My entry to the ladies of Hive contest # 191 [En-Es] To love myself and to love

in #hive-1244524 months ago


Hello beautiful community, happy to be back in this weekly contest, I will briefly answer both questions asked by @priyanarc.

Hola bella comunidad, contenta de estar de nuevo en este concurso semanal, responderé brevemente ambas preguntas formuladas por @priyanarc.

1️⃣ If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what ideas or recommendations would you share?

1️⃣ Si tuvieras la oportunidad de ofrecer orientación y sabiduría a tu yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías?


If, at the age I am, which is 62 years old, I met the 11-year-old Elena, I would be more firm and clear in defining what is right and what is wrong.
I would be more authoritarian and would prohibit her from doing some things, I would be vigilant, I would be more aware of her grades. I would reinforce her self-esteem by recognizing and exalting her positive traits, I would also be patient with her flaws and mood swings and would comfort her if I saw her crying.
This would save her and others a lot of suffering, and would prevent her from making so many mistakes.

Si, a la edad que tengo, que son 62 años, me encontrara con la Elena de 11, sería más firme y clara en definirle lo que está bien y lo que está mal.
Sería más autoritaria y le prohibiría algunas cosas, la vigiiaria, estaría más pendiente de sus calificaciones. Reforzaría su autoestima reconociendo y exaltando sus rasgos positivos, sería también paciente con sus defectos y cambios de humor y la consolaría si la viera llorar.
Esto ahorraría mucho sufrimiento tanto a ella como a otros, y le evitaría cometer tantos errores.

Imagen de Mohamed Hassan en Pixabay

2️⃣ Reflecting on your personal journey, what achievements stand out as your proudest moments?

2️⃣ Reflexionando sobre tu viaje personal, ¿qué logros se destacan como tus momentos de mayor orgullo?

Among the moments in which I have felt the greatest pride are those in which my children have been successful in their studies and have achieved good goals.
My eldest daughter, for example, managed to graduate as a piano teacher after studying and practicing since she was four years old.
Having to perform in front of large audiences was a source of nervousness for me, but also a source of great pride and and gratitude to God in seeing her perform with ease and confidence.

Entre los momentos en que he sentido mayor orgullo están aquellos en los que mis hijos han sido exitosos en sus estudios y han alcanzado buenos objetivos.
Mi hija mayor, por ejemplo, logró graduarse de profesora de piano después de estudiar y practicar desde los cuatro años.
El tener que presentarse a tocar frente a grandes audiencias era para mí motivo de nerviosismo, pero también de mucho orgullo y gratitud a Dios al verla desenvolverse con soltura y seguridad.

The first and second photos belong to my family album.

La primera y segunda fotos pertenecen a mi album familiar.

Thank you very much for reading my blog.

Muchas gracias por leer mi blog.

Presentación Mi proyecto Final Femenino Delicado Rosa y Nude.jpg
Imagen hecha con Canva.
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.
Dividers / Separadores



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It's nice to read what you would do when meeting your 11-year-old self :) Children growing up well and ending up practicing their passion and being successful at it is surely a source of pride. Congratulations and kudos to you❤️


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Thank you @ifarmgirl for your beautiful words. The first question forces us to do an exercise that not all of us are used to: loving our inner child 🙂.

That's very true. I must admit that sometimes I forget how my childhood was until I see or read things that remind me of it and this week's first question is one of them 😊

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@elentogether, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Thank You very much @ladiesofhive and @ladytoken!

Hola @elentogether
Que interesante desafio el de ir al pasado con la experiencia del presente.
Uno de los mayores orgullos tienen que ver con nuestros hijos. Yo también lo he sentido, así que me gustó tu respuesta.
Hermosa publicación 😘
Gracias por compartir estas reflexiones, fue agradable leerlas.
Saludos y feliz noche ✨️

Muchas gracias @popurri, me alegra que te haya gustado. Feliz noche

Dear @elentogether ... your article was upvoted by the @minnowsupport project!

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

Thanks to you, happy day @elizabethbit 🙂
