Ladies of hive community contest #72: Struggles as an Entrepreneur

in #hive-1244523 years ago

Hello hivers!

I will be participating in @ladiesofhive weekly contest, the topic is very interesting and closer to reality.

Where are you struggling in becoming an entrepreneur?


Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task I knew that before I decided to become an entrepreneur, even with the fact that I know it’s not easy being an entrepreneur I still face so many struggles that makes me feel like giving up. But giving up is not the goal, the goal is not to give up and to achieve the set goals.

Looking at myself I will say I’m struggling in different areas. My business should be one year this month and looking back to when I started I can’t say i have made lots of profit or That I have made lots of customers.

My struggles

Thinking of my struggles right now the first thing that comes to my mind is financial struggles. This is because being an online vendor that I am now is a bit difficult because people are afraid of getting scammed online by wicked individuals. With this it’s hard to get the trust of customers, getting a shop and buying the products is a struggle because I need finance to do that to enable more customers who will get to see the products before buying. If I would be able to secure a shop I know I won’t find it as difficult as it is now.

The struggle of finance also covers for customers, I’m finding it very hard to gain customers.

I’m also struggling with my mental health, I get mood swings for no reason sometimes. Most times I feel sad when I don’t have any new customer for a week. I try to seek courage but it not really easy to pick up I try to get someone to encourage me.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task I know of that so I try as much as possible not to allow my struggles get the best of me. I always reminisce back to when I was in school and my entrepreneur lecture told us that being an entrepreneur one must have the ability to absorb shock and also endure pain. In other words one need to be mentally strong and also have the ability to take risk.

My struggling with making profit too, because I want to retain and make more customers I reduce my profit and at the end of the day it ends up affecting me. I am trying my best to overcome this aspect of being an entrepreneur because what is the essence of being an entrepreneur if I’m not getting enough profit to cover for my stress.

When I started my business I did not know much about it I was struggling to satisfy my customers but now I can say they is no much struggle in that area anymore because we learn from our mistakes and I have been learning and now I’m getting better.


Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task even the richest entrepreneur or oldest has their own struggles, it only lets lesser with time and we get better too, my fellow entrepreneurs I advice we don’t give up but continue to work hard and develop new business skills and ideas in other to achieve the set goals🙂.

Thank you for reading my blog🙂


this is lovely!

Thank you 🙂


you're always welcome, @harnah12 ! it's a worth reading blog! really enjoyed and learned from it.



Struggles are where you learn... don't give up.
They say entrepreneurs are a different breed!
Thanks for sharing, @harnah12,
good luck with the contest!

Thank you 🙂

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Other than finances, being an Entrepreneur does require a wide range of business and interpersonal skills. And just as important is confidence that comes with knowledge and building on what positive experience you have already achieved.

Yes, you got a good point. Thank you for stopping by🙂

Entrepreneurs normally find a daunting task ahead needing an overall business view of what is required, finance involved, with good selling skills.

On occasion reinventing oneself into more profitability takes research, being early in a marketplace, or learning new.

Congratulations on your first year @harnah12 never give up, never sell at adjusted levels to satisfy others in business, if your product is good keep promoting.

Thank you for this, I really appreciate 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend, keep moving forward one step at a time.

Thank you 🙂

Pleasure and thanks again for entering.