Hello friends ?
How are you, I hope you are enjoying yourself.
Now I will show you our animals that I see every day and that I want you to see as well.
Merhaba arkadaΕlar ?
NasΔ±lsΔ±nΔ±z umarΔ±m keyfiniz
Εimdi sizlere hergΓΌn gΓΆrdΓΌΔΓΌm ve sizinde gΓΆrmesini istediΔim besledΔimiz hayvanlarΔ±mΔ±zΔ± gΓΆstereceΔim.
This is a cute little ornamental dog you see. Such animals usually do not attack humans or anything else. They are fun creatures. They get along and play very well with small children. Dogs of this breed do not grow up. No matter how much they develop in bone, there is no development in height. Even if you leave this type of dog alone at home for 10 hours, it will find a way to distract itself without getting bored. But
There is no superiority in laziness. lets continue...
Bu gΓΆrdΓΌΔΓΌnΓΌz sevimli küçük bir sΓΌs kΓΆpeΔidir. Bu tΓΌr hayvanlar genelde insana veya baΕka bir Εeye saldΔ±rmazlar. EΔlenceli canlΔ±lardΔ±r. Küçük Γ§ocuklarla Γ§ok gΓΌzel anlasΔ±r ve oynarlar. Bu cins kΓΆpekler bΓΌyΓΌmezler. Kemik olarak ne kadar geliΕselerde boy olarak geliΕme gΓΆrΓΌlmemektedir. Bu tΓΌr kΓΆpekleri evde tek baΕΔ±na 10 saat bΔ±raksanΔ±z bile canΔ± sΔ±kΔ±lmadan kendini oyalamanΔ±n bir Γ§aresini bulur. Ama tembellik bakΔ±mΔ±ndan ΓΌstlerine yoktur.
devam edelim...
Here, there are 10 cubs with our mother hen. Of the chicken, which had 18 cubs at the beginning, 8 of them died due to a flu or virus that we do not know. This virus is making them sleepy. They can't walk, then they lie on the ground and die.
Burda ise anne tavuΔumuzla 10 tane yavrusu bulunmaktadΔ±r. BaΕlarda 18 tane yavrusu olan tavuΔun bilmediΔimiz bir grip veya virΓΌs yΓΌzΓΌnden 8 tanesi ΓΆldΓΌ. Bu virΓΌs uykularΔ±nΔ± getiriyor. YΓΌrΓΌyemiyorlar sonra yere yatΔ±p can veriyorlar.
There are 2 goat puppies, each more stubborn than the other.
They are in a fight every minute. It's pretty fun to watch them fight. This
before the Europeans. The mother goat did not survive after each birth for 2 years. This goat gives birth to twins every time it gives birth. lucky this time
they became and lived|
Bunlarda birbirinden inatçı 2 tane keçi yavrusu
Her dakika bir kavga iΓ§erisindeler. KavgalarΔ±nΔ± izlemekte baya zevkli. Bu yavrulardan ΓΆncesi yok. Anne keΓ§i 2 yΔ±l boyunca her doΔumdan sonra yavrularΔ± saΔ kalmΔ±yordu. Her doΔurduΔundada ikiz doΔuruyor bu keΓ§imiz. Bu sefer ΕanslΔ± oldular ve yaΕadΔ±lar.
Here is a newborn chick.
We do not leave newborn chicks with their mother. A special bowl for them.
we are doing. We are creating an environment where they will not attract strangers. After a certain period, we send them to their mothers.
Burda ise yeni doΔmuΕ bir civciv.
Yeni doΔan civcivleri annesinin yanΔ±nda bΔ±rakmΔ±yoruz. Onlara ΓΆzel bir kap yapΔ±yoruz. YabncΔ±lΔ±k Γ§ekmeyecekleri bir ortam yapΔ±yoruz. Belli bir dΓΆnemden sonra annelerinin yanΔ±na gΓΆnderiyoruz.