Los estándares de belleza y su impacto en la sociedad / Beauty standards and their impact on society- Contest #122✨

in #hive-1244522 years ago


Saludos amigos de la colmena, quiero reconocer y agradecer a la comunidad de mujeres que nos brinda la oportunidad de aprender y crecer cada semana. Gracias a su apoyo y compromiso, podemos conectarnos con mujeres de diferentes culturas y trasfondos, compartir nuestras experiencias y conocimientos, y aprender de las vivencias de otras personas. Esta comunidad de mujeres nos inspira a seguir adelante y nos recuerda que somos parte de algo más grande y significativo. A través de nuestras interacciones y conversaciones, podemos aprender, apoyarnos y empoderarnos mutuamente, y esto es algo que no tiene precio. En este párrafo de introducción, quiero expresar mi gratitud a la comunidad de mujeres que nos brinda la oportunidad de crecer y aprender juntas cada semana.

¿Por qué crees que la sociedad da tanto valor a la belleza cuando no tiene ningún propósito funcional?


La sociedad valora la belleza porque se trata de una característica que se percibe como atractiva y deseable, lo que puede tener un impacto positivo en las relaciones sociales y en la percepción de uno mismo. Aunque la belleza no tenga un propósito funcional en términos prácticos, puede influir en la forma en que las personas son percibidas y tratadas en la sociedad.

En primer lugar, la belleza se asocia con la salud y la juventud, lo que sugiere que las personas atractivas son más saludables y tienen mejores genes. Esta asociación puede hacer que las personas se sientan atraídas por los individuos bellos como compañeros y que los vean como modelos a seguir en cuanto a cuidado personal. Además, los individuos considerados bellos pueden recibir mejor trato en situaciones sociales, como en entrevistas de trabajo o al conocer a nuevas personas, lo que puede proporcionarles una ventaja en la vida.

En segundo lugar, la belleza se ha utilizado durante mucho tiempo como un indicador de estatus social y económico. En muchas culturas, la ropa y el maquillaje elaborados eran indicativos de la riqueza y la posición social, y esto aún puede ser cierto hoy en día. Las personas que se ven bien arregladas y bien vestidas a menudo se perciben como más exitosas y respetables, lo que puede influir en la forma en que son tratadas por los demás.

En tercer lugar, la belleza es una característica deseable porque puede ser considerada una forma de arte. La belleza se valora en la pintura, la música y la arquitectura, y las personas pueden aplicar estos mismos estándares al evaluar a las personas. Las personas que se ven hermosas pueden ser consideradas como una obra de arte en sí mismas, lo que las convierte en un objeto de admiración y deseo.

¿Qué trabajo se te daría fatal?


Siempre he sido consciente de que cada trabajo tiene su valor y es importante en nuestra sociedad, pero siempre he sabido que hay ciertos trabajos que simplemente no serían para mí. Uno de ellos, sin duda alguna, sería el de capataz de una finca.

El solo pensar en pasar noches solas en una finca, rodeado de animales de todo tipo, me da un miedo terrible. No soy la persona más valiente del mundo, y creo que el aislamiento y la oscuridad me pondrían muy nervioso. Además, los cuentos de espantos y leyendas sobre lugares abandonados solo empeorarían mi situación.

Sé que el trabajo de capataz de finca es importante y puede ser muy gratificante para las personas que tienen las habilidades y la valentía necesarias, pero definitivamente no es algo que yo podría hacer. Prefiero trabajar en un ambiente más estructurado y seguro, donde me sienta más cómodo y pueda desarrollar mis habilidades de manera efectiva.

¡Gracias por leer mi publicación! Espero que hayas encontrado este artículo interesante e informativo. Si tienes alguna pregunta o comentario, no dudes en dejarlo en la sección de comentarios. Espero verte de nuevo pronto en mi blog para más contenido interesante. ¡Hasta la próxima!



Greetings friends of the hive, I want to recognize and thank the community of women that gives us the opportunity to learn and grow every week. Thanks to your support and commitment, we are able to connect with women from different cultures and backgrounds, share our experiences and knowledge, and learn from other people's experiences. This community of women inspires us to keep going and reminds us that we are part of something bigger and more meaningful. Through our interactions and conversations, we can learn, support and empower each other, and this is something that is priceless. In this introductory paragraph, I want to express my gratitude to the community of women that gives us the opportunity to grow and learn together every week.

Why do you think society places so much value on beauty when it serves no functional purpose?


Society values beauty because it is a characteristic that is perceived as attractive and desirable, which can have a positive impact on social relationships and self-perception. Although beauty does not serve a functional purpose in practical terms, it can influence the way people are perceived and treated in society.

First, beauty is associated with health and youth, suggesting that attractive people are healthier and have better genes. This association can cause people to be drawn to beautiful individuals as companions and to see them as role models in self-care. Additionally, individuals considered beautiful may be treated better in social situations, such as job interviews or meeting new people, which may give them an advantage in life.

Second, beauty has long been used as an indicator of social and economic status. In many cultures, elaborate clothing and makeup were indicative of wealth and social standing, and this may still be true today. People who look well-groomed and well-dressed are often perceived as more successful and respectable, which can influence how they are treated by others.

What job would be terrible for you?


I have always been aware that every job has its value and is important in our society, but I have always known that there are certain jobs that simply would not be for me. One of them, without a doubt, would be the foreman of a farm.

Third, beauty is a desirable characteristic because it can be considered an art form. Beauty is valued in painting, music, and architecture, and people can apply these same standards when evaluating people. People who look beautiful can be considered as a work of art in themselves, making them an object of admiration and desire.

Just thinking about spending nights alone on a farm, surrounded by all kinds of animals, terrifies me. I'm not the bravest person in the world, and I think the isolation and the dark would make me very nervous. Also, scary tales and legends about abandoned places would only make my situation worse.

I know that farm foreman work is important and can be very rewarding for people who have the necessary skills and courage, but it is definitely not something I could do. I prefer to work in a more structured and safe environment, where I feel more comfortable and can develop my skills effectively.

Thanks for reading my post! I hope you found this article interesting and informative. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section. I hope to see you again soon on my blog for more interesting content. Until next time!




Ahhaaa....if you are a pet lover only then will you enjoy the farm keeper types of job, else you will never feel connected

Hello! I appreciate your comment and agree that it's important to have a connection with the work that you do. While I love animals, I'm not sure that I would feel comfortable working alone on a farm during the night. We all have different experiences and needs that make us feel comfortable and secure in our work.

However, I do think that working on a farm can be an enriching experience for those who enjoy contact with animals and nature. It's important to find a job that fits our skills, interests, and needs, and to respect others' decisions regarding their choice of work.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!

Hello @litzney. It is true that society has invoked a standard that you say "people can apply these same standards when evaluating people." I think that's the problem with society in placing a value or standard for others to live and be guided by.

Also, your selection for the terrible job as being a farm worker is the first response that has mentioned this. An interesting thought you present.

I wanted to alert to you to the fact that you placed your 3rd opinion on the functionality of beauty in the second relating to the terrible job. You may want to check that.

Finally, images taken from Pinterest are not free to use. Please look for another image from a site that offer free images, such as Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels, among others.

Thanks for your thoughts on the two subjects.

Take care.

Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and leaving a comment. I appreciate your perspective on society and the standards it sets. I agree that it can be a problem when people are expected to live and be guided by certain standards that may not necessarily work for everyone.

Thank you also for pointing out the mistake in my post. I will correct it right away. I'm glad to hear that you found my opinion on working as a farm worker interesting.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and I hope to see you around here again soon!

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Hello @litzney nice to meet you.

I loved your article. It was very informative and helped me understand more about beauty and what it means to other people in society.

I'm sorry you fear animals so much. They are very sentient beings. I feel this way so much so that I am mostly a vegetarian.

I understand how you feel thoughm especially if you didn't have a pet of any kind. Animals have souls just like humans and the same emotions as humans if not more! Yes it has been scientifically proven now too. Now my family could not tell me I was crazy for thinking how smart my parakeet was or how much he thought out things. Scientists proved that birds do this when hunting in the wild, so of course they would be very inquisitive creatures :)

Barb :)

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