(ENG-ESP) Ladies Of Hive Contest #90 : The story of my entrepreneurship ♥ // Ladies Of Hive Contest #90 : La historia de mi emprendimiento ♥

in #hive-1244523 years ago

Buen rollo.jpg

Hello to all my friends from Ladies Of Hive! I hope your day has been more than perfect! It's been a long time since I participated in a weekly initiative, because I'm a bit disconnected from Hive, since I'm working a lot on my business and also I've been studying digital marketing 4 times a week for 3 months. My days are quite busy and the last thing I want is to be a second too long sitting on the pc haha ​​but I love Hive very much and it was my main source of income for a long time, so here I am, looking to accommodate my schedules again and repost daily content.
In addition, I am taking more seriously the fact of reading and commenting on other hivers' posts to give them the support that I received in my beginnings, that is how I saw that many beautiful women were participating in this initiative. It was a good opportunity for me to mix my current experiences and experiences by telling you how my beginnings were in my business and how we are doing today. I leave the original Ladies Of Hive post linked here so that you can also participate and read the rules and recommendations.

Hola a todas mis amigas de Ladies Of Hive! espero que su dia haya sido mas que perfecto! hace bastante que no participo de una iniciativa semanal, porque estoy un poco desconectada de Hive, ya que estoy trabajando muchisimo en mi emprendimiento y ademas hace 3 meses que estoy estudiando marketing digital 4 veces por semana. Mis dias son bastante ocupados y lo que menos quiero es estar un segundo de mas sentada en la pc jaja pero a Hive le tengo mucho cariño y fue mi principal fuente de ingreso durante mucho tiempo, asi que aquí estoy, buscando acomodar nuevamente mis horarios y volver a publicar contenido diario. Ademas, me estoy tomando mas en serio el hecho de leer y comentar post de otros hivers para darles el apoyo que yo recibí en mis inicios, asi fue como vi que muchas mujeres hermosas estaban participando de ésta iniciativa. Me resulto una buena oportunidad de mezclar mis actuales vivencias y experiencias contandoles como fueron mis comienzos en mi emprendimiento y que tal vamos a dia de hoy. Dejo aquí linkeado el post original de Ladies Of Hive para que ustedes tambien puedan participar y leer las reglas y recomendaciones.

I am going to start telling you a little about the story of how my entrepreneurship began.

Voy a comenzar a contarles un poco la historia de como comenzó mi emprendimiento


I am currently 26 years old, when I was 20 years old (2016) I began to study a gastronomic career, with the intention of getting a job in a kitchen in the province of Buenos Aires, unfortunately (or not) that NEVER HAPPENED! The reason was that when I arrived at the interviews they decided to decline me because I lived very far from the center of Buenos Aires, and they did not think it likely that I would arrive on time. And they really had a point, but my main problem was that I couldn't go back to my house, because public transport only runs until 10pm and the job termination times were at 2am. That discouraged me a lot, but I continued to professionalize myself by taking other gastronomic courses. In 2018 I started a course with an excellent teacher who, in addition to teaching us the recipes, gave us tips to sell our products, and then girls my head exploded, why not sell my products from home? That way I would have an income and I would not have to depend on bosses or transportation.

Actualmente tengo 26 años, cuando tenia 20 años (2016) comencé a estudiar una carrera gastronomica, con intencion de conseguir empleo en alguna cocina de la provincia de Buenos Aires, lamentablemente (o no) eso JAMAS PASÓ! el motivo era que al llegar a las entrevistas ellos decidian declinarme porque vivía muy lejos del centro de Buenos Aires, y no creian probable que yo llegue a horario. Y realmente tenian algo de razon, pero mi problema principal era que no podria volver a mi casa, porque el transporte publico solo pasa hasta las 22hs y los horarios de finalizacion del empleo eran a las 2am. Eso me desmotivó bastante, pero seguí profesionalizandome realizando otros cursos gastronomicos. En el año 2018 comencé un curso con un profesor excelente el cual ademas de enseñarnos las recetas nos daba tips para vender nuestros productos, y ahí chicas me explotó la cabeza ¿por que no vender mis productos desde casa? asi tendria un ingreso y no tendria que depender de jefes ni transporte.


I told my mom about the idea and she immediately loved it, my idea was to sell pre-pizzas, pastas and empandas, I liked the idea of selling salty food better. But my mother suggested that I sell pastries, so we tried that way.
I am an internet person, and I knew that my future clients were going to have to contact me there, so I immediately created an instagram where I could post our proposals. The name of the enterprise came from a chat with a friend who told me "Que Buen rollo" (buen rollo means good vibes).... I like Buen Rollo. The word "roll" reminded me of cinnamon rolls. I told my artist friend @calisto24 about my idea and he sent me a sketch of what would later be my official logo, I sent it to my brother and he vectorized it. And so, with the help of all those people, Buen Rollo was born.

Le comenté la idea a mi mamá y enseguida le encantó, mi idea era vender pre-pizzas, pastas y empandas, me gustaba mas la idea de vender comida salada. Pero mi madre me propuso vender pasteleria, asi que probamos por ese lado. Yo soy una persona de internet, y sabia que mis futuros clientes ibaan a tener que contactarme por allí, asi que inmediatamente me creé un instagram donde publicar nuestras propuestas. El nombre del emprendimiento salio de una charla con una amiga que me dijo "que buen rollo" buen rollo.... Buen Rollo me gusta. La palabra "rollo" me recordó a los rollos de canela. Le comenté sobre mi idea a mi amigo artista @calisto24 y el me envió un boceto, se lo envié a mi hermano y él lo vectorizó. Y asi, con ayuda de toda esa gente, nació Buen Rollo.
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This week's questions are: Tell us about your entrepreneurship, project, business or plan to improve your economic situation. When the idea appeared, how did you make the business plan? Has it been difficult to find suppliers or supplies? Have customers identified with your service?

Las preguntas de ésta semana son : Cuéntanos sobre tu emprendimiento, proyecto, negocio o plan para mejorar tu situación económica. Cuando apareció la idea, ¿cómo hiciste el plan de negocios? ¿Ha sido difícil encontrar proveedores o insumos? ¿Se han identificado los clientes con su servicio?


My entrepreneurship began with the great help of our friends and family, because when we told them what our idea was, they began to share our instagram and talk about us to their acquaintances. I published all our previous jobs on the page and we began to make accounts of how much we were going to charge. It was chaotic friends I'm not going to lie to you haha ​​because my mother is very into thinking "we should charge her less because..." and she always wants to charge the minimum, she is not a business person. We didn't remember to write down how much the raw material cost and we bought from nearby businesses, so we never saw a profit, besides, when it came to cooking we bumped into each other in the kitchen because we both didn't know how to delegate. That always kept us arguing.
With the passage of time we settled down, we began to buy from wholesalers and to work more in harmony. But we found that the majority of products were not of such good quality, so the quality of our products dropped. In addition, we found ourselves with the problem that we did not know how to deliver the cakes, people began to complain that they had to pick it up from our home because we did not have our own mobility...
We made our own cake boxes by hand but they weren't very pretty and it took a long time.

Mi emprendimiento comenzó con la gran ayuda de nuestros amigos y familiares, porque al contarles cual era nuestra idea comenzaron a compartir nuestro instagram y a hablarles de nosotras a sus conocidos. Publiqué todos nuestros trabajos anteriores en la pagina y comenzamos a hacer cuentas de cuanto ibamos a cobrar. Fue caotico amigos no les voy a mentir jaja porque mi madre es muy de pensar "a ella debemos cobrarle menos porque...." y siempre quiere cobrar lo minimo, no es una persona de negocios. No recordabamos anotar cuanto costaba la materia prima y comprabamos en negocios cercanos, entonces nunca veiamos ganancia, ademas, a la hora de cocinar nos chocabamos en la cocina porque las dos no sabiamos delegar. Eso nos mantenia siempre discutiendo. Con el paso del tiempo nos acomodamos, empezamos a comprar en mayoristas y a trabajar mas en armonia. Pero nos encontrabamos con que los productos de mayoria no eran de tan buena calidad entonces bajó la calidad de nuestros productos. Ademas, nos encontramos con el problema de que no sabiamos como entregar las tortas, la gente comenzó a quejarse de que debian retirarla por nuestro domicilio porque no teniamos nuestra propia movilidad... Haciamos nuestras propias cajas de tortas a mano pero no eran muy lindas y nos llevaba mucho tiempo.



So one day I sat down and thought about how I should organize my business, so with the help of my friend Laura we made an excel document where I wrote down absolutely everything, recipes, costs, prices, budgets, number of products, number of orders, losses, etc. There, when I saw everything dumped, I started planning. I saw the strengths and weaknesses of the business, and devised a business plan to get more orders and connect with customers. Indirectly I was studying digital marketing but I didn't know it. So I put aside cooking for a bit and became my own Community Manager. Also, I was already creating content here on Hive so I was becoming more professional in copywriting and quality photo content. I met the number one tool of the entrepreneur: CANVA. And my followers grew exponentially.

Entonces un dia me senté y pensé en que debia organizar mi negocio, entonces con la ayuda de mi amiga Laura hicimos un documento de excel donde anotaba absolutamente todo, recetas, costos, precios, presupuestos, cantidad de productos, cantidad de pedidos, perdidas, etc. Ahi, cuando vi todo volcado, comencé a planificar. Vi las fortalezas y las fallas del negocio, e ideé un plan de negocio para conseguir mas pedidos y conectar con los clientes. Indirectamente estaba estudiando marketing digital pero no lo sabia. Asi que dejé de lado un poco la cocina y me volví mi propia Community Manager. Ademas, ya estaba creando contenido aquí en Hive asi que estaba volviendo mas profesional en copywriting y contenido de calidad en fotos. Conocí la herramienta numero uno del emprendedor: CANVA. Y mis seguidores crecieron exponencialmente.


A problem that arises from time to time is the increase in the price of raw materials, here in Argentina we are always battling with inflation, what costs today may cost twice as much tomorrow. So having a document with the updated prices always helps me, I recommend that to you %100.

Un problema que surge cada tanto son las subidas de los precios de la materia prima, acá en Argentina siempre estamos batallando con la inflacion, lo que cuesta hoy en dia quiza mañana cuesta el doble. Entonces tener un documento con los precios actualizados siempre me ayuda, eso se los recomiendo un %100.



I also began to prepare for "special" dates such as Mother's Day or Christmas and offer unique products. That attracted many clients because it was not something that was used to be seen a lot among other pastry entrepreneurs. For example, we made themed cookies!

Tambien comencé a prepararme para las fechas "especiales" como el dia de la madre o navidad y ofrecer productos unicos. Eso atrajo muchos clientes porque no era algo que se solia ver mucho entre otras emprendedoras de pasteleria. Por ejemplo, haciamos galletitas tematicas!



I also began to participate in fairs for neighborhood entrepreneurs, where I had direct contact with the client and also handed out flyers for them to follow me on networks, which made clients upload photos and tag me.

Tambien comencé a participar de ferias de emprendedores barriales, donde tenia trato directo con el cliente y ademas entregaba flyers para que me sigan en redes, eso hizo que los clientes suban fotos y me etiqueten.



A few months ago I took the step and officially started studying Digital Marketing, and started a Community Manager course. So in addition to managing my own business, I will be able to manage other people's enterprises and businesses. Maybe tomorrow I'll be fit to give courses! I'm super anxious, and I thank Buen Rollo and my mother because without everything I've lived I wouldn't be where I am now! dare to undertake, it is difficult and stressful but I am beautiful and it dignifies a lot.

Hace pocos meses di el paso y comencé a estudiar Marketing Digital oficialmente, e inicié un curso de Community Manager. Asi que ademas de manejar mi propio negocio voy a estar apta para manejar los emprendimientos y negocios de otras personas. Quizá el dia de mañana esté apta para dar cursos! estoy super ansiosa, y se lo agradezco a Buen Rollo y mi madre porque sin todo lo vivido no estaria donde estoy ahora! animense a emprender, es dificil y estresante pero estoy hermoso y dignifica muchisimo.
WhatsApp Image 2022-06-09 at 1.05.12 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-08 at 10.38.52 AM.jpeg

The other initiative of the week was about telling your passions, and this truly became my passion. I was not a big fan of pastry but today I love it. I love my business very much, I love what I can achieve with my hands, I consider myself excellent and I love the feeling of pride I feel when my clients congratulate me and choose me again, I would not change it for anything.

La otra iniciativa de la semana era sobre contar tus pasiones, y verdaderamente ésta se volvió mi pasion. Yo no era muy fan de la pasteleria pero hoy la amo. Amo mucho mi emprendimiento, amo lo que puedo lograr con mis manos, me considero excelente y amo la sensacion de orgullo que siento cuando mis clientes me felicitan y me vuelen a elegir, no lo cambio por nada.


I hope you have enjoyed reading my entire publication, more than 2000 words, I think I extended myself a lot hahaha I invite my friend @youyowi to participate in this initiative ♥

espero que haya sido de su agrado leer toda mi publicacion, mas de 2000 palabras creo que me extendí muchisimo jajaja invito a mi amiga @youyowi a que participe de ésta iniciativa ♥

Thank you very much for reading my post,
a kiss and a hug, heypuch ♥

Muchas gracias por leer mi post, un beso y un abrazo, heypuch ♥


Your ability to solve problems, creativity, adapt, attend to details and a passion make you an ideal entrepreneur. @heypuch

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@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @heypuch and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/11 calls)

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You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Los postres, mi debilidad jejeje, excelente emprendimiento amiga, hoy en día en mi pais tiene mucha demanda. Exitos.

podes creer que no me gustan los dulces a mi? es una bendicion porque mi emprendimiento se iria a la quiebra jajajaj

Excelente tu emprendimiento. Una hoja excel la primera ayuda de un emprendedor, allí puedes vaciar todo lo relacionado con tus costos, gastos, ingresos, margenes de ganacia y comparativos. La idea de llevar la cuenta de instragram es muy acertada y sobre todo hacer el curso de community manager.


Me costó mucho tiempo sentarme a volcar toda la informacion en un excel, teniamos todo en papel y tachabamos sobre eso. Hoy en dia es una paz mental que los precios se actualicen solos! jajaj muchas gracias por leer ♥

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@tibaire, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @heypuch and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/9 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Que bueno fue leer tu historia amiga... Me llena de entusiasmo leer que iniciaste desde abajo y hoy tienes tu negocio y sigues capacitandote...la verdad es que te envío mis respetos y mis deseos de futuros exitos... Que buen rollo tienes! 🥰👍🏼...

Un abrazo.


Dear @heypuch, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, Hive.blog or using HiveSigner.

All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!

Hello @heypuch
Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
Ladies of Hive is here for you.
This is where we can exchange ideas and be inspired by the stories of others.
Perhaps we have the knowledge to share or perhaps we need to learn from others.
No matter what it is ... do it on Ladies of Hive.
You are not here just for yourself.
We are here for each other.
Meet other women in the community!
Get others involved!
Support each other!
Thanks for sharing.
Good luck with the contest.