Hello beautiful members of Hive, I hope it’s all going fine for you today, I am specially wishing you all a new week of favors.
Fast forward to what we have on ground, I choose the musical aspect because I love music a lot.
In fact 80% of my entire life is built on music and I wanted becoming a singer after my service to the church choir but due to some conditions, I left the dream of becoming one and focused on ICT and web designs.
I will like to share with everyone my favorite musical instrument and why I choose it.
My favorite musical instrument is piano. I love piano because back then when I was in school, I joined the school fellowship choir and they actually assigned everyone to learn a particular musical instrument which I choosed the piano but I never devoted time for it.
I was not really interested in learning it due to the fact that I was pretty occupied back then in school and most of my time was spent on teaching if you read my story I shared sometime. you will understand why.
I choosed piano because any song without the sound of piano doesn’t seem pleasing to me. I can sing for Africa and I flow better when there is a piano.
Since then I didn’t devote full time to learn the keys because I was engaged but right now I am less engaged, thanks to Mrs @irenenavarroart for organizing this contest in order to stir up my zeal to go learn the keyboard with full time devotion again.
My church has a keyboard and I am a good friend to most of the instrumentalist probably what I will do is to pay one of them to teach me the piano again.
Thanks for reading; I am wishing you all a happy new week.