Hello beautiful ladies, hope you're having a wonderful new week. Having a hilarious moment sometimes can make us laugh uncontrollably or make us have a frowning face.
A long time ago when I was in primary school I was about 8 years old. We had this big boy in school who liked to fight everyone no matter their age, Because of his height and size everyone was afraid of him including myself. He fights, collects your stuff, and even threatens to beat you if you report him to the teacher. This act continues to happen every single day, he was a big bully who needed to be stopped immediately. That very day happened to be a Friday and we were all done for the day, somewhere waiting for their big brother, big sister, uncle, aunt, and parents to pick them up.
I was patiently waiting for my brothers and sisters because mom had warned me not to come home alone again. The school was almost empty and he came to where I was sitting took my water bottle and ran away I did not say a word because I didn't want to be beaten. He later came back again and wanted to take my school bag, that was when I hooked him by his shirt tore his shirt, and ran home without waiting for my siblings. I was very afraid and my heartbeat was very fast, I am not sure I had run this fast before, I had to run for my life. Saturday passed, Sunday passed on Monday morning I told my mom I wasn't feeling too well so I couldn't go to school, she was a bit surprised I didn't miss school even if I was sick, and she agreed and let me stay a home, on Tuesday i said this same thing, she told my dad she would take me to the hospital because it is on like me. On the other hand, the bully has also refused to go to school because he can't explain to his mom a girl tore his shirt. The funniest part was I went home with the torn shirt and hid it in my bag. After much beating from his mom, he had to confess and his mom came to school on Tuesday to ask of me, she was told I was sick and wasn't in school, and she asked for our house address and paid us a visit in the evening. When his mom saw me she was confused because I was very small in stature, she asked him" Is this the girl or is the big one he said this one which is me, that was when I was asked to explain, when I was done his mom also said that is how he beat little children in his area, she apologized and collected his torn shirt. My mom was still in shock at what happened, she said how did you do it? Since then he never threatened or fought again in school we became good family friends because of the incident. I usually tell my daughter if someone beats you in school beat the person back don't cry home to me if not I will beat you in front of the person.
I hate bullying i can never support bullying a child.
I was in school today and a similar case was reported in the staff room i just laughed and remembered my incident.
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