My grandmother, Ladies of Hive, Contest #83 [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1244522 years ago


Hello everyone! Today I will be participating in Ladies of Hive Community Contest #83 by answering one of the questions. So without further ado let's get started with it.

What was the most devastating event in your life? Express your feelings and how you dealt with it.

¡Hola a todos! El día de hoy estaré participando en el Concurso #83 de la comunidad de Ladies of Hive, contestando una de las preguntas. Así que sin más comencemos con ello.

¿Cuál fue el acontecimiento más devastador de tu vida? Expresa tus sentimientos y cómo lo has afrontado.


When I read this question, without a doubt the most devastating moment for me and my family was the death of my grandmother. I had just turned 15 and was happy because I was able to share with my family in our home. My grandmother and I shared almost the same birthday, she on January 23rd and I on the 24th, so there was usually a celebration. Hilda, my beloved grandmother, turned 83 and I turned 15 and that would be our last celebration together.

On February 3, I remember going as usual to my high school and as usual she prepared lunch. She offered me a plate of food and I told her not to worry, that I would be fine. She looked at my face and was smiling, I knew she didn't like it when you leave without eating but I had no appetite. So before I left I gave her a big hug and asked for her blessing. That was our last hug, our goodbye.

Arriving home again, I found my uncle waiting outside my grandmother's room. I didn't have a good relationship with most of my family so I just went into the room, although I noticed it was strange that he was there, as if waiting.

Cuando leí está pregunta, sin duda alguna el momento más devastador para mí y mi familia fue la muerte de mi abuela. Acababa yo de cumplir 15 años y estaba feliz porque pude compartir con mi familia en nuestra casa. Mi abuela y yo compartíamos casi el mismo día de cumpleaños, ella el 23 de Enero y yo el 24, por lo que usualmente se hacía una celebración. Hilda, mi querida abuela, cumplió sus 83 y yo mis 15 y esa sería nuestra última celebración juntas.

El 3 de Febrero, recuerdo ir como de costumbre a mi liceo y como siempre ella preparaba el almuerzo. Ella me ofreció un plato de comida y yo le dije que no se preocupara, que estaría bien. Me vio a la cara y estaba sonriendo, yo sabía que a ella no le gustaba nada que uno se fuera sin comer pero no tenía apetito. Así que antes de irme le di un abrazo fuerte y le pedí la bendición. Ese fue nuestro último abrazo, nuestra despedida.

Al llegar a casa de nuevo, yo encontré a mi tío esperando fuera del cuarto de mi abuela. Yo no tenía buena relación con gran parte de mi familia por lo que solamente me metí al cuarto, aunque note raro que él estuviera allí, como aguardando.



When I came back out, no one was there. I didn't know when. Later my mom arrived and the neighbors told her that my grandmother had been taken to the hospital because she was having a cardiac arrest. I was very scared, however my grandmother was a very strong woman and I kept thinking that everything would be okay.

As the hours passed, things got worse, my grandmother was hospitalized and we didn't know if she was going to recover. Everyone at home was scared and we did not sleep until the wee hours of the morning. On several occasions I wanted to go alone to see her and stay at the hospital but my parents would not let me.

On February 4, 2012, at 4:45 a.m. we received the news by phone that my grandmother had passed away. I couldn't believe it and almost as if I had gone into a dream, I ran out to her room and started screaming her name over and over again. I was hysterical, crying and screaming. And I looked around for all of her things and realized that she would never come home again.

Cuando volví a salir ya no había nadie. No supe en que momento. Más tarde llegó mi mamá y los vecinos le avisaron que mi abuela había sido llevada al hospital porque estaba teniendo un paro cardíaco. Me asusté mucho, sin embargo mi abuela era una mujer muy fuerte y yo seguía pensando en que todo estaría bien.

Conforme pasaron las horas, las cosas fueron a peor, mi abuela se encontraba hospitalizada y no sabíamos si se iba a recuperar. Todos en casa estábamos asustados y no dormimos hasta pasada la madrugada. En varias oportunidades quise irme sola a verla y quedarme en el hospital pero mis papás no me dejaron.

El 4 de Febrero de 2012, a las 4:45 a.m. recibimos por teléfono la noticia de que mi abuela había fallecido. No lo podía creer y casi como sin fuera entrado en un sueño, yo salí corriendo a su cuarto y comencé a gritar su nombre una y otra vez. Estaba histérica, llorando y gritando. Y buscaba con la mirada todas las cosas de ella y me di cuenta de que ella más nunca volvería a casa.



My grandmother meant a mother to me. She was the woman who took care of me, who scolded me, who taught me about God, who spoiled me and took care of me. I wanted to die and during the funeral I could not leave her side.

It was one of the most painful moments of my life. After her departure, life was not the same. My mom, my dad, my sister, we all changed. And to this day it hurts me a lot. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like if she were here, what she would say, what she would think, what she would be doing.

I am not a believer but inside me, she is still in my heart, in the steps I take and I hope she is proud of the woman I am today. Writing this was very powerful for me but it is also liberating. I know many of you have lost someone special, I send a big hug to all of you and may our loved ones live on in our hearts. Without further ado, thank you for stopping by.

Mi abuela significaba para mí una madre. Era la mujer que estaba al pendiente de mi, que me regañaba, que me enseñó de Dios, que me consentía y me cuidaba. Yo me quería morir y durante el funeral no podía despegarme de ella.

Fue uno de los momentos más dolorosos de mi vida. Después de su partida, la vida no fue la misma. Mi mamá, mi papá, mi hermana, todos todos cambiamos. Y hasta el día de hoy me duele mucho. A veces imagino como sería si ella estuviera aquí, que diría, que pensaría, que estaría haciendo.

Yo no soy creyente pero dentro de mi, ella sigue en mi corazón, en los pasos que doy y espero que esté orgullosa de la mujer que hoy soy. Escribir esto se me hizo muy fuerte pero, también es liberador. Sé que muchos han perdido ha alguien especial, yo les envío un abrazo muy grande a todos ustedes y que nuestros seres queridos sigan viviendo en nuestro corazón. Sin más que decir, gracias por pasar por aquí.




I'm sorry about your loss during that year. It is always difficult when people we love leave us but such is life. Sending you some warm hugs from here :)

It's like that, hard to the end. But I keep the great unconditional love he gave me. I warmly receive your hugs, I send you others back. Thank you for stopping by and for your words.

Reminded me of my grandfather 😢.. Im a caregiver but wasn't even there when he get sick and died because I was away taking care of other elderly

I'm so sorry for your experience 😞 I understand that sometimes what hurts the most is not being able to say goodbye the way you want to. But somehow we can give you that closure. Maybe dedicate a writing about how much you loved him and everything you felt for him. Keep it for yourself.

I send you a hug, I hope you are well. Greetings to you.

Yeah I will.. Thank you

Una madre, una abuela, entiendo tu situación, mi abuela me crio y para mi ella era una segunda madre.

¡Es así! Nuestras abuelas son un templo de amor, apoyo, respeto y empatía incondicional. Un abrazo, gracias por pasar por aquí.


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🥺 ay amiga... Me conmovió mucho leer tu historia. 😔 Que triste es perder a nuestros seres queridos, también perdí a mis abuelas y entiendo tu dolor u vacío... Sin embargo aún existe una esperanza... 🙏✨

Aparte, Que bueno que tu abuela te dejo tantos bonitos valores, esos buenos recuerdos son los que atesora el corazón.

Un gran abrazo mi querida @carminasalazarte. Ten un lindo martes ❤️✨

¡Muchas gracias Mari! 🥺💙 Por tus palabras de aliento y de empatía. Lamento también la partida de tus abuelas. Es bien difícil sobre todo cuando ellas han sida parte importante de la vida de uno. Te mando un fuerte abrazo, también un bonito martes para ti o miercoles jejeje saludos.


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5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.

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Good evening! I had a mistake in the publication and I did not put it in the community that was, because it is a contest of that specific community and in just a few minutes I published in the correct community, while the first publication I put post error.

It's easy to make that mistake. If it ever happens again, just click the three-dots under the post to bring up the menu, then you can "Cross-Post in..." and place it in the community. Not all communities accept cross-posts, but LadiesOfHive does! 🙂


Thanks for the information, although I had published it only in my blog, and as soon as I noticed the error I edited it and published it in the Ladies Of Hive community, but I already know about the method you teach in case something similar happens like what happened to me. Thanks and Greetings !

What a nice tribute to your mother @carminasalazarte !
Thanks for sharing and
good luck with the contest.

Thank you so much for your support and for appreciating my efforts! A big hug.

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