About How Women Are Treated - LOH Community Contest #82

in #hive-1244522 years ago

Women have made great strides in education and in their participation in the workforce. However, women's rights are still not recognized as human rights. Women continue to be treated as second-class citizens in many parts of the world. The vast majority of countries around the world do not recognize sexual violence against women as a crime. Many governments are not doing enough to stop domestic abuse or child marriage. In many countries, girls still face discrimination when they try to get an education.

There is a movement to end female genital mutilation worldwide. There are also organizations working hard to prevent child marriages. Some of these groups include Girls Not Brides, Plan International, Equality Now, and UNICEF. I hope that by writing this book and raising awareness about women's rights, we can help make our world a more fair place for all people—including women.

There is still much work to be done. I believe that if we stand up for what is right, we can change the world. And if we teach young children to treat others with kindness and respect, then the next generation will grow up to be kinder and more respectful than the one before it.


The word "equality" has been used so often that most people think everyone should be equal in every way. But there are some areas where men and women are still unequal. This does not mean that men are better or women are worse; it just means that different roles exist for each gender. In the following sections, I'll explain why some differences between men and women exist. I hope you find this information helpful!

When I was growing up, I had no idea that women were being discriminated against. It wasn't until I got older that I realized how unfair things could be for women. When I was a little girl, I played with dolls and liked to wear dresses. But even though I enjoyed playing with dolls, I didn't want to play house or take care of babies. I wanted to go outside and ride my bike.

As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's. At first, I thought it would be fun to work with the customers and make them happy. But soon I realized that I couldn't talk to the customers very well because I was a woman. If I talked too much, they might think I was flirting with them. They would look down on me and call me names like "bitch." One day, one of the customers grabbed my arm and said, "You're going to have to pay for this!"

It made me feel scared and sad. I felt like I had to hide who I really was. My boss yelled at me for talking to the customers. She told me that I needed to keep my head down and not draw attention to myself. I felt like she didn't trust me, and I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong. I decided to quit.

That experience taught me that it's important for women to speak out when they see something that isn't fair. Sometimes, people don't realize that something is wrong unless someone tells them. We need to show the world that we deserve to be treated equally.

I hope that someday, women will be able to do whatever they want without worrying about what other people think.

In my country, there are laws that protect women from violence. These laws help protect women from domestic abuse and sexual assault. They also ensure that women can live free from fear and violence.

However, in many countries, the law does not always protect women. For example, in India, more than half of the population lives below the poverty line. Many families cannot afford to feed their children. Some parents marry off their daughters early to earn money for food. Some girls are married off to men who force them into prostitution.

Many women in the United States and other developed countries are not protected from violence either. Some men feel threatened by strong women, and they use violence to control them. Other times, women are sexually abused by their partners. Many organizations and campaigns are working to raise awareness and prevent violence against women.

A few years ago, a group called the White Ribbon Campaign began. It is a global movement to end violence against women. Men wear white ribbons to symbolize their commitment to never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women.

The campaign started in Canada, and it has spread to other countries around the world. It is especially popular in Germany, Australia, and South Africa.

Another organization that works to stop violence against women is the World Health Organization. The WHO helps develop policies and programs to address the issue. In many countries, the WHO is responsible for setting up shelters for women who have been victims of violence.

Some governments are taking steps to protect women from violence. For example, in New Zealand, it is illegal for a man to hit or slap his wife. In Brazil, the government provides free medical treatment to women who have been raped.

Other countries are making progress, too. In Nigeria, a new law requires that men register their wives with the police. Women who are married must carry proof of their husband's registration at all times. If they do not have it, they may be arrested and jailed.

These are just a few examples of laws that help protect women. Laws are important, but they aren't enough. People need to understand that violence against women is wrong. They also need to believe that women should be treated fairly and with respect. Only then will the world become a safer place for women.

Children learn from watching the adults around them. They watch how parents treat each other and how they interact with children. Parents who are respectful toward each other model this behavior for their children.

One way to teach children about gender equality is to let them choose activities based on their interests. For example, if your daughter likes to play with dolls, don't tell her that she can't play with trucks. Instead, allow her to do what she wants. Let her play with dolls and trucks and trains and cars and whatever else she likes. Don't limit her choices based on your own ideas about what boys and girls should do.

You can also help your child learn about gender equality by talking to her about it. Explain that boys and girls are different, but that doesn't mean they can't both be strong and smart. Encourage your child to play with toys and games that are appropriate for her age. Ask her what she likes to do, and don't worry if she says something that seems "girly." She can like anything, and you shouldn't discourage her from pursuing her dreams.

Teach your children to treat everyone with respect. Tell them that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with kindness. If they see someone being teased or bullied, they should stand up for themselves and the person being bullied.

Sometimes, parents and teachers focus too much on trying to make girls "like" things that are typically considered "for boys." Instead, parents and teachers should encourage girls to pursue any interest they have. By letting girls explore different subjects and activities, we can give them the confidence to succeed in whatever they decide to do.

Teaching children about gender equality is important. But it's also important to remember that gender is not the only difference between men and women. There are many ways in which people are different. Some differences are physical. Others are mental. Still others are emotional. Everyone is unique.

Some people think that gender is the most important thing about a person. But I believe that our personality, our talents, and our passions are more important than our gender.

I invite @mari3 to the Ladies of Hive community.


There's still a lot work to be done.
Great write up

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"Women who are married must carry proof of their husband's registration at all times. If they do not have it, they may be arrested and jailed."

The women may be arrested and jailed if they don't have the paper with them at all times? That sounds like they are penalizing women for being married, not protecting them. 😳