Ladies of Hive Community Contest #86 - My Mom

in #hive-1244522 years ago

Hello Ladies. I am not a big fan of contests, but I like to participate in them sometimes just because it gives me an opportunity to express myself in a way that I can't do with my regular posts. This time I decided to answer the question and share my thoughts on who I would call if I was in trouble.

The first person I think about when I hear the word "trouble" is my mom. She is always there for me no matter what. If something goes wrong or if I have some problem she will be the first one to come to my rescue. There were times when I thought that she was going to kill me because of her overprotectiveness, but now I know that she only wants the best for me and is trying to protect me from any harm. That's why I would call her right away if I needed help.


I also remember the time when I got lost at school and didn't know how to get home. It was horrible. I was scared out of my mind and had no idea where I could find someone who could help me. Luckily, one of the teachers saw me wandering around and asked me what was wrong. He took me to his office and called my mother. When she came to pick me up, I was so happy. I told her everything that happened and she was furious. I knew then that I couldn't ever go anywhere without telling her where I'm going. She always knows where I am and what I'm doing. And if something happens to me, she will be there for me. She never lets me down.

She is a strong woman and I admire her. She never complains and always takes care of us. Her favorite saying is "If you want something done right, do it yourself." And she does. She is always busy working. But I don't mind because I know that she is doing all this for our family.

I think that everyone should have such a person in their lives. Someone they can count on. Someone who cares about them and won't let them down. My mom is definitely my person.

Thanks to the Ladies of Hive community for giving me this opportunity to express myself. Good luck to everyone!


When we're in trouble, there's one person we always turn to our mother. Mom has been through so much with us and she has always been ❤️.
Your Mom is a wonderful woman and surely she'll be there for you through thick and thin.

Thanks for joining the contest !LADY

Thank you for your kind words. She loves me unconditionally! She supports me in everything that I do, even if it means going against her own beliefs or feelings. I love her more than anything else in this world.

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There is only one mother and they are there for us at any time and in any way. They are our rock, our comfort and our tears cloth.

I am so glad to hear that you feel the same about your own mother.

Moms... first one to come to our rescue!
What a nice tribute to your Mom. It shows how much you admire her.
You have a great example to follow !
Thanks for sharing, @ekna !
Good luck with the contest.

I'm glad you liked it. She's pretty amazing.

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Having someone special you can rely on is the best thing in the world.
Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

You're welcome.