Every time I see this question, it always feels like the first time even if I have answered it either through direct conversation or online. Hence, it feels like I say the same thing over and over again but in reality, my answer changes each time.
What inspires me as a person, a daughter, a woman? What makes me get up daily, looking forward to a good life? I do think it boils down to things like that, but maybe it is just me putting a cap on the actual value to the entirety of that question. What or Who inspires Deraa?
Honestly, every single day I wake, I find something to live for, to be grateful for, to look forward to. Inspiration in form of a person hasn’t come to me yet. Well, in my formative years, I looked up to my mom. Her strong character and discipline especially towards work were worth emulating. After that, I can’t tell if anyone has directly sparked that fire in my heart again. However, looking at my situation ignites my fire each day.
I remember answering once that I inspire me. Growing from the dumps to this very moment, where I am fully conscious of my being, the power I wield, and my strength, is the very reason to be inspired daily. I remember saying that it may sound narcissistic but, I inspire myself. In Nigeria we say, “do am if you think say e easy”. Which means, do it if you think you can.
Maybe they can try, but no one can do it like me. Why? Because there is only one Deraa in the entire universe. One Deraa with a unique ability and just one Deraa, with the thoughts, personality and power bestowed to her by God. Everyone shines different, and so do I.
Every morning, I wake up inspired. Each day, I live with intention. Each moment, I enjoy as best as I can. Maybe being inspired doesn’t need to come from things or people, maybe it just has to flow from within. When I see kids on the street, out of school, begging for alms or hawking on the street, I’m fired up. I may not have the answers now, but I have the conviction that I will do something towards effecting change regarding that situation.
When we get bullied by the electric company of Nigeria, or harassed by policemen, that fire ignites again and I just know, somehow, some way, I will effect change. Each moment, from injustice to harassment, unfair policies to violence, they all just stir me up more. Same as in my life. Every difficult moment, every time I meet a wall or a curve, the fire burns and when it does, there’s literally nothing that can stop me. My friend, Edward, calls me All or Nothing Girl. Which is true. I either go full throttle or I don’t move an inch.
Doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes. In fact, I’m grateful for those mistakes. I live them and at the very end, I come out on top. One truth that remains, tough times don’t/won’t/can’t kill me. It is only a moment and like all moments, they don’t last. So, I wake up everyday inspired, and I let it flow. Each day with its own worries, and each day, I get better at handling them.