How people perceive me. LOH #188

in #hive-1244524 months ago

Hello ladies, Happy New Week to us all. Here comes edition #188 of writing in #ladiesofhive, thanks to the team and our wonderful judge @merit.ahama. You are all the best!

How do people see you? How do you wish people saw you?

Is there anyone without a fault?

How do I see myself?


I, Adeola Olanrewaju known as @flourishandflora, am a person of discipline, truthfulness, and hard work. I take pride in my accomplishments and strive for more excellence in all I do. I am a goal-getter person, industrious, zealous, and responsible. Sometimes, I go out of my comfort zone to learn and gain more knowledge professionally. I desire nothing but the truth, if you cannot say the truth, then we cannot work together. I hate cheating and injustice. However, I have come to realize that my demeanor and approach may be perceived differently by others. Despite my good intentions, people often see me as proud, arrogant, and rude.

This is a harsh reality to face because I know that's not the real me. I wish others could see me beyond my tough exterior and recognize the reliable, dedicated, and compassionate person I truly am. I wish they could understand that my high standards and strong convictions are driven by a desire to make a positive impact, not to elevate myself above others.

How do people see me?

I have come to realize that my behavior may be misinterpreted as arrogance, when in fact, it's a result of my passion and commitment to excellence. My honesty and truthfulness in my place of work may be perceived as rudeness when in reality, I'm simply trying to communicate effectively and efficiently.

I have also come to realize my dress sense and composure confuse people around me. They see me as being arrogant anytime I'm walking, or talking. They judge my look from head to toe forgetting about my inner mind. I only dress to please myself not to intimidate others. How people could just applaud me and appreciate my dress sense with a plain mind instead of condemning me through my looks. Is my look tempting? I wouldn't know 🤷 They misinterpreted my simplicity for stupidity.

How I want people to see me

How I wish, people could see the real me, the one who is fiercely loyal and supportive of those I care about. The one who goes above and beyond to deliver on promises and meet expectations, especially my work, I handle my work professionally. The one who is willing to listen, learn, and grow from mistakes. The one who has a no-nonsense personality.


However, I know I cannot control how others perceive me, but I can control how I present myself. I will strive to be more approachable, more empathetic, and more understanding. I will continue to be disciplined, truthful, and hardworking, but I will also make sure to show my more vulnerable and compassionate side.

I hope people can see beyond my exterior and recognize that I'm a human being with a heart that beats and blood that flows through my veins. I'm not just a loyal of truth, but a person who embodies compassion, empathy, and kindness. I stand firm in my beliefs, unwavering in the face of challenges, not because I'm inflexible, but because I'm deeply committed to upholding what is right. I hope that my unwavering dedication to truth and justice can inspire others to do the same, and that together, we can create a world that values authenticity, integrity, and compassion.

I hope that by doing so, others will come to see me in a different light, as a person who is not only driven and accomplished but also kind, reliable, and genuine. I hope they will look beyond the surface and discover the real me, the one who is worthy of connection, respect, and love. That is the real me!

Nobody can move without the head moving(a proverb in my tribe, Yoruba).
No one is without a fault, the only one without fault is God.
No one can behave like me, that's why I am who I am

 All images are my humble self.

My response to the #ladiesofhive community contest.

   Thank you for reading 🤗

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello my friend, you have a great personality, do not change it for anything or anyone, always surround yourself with sincere people who see the good in you and help you continue growing. Thanks for participating, blessings.

How I wish they can see me for who I am. Many have challenged me but I refuse to bulge not under any circumstances. So help me God!

Thanks dear for that beautiful word of encouragement 🤗

Hi @ it is certainly sad to see people getting ideas about a person without knowing them first, I think external beauty is important, but the most important thing is to treat the person to make an opinion. I like your content, thank you for sharing, a hug

Thanks for your kind words. It means so much to me.
Thanks for the beautiful hugs too

Talk about a good self confidence and belief, I like what I just read about how you see yourself. That is all that matters sis.

Thank you sis, it is all that matters 👍👍

I can understand very well. It obvious majority mistake confidence for pride. There are even those who might dislike you for the confidence you show. But you shouldn't let it alter who you are; there are people who will appreciate you just the way you are.

Many of them but it won't define or change who I am because I am me and no one can be like me👍


Thank you🤗🤗🤗