Ladies of Hive Community Contest #118/Ginebra

in #hive-1244522 years ago

Hola mis amigas, espero se encuentren excelentemente bien, en esta oportunidad paso a participar en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #118, que nos deja las siguientes preguntas y bueno ya les he dejado mis respuestas también.

Si pudieras vivir en cualquier parte del mundo, ¿dónde vivirías y por qué?

De antemano no me gustaría irme de mi bella Venezuela, es uno de los países más bonitos el mundo, pero como sabemos la situación en la que estamos viviendo no deja otra opción que soñar a vivir en otro lugar y si pudiera ir a otra parte del mundo viviría en:

Ginebra es una ciudad perteneciente a Suiza, y según algunas imágenes que tengo de internet es bellísima, engalanada con montañas, su centro histórico la caracteriza a diferencia de otras ciudades Suizas. Tiene el Lago Lemán, que es uno de los lagos más imponentes del occidente Europeo y sin decir la flora que allí se da es impresionante.

Viviría encantadísima allí porque primeramente porque me gusta la Ciudad y sobre todo porque podría prepararme, conseguir un buen trabajo, mejorarían mis condiciones económicas y la de mi familia. Y sobre todo no se iría la energía eléctrica, las condiciones laborales serian mejores al igual que la preparación educativa, seria otras condiciones de vida que cualquier lugar que no fuese Venezuela actualmente sería mejor ir a vivir en estos momentos.

¿Dónde te gustaría estar dentro de cinco años? ¿Dónde te ves?


Yo tengo las esperanzas que Venezuela cambie, mejore la economía, mejore la calidad de vida, mejore las condiciones laborales, de alimentación de todo, estamos en estado de emergencia y creo que no podría empeorar más, es por ello que dentro de cinco años veo a una Venezuela fuerte, con muchas más oportunidad y sobre todo me veo aquí en mi casa junto a mi familia, trabajando en un mejor empleo, ya mis niños estarían grandes, un poco más independientes. Me veo con un negocio propio, con una calidad de vida mejor a la que tenemos hoy en día.

Aquí mismito me veo, he luchado mucho por mi casa, por mejorarla, por ponerla bonita porque es la herencia de mis hijos y no me gustaría salir de ella. Esperando con mucha fe un cambio, seguir estando aquí en mi hogar.

Hasta pronto mis chicas, saludos a todas.



Hello my friends, I hope you are doing great, this time I am participating in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #118, which leaves us the following questions and well I have already left my answers as well.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?


Beforehand I would not like to leave my beautiful Venezuela, it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but as we know the situation in which we are living leaves no other option but to dream of living somewhere else and if I could go to another part of the world I would live in:

Geneva is a city belonging to Switzerland, and according to some images I have from the internet it is beautiful, adorned with mountains, its historic center characterizes it unlike other Swiss cities. It has Lake Geneva, which is one of the most imposing lakes in western Europe and without saying the flora there is impressive.

I would love to live there because first of all because I like the city and above all because I could prepare myself, get a good job, improve my economic conditions and that of my family. And above all, the electric energy would not go away, the working conditions would be better as well as the educational preparation, it would be other living conditions that any place other than Venezuela would be better to go and live right now.

Where would you like to be in five years time? Where do you see yourself?

I have the hope that Venezuela will change, improve the economy, improve the quality of life, improve working conditions, food, everything, we are in a state of emergency and I think it could not get worse, that is why in five years I see a strong Venezuela, with many more opportunities and above all I see myself here at home with my family, working in a better job, and my children would be grown up, a little more independent. I see myself with my own business, with a better quality of life than we have today.

I see myself right here, I have fought hard for my house, to improve it, to make it beautiful because it is my children's inheritance and I would not like to leave it. Waiting with a lot of faith for a change, to continue being here in my home.

See you soon my girls, greetings to all of you.


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Even the state of my own country is not good. That is why I relate to your post about a better situation for your country. I hope sincerely that our dreams come true.

Incluso la situación de mi propio país no es buena. Por eso me identifico con tu post sobre una situación mejor para tu país. Espero sinceramente que nuestros sueños se hagan realidad.


That is a really Beautiful dream, I hope things gets better in Venezuela and you can Stay in that home you buildt, also that the economy gets better so you can have a normal life ❤️ my wish for you.

Your choice of country Switzerland is not bad 😊 I been there many times growing up, went skiing or in summer and just enjoyed the incredleble Views.
It is one of the worlds most amazing countries to visit as for Norway. So I would not mind live there myself 😁 lol

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful evening. Cheers 🌸

Choosing Switzerland isn't bad at all, I love the fact that you are prepared to work and improve the economic standard of your family.
Also believe in your own country for improvement is a good idea too. I hope your dreams come true. Thanks for sharing this

When our Country is beautiful but it's economic situation is in a turmoil then it gets difficult to sustain. Yes, no doubt Geneva is a very beautiful place in Switzerland and very commercial also. I would rather love to live in the interior Swiss villages which offers a very clean life, but again yes the earning opportunities will be very limited in such places. Swiss is one of my favorite places, but I would never want to settle anywhere :-)

Hopefully, your country gets better so you don't have to leave your house, same thing happens in my own country, people leave their love ones behind in search of greener pastures because of the hardship we face here. So sad.

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Mucha suerte con tu sueno.



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