Jigsaw puzzles and me, the fun of building order || Contest-196 [ENG-ESP]

in #hive-1244527 months ago

Jigsaw puzzles and me, the fun of building order

I am the oldest of my siblings and toys in their different representations and varieties were never missing in my childhood. Although the family economy was sober and tight, I was always entertained without differences, with various options: dolls, tea sets, make-up sets, bicycles, and skates, among others. However, evoking moments of the past, these toys did not achieve a special place or preference in me. I used them very punctually and then they went to the shelf or to the space destined for their storage, or on the contrary they were enjoyed by my sister, with whom I played sometimes accompanying her in her fantasies.

It was December time, I was five years old then and it arrived as a delicate gift, the toy that would be my weakness and my greatest delight, a puzzle, which was of space. I can describe it with a sumptuousness of details because they are enlivened and swarming agitated details in my mind, the pieces in its structure were of delicate wood and presented certain relief, multiple segments of planets and stars shone, demanding order and arrangement, an exquisite rhomboidal box contained them, and identified in its exterior the image to build, in a content of one hundred pieces, adorned as exquisite brooch a bow in a red ribbon, with a card that distilled love, much love and good wishes, through many hearts.

Excited and with unquestionable carelessness I opened the box, the pieces fell everywhere, it was the apparent chaos that stimulated in me the interest to look for order, observing, and analyzing the fragments in their shapes and colors to place them. It was there that I discovered the fun of the toy, I did not mind the time I spent on it, I had the patience for it, and I enjoyed with pleasure the process, and the challenge of achieving its construction. I learned the association and to record the pieces in my memory, many times I closed my eyes and mentally searched for the solution and then put it together. When I did it for the first time, I rehearsed successive times in how much time I shortened to find the solution, I had the control and the rhythm of the game, which always gratified me. My parents could not always give me this fun, however, there was support in the school library and in the public library of the city, where I went with my friends to do homework and also to have fun in the memory game room.

Today, the fun of putting puzzles together persists, but I already do it with a playmate, my daughter, and we enjoy it together, although she is more open to other toys than I am.

This, is my answer to the question of the Contest #196

What was your favorite toy as a child? And why?

Thanks for your visit.
July 30, 2024

Los rompecabezas y yo, la diversión de construir orden

Soy la mayor de mis hermanos y los juguetes en sus diferentes representaciones y variedades nunca faltaron en mi niñez. A pesar de que la economía familiar era sobria y ajustada, siempre fui agasajada sin diferencias, con diversidad de opciones: muñecas, juegos de té, sets de maquillaje, bicicletas, patines, entre otros. Sin embargo, evocando momentos del pasado, estos juguetes no alcanzaron en mí un lugar o preferencia especial. Los usaba muy puntualmente y luego iban al estante o al espacio destinado para su guarda, o, por el contrario, eran disfrutados con beneplácito por mi hermana, con quien jugaba en ocasiones acompañándola en sus fantasías.

Era la época de Diciembre, yo tenía entonces cinco años y llegó como un delicado regalo, el juguete que sería mi debilidad y mi mayor deleite, un rompecabezas, este era del espacio. Puedo describirlo con una suntuosidad de detalles, porque se avivan y pululan agitados pormenores en mi mente, las piezas en su estructura eran de delicada madera y presentaban cierto relieve, brillaban múltiples segmentos de planetas y estrellas, exigiendo orden y disposición, una exquisita caja romboidal los contenía, e identificaba en su exterior la imagen a construir, en un contenido de cien piezas, adornaba como broche exquisito un emperifollado moño en una cinta roja, con una tarjeta que destilaba amor, mucho amor y buenos deseos, a través de muchos corazones.

Emocionada y con indiscutible descuido abrí la caja, cayendo las piezas por doquier, fue el aparente caos lo que estimuló en mí el interés por buscar el orden, observando, analizando los fragmentos en sus formas y colores para situarlos. Fue allí donde descubrí la diversión del juguete, no me importaba el tiempo que le dedicaba, tenía la paciencia para ello, disfrutaba con placer el proceso, el reto de lograr su construcción. Aprendí la asociación y a grabar las piezas en mi memoria, muchas veces cerraba los ojos y buscaba mentalmente la solución para luego armarlo. Cuando ya lo hacía por primera vez, ensayaba sucesivas veces en cuanto tiempo acortaba para encontrar la solución, tenía el control y el ritmo del juego, eso siempre me gratificaba. Mis padres no siempre podían proporcionarme esta diversión, sin embargo, existía el apoyo en la biblioteca del colegio y en biblioteca pública de la ciudad, en las que iba con mis amigos para hacer las tareas y también divertirnos en la sala de juegos de memoria.

Hoy en día, la diversión de armar rompecabezas persiste, pero ya lo hago con una compañera de juegos, mi hija, y lo disfrutamos juntas, aunque ella está más abierta a otros juguetes que yo.

Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del Concurso #196

¿Cuál era su juguete favorito de niño? ¿Por qué?

Gracias por tu visita
30 de Julio de 2024


All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente


I liked puzzles as a child, too, but never consider it was "building order" — but it is! 😁

Hello dear @thekittygirl what a nice coincidence, you must be very patient, orderly and analytical. Puzzles have always been my weakness and it is to give order to the disorder, for me it was a real challenge, to think, rethink and strengthen constancy as the complexity expanded. Thank you for your support, I appreciate it and thank you !LUV !LADY !LOTUS

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¡@thekittygirl! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.

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Thank you very much team @ladiesofhive for the support, appreciated !HUG !LUV

Dear @ladiesofhive, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.

After having read many of your previous posts I've come to understand you have a inquisitive thought process of taking on abstract concepts and putting them into a certain order or solution that makes sense to you. It's no wonder why you have taken up medicine as a career @marilour

¡@kerrislravenhill! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch

Greetings appreciated @kerrislravenhill it is always a pleasure, to read your distinguished opinions, they are for me, of great value and appreciation, because they are full of dialectic depth. It is in our childhood, when the major constellations of behaviors, attitudes and intentions are sketched, they are the incipient lights of our personality and preferences in trend. The environment does its part, but we are so exquisite in complexity, that there are unique and remarkable aspects, inherent and exclusive to each of us. As a defectible human being, who learns and unlearns in this existence, I have erred in different occasions, however, having chosen medicine as an action of life has been one of my main successes, very probably I would be very distant from being what I am today, if it were not part of me. It has been a path full of experiences that we have traveled together, which have transformed me, making me more human. I feel honored by your description, grateful for the deference, health and well-being for you and yours !HUG !LUV !LOTUS

Dear @kerrislravenhill, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.