Ladies of Hive Community Contest #122 - Beauty = Social Acceptance and Success?

in #hive-1244522 years ago


Greetings dear friends! It is a pleasure to be able to write in this community and to participate in the contest proposed by the @LadiesofHive team.

You have provided us with questions that require a lot of reflection. I have identified with the theme of beauty, as this requires the perception in which we can see this topic.

The question is as follows:

Why do you think society places so much value on beauty when it has no functional purpose?

I feel that beauty manages to be subjective, that is. It is true that a harmonious and attractive face captures people's attention. However, being beautiful does not guarantee success, but it does give you confidence. Having good self-esteem, considering yourself a beautiful person makes you stand out.

I feel that Beauty is another physical characteristic that like intelligence does not guarantee success, since it is the union of all the internal potentials that make you a successful person.

Imagine seeing a model who does not know how to express herself, a youtuber who does not have charisma. Well structured concepts must be put together to be able to take advantage of "beauty", so not being beautiful guarantees you an absolute value in society.

Beauty is undoubtedly transmitted. You can tell when a person feels beautiful, because they transmit it and even if we don't believe it, our brain captures it as confidence and grace at the same time.

So, beauty is born from within, from our self-esteem and that is what we reflect to people. So I feel that it is important to feel beautiful. It is a value that is born from our childhood, that is developed and is part of our self-esteem.

To be beautiful from the human side, from the inside!

Beauty will never be captured in a society if it has no feeling and is empty. People have been noticing it, that is why we see today beauty contests with purpose, prepared women who can speak several languages, be engineers, architects, designers, among many careers.

So the stereotypes of beauty have been breaking and being beautiful is a complement of your being and not the only thing that can be nice, pleasant and recognized within a society.


  • The images are my own and were taken with a ZTE BLADE phone.

  • Translator utilization: Deepl

  • The editing of the photos was done using the Polish Photo Editor application and separators were edited in canva.


Saludos queridos amigos! Es un gusto poder escribir en esta comunidad y participar en en el concurso que propone el equipo de @LadiesofHive.

Nos han proporcionado preguntas que requieren mucha reflexion. Me he identificado con el tema de la belleza, ya que este requiere la percepcion en la que podemos ver este tema.

La pregunta es la siguiente:

¿Por qué crees que la sociedad da tanto valor a la belleza cuando no tiene ningún propósito funcional?

Siento que la belleza logra ser subjetiva, es decir. Es bien cierto que un rostro armonioso y atractivo capta la atencion de las personas. Sin embargo ser bello no garantiza el éxito, pero si logra darte confianza. Tener buena Autoestima, considerarte una persona hermosa te hace destacar.

Siento que la Belleza es otra característica fisica que al igual que la intelegencia no te garantiza el éxito, ya que es la unión de todos los potenciales internos lo que te hacen ser una persona éxitosa.

Imaginense ver a una modelo que no sepa expresarse, a un youtuber que no tenga carisma. Se deben reunir conceptos bien estructurados para poder sacar provecho a la "belleza" asi que no del todo ser bello te garantiza un valor absoluto dentro de la sociedad.

La belleza sin duda alguna se transmite. Puedes notar cuando una persona se siente bello, porque lo transmite y eso aunque no lo creamos nuestro cerebro lo capta como confianza y gracia a la vez.

Asi qué, la belleza nace desde nuestro interior, desde nuestra autoestima y esa es la que reflejamos a las personas. Asi que siento que es importante sentirnos bellos. Es un valor que nace desde pequeños, que se va desarrollando y forma parte de nuestro valor como personas.

Ser bello desde lo humano, desde adentro!

La belleza jamás será captada en una sociedad si esta no tiene sentimiento y está vacia. La gente lo ha venido notando, es por eso que vemos hoy en día concursos de belleza con propósito, mujeres preparadas que pueden hablar varios idiomas, ser ingenieras, arquitectas, diseñadoras...

Asi que los esteretipos de belleza se han ido rompiendo y ser bella o bello es un complemento de tu ser y no de lo único que puede ser bonito, agradable y reconocido dentro de una sociedad.


  • Las imagenes son de mi autoria y fueron Tomadas a traves de un Telefono ZTE BLADE.

  • Traductor utilizado: Deepl

  • La edición de las fotos la realicé mediante la aplicaciones Editor de Fotos Polish y los separadores se editaron en canva.


Ciertamente amiga, la belleza es un don más, pero no el más importante. Es mejor tener un buen corazón a ser bello con una mala personalidad, ya que este último aleja a las personas.

Totalmente mi Andre. Que suerte que tu tengas ambas cualidades. hermosa y eres una de las mejores personas que conozco. 💓


Great observation you shared here. And I see your point in them. It's true too, that we (or society) is changing on how they perceive beauty in the real sense. Thank you for sharing your views on the week's prompt and good luck to you.


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Hola podrí

holis Podris! ♥️

Igualmente considero que la belleza es de adentro desde lo humano, saludos cordiales amiga @divergente1

And so I think, we should really be more of the doer, not just by simply relying on our physical beauties then.

I totally agree. nothing like being remembered as a person who performs and not for your beauty. although beauty is subjective! because even a person who performs can be considered a beautiful person. greetings and thanks for reading!

You said it right Maam..

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And nothing more beautiful than a healthy natural smile! 😊