Sometime in December last year, I got a call from the husband telling me mother-in-law was no longer there, "Mom is gone..." he said calmly at the other end of the line. He just drove away in a rush about an hour before.
I seem to have lost my logic that I asked "where did she go?" and he managed to still calmly answered, "she didn't make it to the hospital. It was DOA."
I was out the yard at that time petting the neighbor's cat when I got the call. As the cat meowed, I was also crying, repeatedly saying "Why? why? why?" chest pounding heavily, feeling my head was going to blow up any minute.
"Maybe you need to pack some clothes and blankets too. I'm going to pick you up later after we settle things here." I heard the husband talking. His voice shaky this time. I don't remember how the call ended. I simply froze.
Many a moments later, I was on the phone with my eldest sister, telling her what had happened. She mentioned seeing my mother-in-law on a birthday party the day before and they were teasing each other. She couldn't believe it either. She advised me to calm down and just let her know what we need. She's heaven-sent!
The next call I placed was to my second sister, she was shocked too. "Why so sudden? What happened?" she asked. I didn't know how to answer but I just had to let her know. Talking to her was like getting a big warm hug.
"Mommy A is gone, Daddy. She's gone a while back." I was on the phone with my old man, sobbing uncontrollably. He was quiet for a while then after trying to calm me down, he asked if I was in the hospital and who were with us.
Роман Микрюков
I've never felt so helpless prior to that very day. If there's anything, I've always tried to face life's troubles first before crying out loud to my family. But I guess there are certain things in life that can never be shouldered or solved quietly and alone, and that is losing someone dear. We wail and cry a river to the point where our tears mix with our snot and flow through our mouth (forgive me on this illustration but it's true for me, lol!)
The great thing is that we are so blessed to have people around us whom we can draw strength and courage from when things get rough and tough. And they are the same people whom we share our joy and happiness too on many occasions.
Life is beautiful, isn't it?
Yes, I always believe so.
Under any different circumstances, my first to-go-to is the husband. And he will always be, in sickness and in health... in happiness and in sorrow, for better or worse...
That's the vow we've made and we are living through it... gracefully... thankfully...
This is my participation to the first question of @silversaver888 on the 86th Edition of the LOH community prompts and let me invite @jane1289 if you are up to the challenge :)
Thank you and Happy Weekend Ladies!
Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful ALWAYS!