herself.
Inferiority complex:
Sometimes we let what we see outside cloud our sense of reasoning and acting. Nowadays, people gets bothered whenever they see other people that are of higher class achieving a particular thing most especially when they must have been craving for such thing.
People tend to use other people's life as a scale of measures for their own achievement and when it's time to go for their desired goal they get scared because they think they are not up to the standards of those who can achieve such goal.
Negative thoughts:
People should really learn how to embrace positive thoughts when it comes to goal getting. This alone can propel you beyond imagination. Speaking bad about your achievement or having a negative thoughts about your goal imposes fear in your mind during the process of achieving and this thoughts may impede you from getting close to your peak.
As much as it is always very good to have someone you look up to as a role model, always keep in mind that you really don't have to compare yourself to anyone not even to your role model. In point of fact, sometimes in life we need to take a pause about how we look at people above us and take a look at people that are not up to us, because when you so much look at others above you, comparison comes into play which is definitely not fair to your desired goal.
Do what you love:
One of the sweetest way to overcome fear of failure is when you fall in love with the goal you're pursuing. This comes with confidence and boldness because you tend to totally subscribe yourself to the process and in this case, failure becomes very difficult.Know your strength:
Most times in life we need to take things slow and steady for ourselves because it becomes so difficult when you try to pick things from the peak which may instill the fear of achieving in you. Hence, we try not to shake things up too much by taking it slow and going for your strength and limit at a time.Identify that it's okay to fail:
As I've said in my few keystrokes earlier, failure can be so natural. Hence, a strong goal getter is expected to always recognize the fact that failing is natural and as a matter of fact, failure can be a step to success. Understanding this facts makes you wipe the fear of failure in your mind.Avoid comparison:
Comparison as discussed earlier is one of the reason why people fear to fail, this is because you're not focusing on becoming better than you were but rather looking at someone else's achievement as a scale of measures for your own. In this respect, avoiding this attitude makes you realize how much you should cherish yourself and care for your goal. This makes you understand that you only have to focus on how to become better than you were yesterday and not better than another person.Don't settle for less:
It's no surprise to say that someone who is so scared of failure will most likely settle for less. Sometimes in life we deserve more than what we are getting. Accepting what you're getting can be necessary at times when you have no other choice because you don't wanna rock the boat too much.
However, whenever we're chanced to explore and go for more of what we are currently getting, one is expected to fully go for it without hesitation. This automatically deletes fear from your mind.