Happy New Year one and all! To those whom I haven't met yet, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. To those who I have and who have forgotten me, I'm looking forward to reminding you of my incredible and fascinating sense of humour. And to those who do remember me, thanks for pretending you remember. 😂
Last night (Dec 31) was the first New Years Eve I've had in a very long time where I did not go anywhere, did not do anything, and was, in fact, in bed by the stroke of midnight. Not asleep, mind you, just in bed. Possibly high. Probably laughing my ass off watching stupid Youtube videos. There are aplenty!
I chose not to make any resolutions this year - they all get broken, anyway. One could say that I resolved not to resolve. I do know what I want to do this year, and I will aim toward those goals without the need for a resolution. Perhaps I'll reach those goals this way.
This morning I awoke to the horrific news of the tragedy in New Orleans where some asswipe drove his car into a crowd of people in New Orleans and killed at least 10. Good thoughts that I may have had for the year were quickly grounded in reality. It seriously got me thinking that we, as a people, have begun to lose our collective minds, particularly since the pandemic.
The pandemic really started in 2020; at least, that's a nice round number. And it got me thinking that, perhaps, we need a new epoch. We've had however many thousands of years "BC" (or BCE if you prefer). We've then had 2020 years "AD" (or CE, if you prefer) by the pandemic. I hereby officially suggest that 2021 be the beginning of a new epoch in human history: DF (Dumpster Fire). Today, then, is January 1, 5 DF.
I'm going all in on this. I'm spreading it across social media and to whomever will listen. I hope I can count y'all in.