In a few days from now, we'll be entering a new year and as usual, some of us already have some things planned out especially resolutions to be better in the coming year. While I can't boost that the things I had planned for this year is successful, I'm grateful to see the end of the year with a lot of goodies and progress in many aspects of my life and I think that's a lot already.
Through this year, I've learnt new things, experienced changes I didn't expect and faced obstacles that only taught me better how to handle it next time if it should happen again which I don't hope for. They say, "We pray we never know a better yesterday" and I'll say "I do not want to have a better last year". Thankfully, every year have a lesson to teach me to be better.
I may not be the best yet but I am having a better new year than the previous ones and I pray it continue that way. Thinking back and my recent unspoken or unshared resolutions, I believe next year is going to be another great year of training, learning and becoming a better version of myself but in a more intentional way as it's my plan to be very intentional in whatever actions I take now.
I'll be done with my country service by next year and that marks the beginning of finding a stable earning job alongside developing myself in preparation for other duties expected of me as a lady and daughter to my parents (I'm just twisting the marriage thing lol). While it might be a priority for my family to see me get married anytime soon, it's my priority to improve and be my best.
Marriage will definitely be in the picture but not my top priority, I'd say having a better change of attitude towards life, improving my singing skills, having a stable job and bonding more with family is my top priority for next year. Of course, I don't know what the year holds for me but it doesn't hurt to have a few things in mind as I approach the new year, it's all part of being gratefully ready.
Another thing that's not really a top priority but so on my mind is visiting a new state for just vacation purpose, I don't see how that would work out but I am preparing my mind to take that move for a first time experience in the new year. Things haven't gotten better with my country's economy which is distorting a lot of progress but I am positive about the coming new year still.
For this year, I am grateful and for next year, I believe I'll be more grateful. It's what I want to work towards fully relying on God for his providence, favour and grace on my family and I as we go into the new year. I hope to keep my priorities at the top till they are achieved or in good progress. What about you? Please share your top priority for year 2025 with us, ladies.
Image is mine
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