Hive in 5 years for me | LOH #153 contesr

in #hive-124452last year
Hola comunidad Ladies, esta es mi primera publicacion en esta bella comunidad de Damas de Hive, para mi es un honor y placer estar aqui, en ver un grupo de mujeres en donde podemos contar nuestra anecdotas, participar en concursos, en el poco tiempo que llevo aqui porque fue hace unos dias, he estado revisando comunidades en hive y aprendiendo de cada una de ella.

Hello Ladies community, this is my first publication in this beautiful community of Ladies of Hive, for me it is an honor and pleasure to be here, to see a group of women where we can tell our anecdotes, participate in contests, in the short time that we I've been here because it was a few days ago, I've been reviewing hive communities and learning from each one of them.

Hace poco inicie en una comunidad de telegram de @hiversbqto que me invito una buenas persona de corazon @zullyscott que a su vez me ayudo con recursos agradecida por tu mano amiga, y feliz de estar en tu comunidad.

I recently started in a @hiversbqto telegram community where I was invited by a good hearted person @zullyscott who in turn helped me with resources, grateful for your helping hand, and happy to be in your community.


¿Te ves todavía aquí en Hive dentro de 5 años? ¿Cómo sería tu cartera de Hive (HP, HBD Savings, HE token holdings) para entonces? / Do you see yourself still here at Hive in 5 years? What would your Hive portfolio (HP, HBD Savings, HE token holdings) look like by then?

Aunque inicie hace poco, es bueno tener en nuestra mente una meta sea de largo o corto plazo, en donde podamos reflejar como nos vemos a nostros mismo dentro lo 5 años siguientes, tener una meta en nuestra vida implica, esfuerzo, dedicacion, diciplina y constancia, que esto hace que por medio de tareas podamos llegar a nuestra meta final. Una Meta aqui en Hive no solo podemos verla a nivel economico, si no tambien verlo mas alla de crecimiento personal. Sabemos que aqui en Hive nos proporciona la oportunidad de crecer de forma financiera y asi llegar obtener una libertad financiera, esta es una gran oportunidad para muchos, mas para los paises que su economia inflacionaria.

Even if it started recently, it is good to have a long or short-term goal in our mind, where we can reflect how we see ourselves in the next 5 years. Having a goal in our life implies effort, dedication, discipline and perseverance, which means that through tasks we can reach our final goal. A Goal here at Hive can not only be seen on an economic level, but also beyond personal growth. We know that here at Hive it provides us with the opportunity to grow financially and thus achieve financial freedom, this is a great opportunity for many, more so for countries that have an inflationary economy.

Hace poco me invitaron a una nueva experiencia en mi vida, es de compartir con otro grupo de persona de Hive, asi aprender mas de ellos, de aqui e la plataforma, esto es , en donde aprendere mas de la comunidad Liketu en un evento el proximo sabado a la 3 de la tarde en la Flor de Venezuela de Barquisimeto.

I was recently invited to a new experience in my life, it is to share with another group of people from Hive, thus learning more about them, from here on the platform, that is, where I will learn more about the [Liketu] community (https :// at an event next Saturday at 3 in the afternoon at the Flor de Venezuela in Barquisimeto.


Estar aqui en Hive obtendre en cinco años conocimientos de los diferentes comunidades que existe, aprendera e la plataforma, tener amigos sea de aqui de mi pais o internacional, conocimientos en los diferentes token que estare apilando en mi wallet, me veo una mujer diferentes con conocimientos de criptomoneda, de como realizar excelentes publicaciones.

Being here in Hive I will gain knowledge of the different communities that exist in five years, I will learn the platform, have friends whether from here in my country or internationally, knowledge in the different tokens that I will be stacking in my wallet, I see myself as a different woman with knowledge of cryptocurrency, how to make excellent publications.

A su vez en cinco año me veo como una docente e la parte de Hive, en donde pore enseñar a otra personas esta gran plataforma como lo es Hive, integrar a otros y que siga crecimiendo mas la comunidad de Hive Venezuela, Hive barquisimeto, esto es una gran meta un hermoso camino que me observo durante mis primeros cinco años en Hive.

At the same time, in five years I see myself as a teacher in the part of Hive, where I aim to teach other people this great platform such as Hive, integrate others and continue to grow the community of Hive Venezuela, Hive Barquisimeto, this It is a great goal and a beautiful path that I saw myself during my first five years at Hive.

Por otra parte finaciera me observo acumulando en mi wallet unos 5k en Hive, 6k Hive Dollar, 10 k en [Leofinance] ( #leo, son hasta los momentos mi metas financiera, mientra sigo conociendo esta plataforma, los diferentes token que puedo acumular en ella.

On the other hand, financially, I see myself accumulating in my wallet about 5k in Hive, 6k Hive Dollar, 10k in [Leofinance] ( #leo, they are so far my financial goals, while I continue to get to know this platform, the different tokens that I can accumulate on it.

¿Cuál es el rasgo más molesto que tiene un hombre del que desearías que se deshiciera o cambiara? / What is the most annoying trait a man has that you wish he would get rid of or change?

En los cambios de la vida, para muchos tenemos defectos que son feo sean hombres y mujeres, pero cambiarlo es algo que se puede ser dificil mas no imposible, pero eso dependera primero de como madre, docentes, o pareja llevemos la vida o influyamos en la de un hombre. Ya que cuano somos madre estamos en el deber de educar, inculcarle valores, es igual de una forma de docentes en donde ayudas a us alumnos a tener conocimientos pero tambien a que aprenda que es lo bueno o malo, si no vamos en la pareja, cambiar algo en en tu pareja el crecimiento es mutuo ya que cada uno se va aprendiendo del otro, cambiarle algo ya esta en un camino de que poco a poco entre ambos hablaran de cuando no estas de acuerdo en algo que te molesta de tu pareja, no sera de la noche e la mañana pero esa persona ira aprendiendo junto a ti, de la mano que es lo que no le gusta de ti, pero no debe ser con reproches sino de forma comunicativa en done ambos se este sincero que no le gusta del otro, como pueen trabajarlo ambos para cambiar esa forma de ser.

In life changes, for many of us we have defects that are ugly, whether men or women, but changing it is something that can be difficult but not impossible, but that will depend first on how we as a mother, teacher, or partner lead life or influence it. that of a man. Since when we are mothers we have the duty to educate, instill values, it is just like a form of teaching where you help your students to have knowledge but also to learn what is good or bad, if we are not in a couple, change something in your partner, growth is mutual since each one learns from the other, changing something is already on a path that little by little between the two of you will talk about when you don't agree on something that bothers you about your partner, It won't happen overnight, but that person will learn with you, hand in hand, what they don't like about you, but it shouldn't be with reproaches but in a communicative way in which both of you are sincere that you don't like it. of the other, how both can work to change that way of being.

Agradecida por su apoyo que me lea, gracias por esta gran comunidad de Damas de Hive, en la cual seguire publicando.

Grateful for your support that you read me, thank you for this great community of Ladies of Hive, in which I will continue publishing.

Contenido de la actividad: Original del Autor.
Imágenes: Originales tomadas con mi teléfono y una tomada de telegram del grupo de Hive de la promocion de compartir Liketu Meetup Barquisimeto
Recursos: Computador y teléfono Xioami C
Programa: Nero para la fotos en blanco y negro
Traducido con traductor google

Content of the activity: Original from the Author.
Images: Originals taken with my phone and a telegram shot from the Hive group of the Liketu Meetup Barquisimeto sharing promotion
Resources: Xioami C Computer and Phone
Program: Nero for black and white photos
Translated with Google Translate


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2023
HiveFest Meetings Contest

Then we'll be seeing you 'On Board' many new Hivers here, see you in the Dolphin pool @enamouredsoul

Thanks You

Dolphin yes yes ❤️


Hello @enamouredsoul !
Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
Enjoy your stay here!

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Than you

Hello and welcome to the community. Thank you for sharing about your initial experiences and your plans as you stay here on Hive. We learn a lot of things here, not only those that help us in our personal growth but also on investing, crypto, and other things. Best of luck to you, !LADY

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@ifarmgirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @enamouredsoul and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/20 calls)

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