Women Contest #92

in #hive-1244522 years ago

I am glad to participate in the 93rd contest in ladies of hive. The topic is very enthusiastic. Want to write more and more?

_________ because you're a girl." The blank could be any job or profession which had historically been held by males, such as lawyer, police officer, astronaut, CEO, etc. Jobs considered "acceptable" for females were things like a school teacher, nurse, secretary, or sales clerk (of course, in a store owned a man). Society's "preferred" job for women was "housewife," and many men insisted that their wives not work outside the home.

  • Women's right


It is supposed to be no difference between men and women. They are equal. They have similar rights. They are equal to men……….lots of that type of thing. These are only verbal things. Can't find it in our society.
Women don't have the right to choose anything. Men chose where they have to go. Where she gets married. Or even which subject you choose. There are lots of hurdles in the way to getting their job.

  • Jobs

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Jobs like joining the army, piolet, astronaut and many more jobs are considered jobs only for men. When some women talk about joining these jobs. They just react how could you do these? Your work us only take care of your home.no other them this If they allow them to do employment. They just ask okay become a teacher or nurse. These are your delegation. No other than this. If you don't want to do then stay inside your residence and do house chores.
How can you do it? You will not manage it.

  • Story


Here I quote a story of a girl, who wants to go into the army. Want to fight for her country. She was very good at her studies. She talks to her mother I want to go into the army to serve my country. She was stunned to listen to her daughter's decision. She asked her don't say it again. You don't have even to touch this heavy trunk. You want to go into the army. Will work like a man. How do you carry heavy guns or ammunition with you? You scream to listen to thunder outside. How you can withstand there? With load shooting pistols…. ….. And all like that. She asks her if you have good marks. Work hard and become a doctor. But remember one thing no one will allow you to go outside. It's your dream.

In my point of view, women can do wonders. If she aimed to do a certain thing she did it wholeheartedly. She doesn't care what people will say. what they think.

  • My experience:


As we are three sisters and one brother. We faced lots of hurdles on our way. People used to say to my father why do you invest in them. There is no need for their studies. They go to some other house after marriage. It's useless. My father is very loving and caring. We fulfilled all our needs. We feel like he is our best buddy. Who protects us from all the evil eyes? Although he is strict too in our studies. After his office, he asks us to bring your books. Then we do our studies with him. Telling him full-day stories. That was the awesome duration. After his motivation and hard work. One of my sisters is now an officer in the educational branch. The second one is a textile designer. he gave us an equal chance to become successful ladies. I also did my masters in computer science. But after that, I get married. Now I'm a housewife. Taking care of my family and am happy with it.


  • Spanish version

Me alegro de participar en el 93º concurso de damas de la colmena. El tema es muy entusiasta. ¿Quieres escribir más y más?

_________ porque eres una chica". El espacio en blanco podía ser cualquier trabajo o profesión que históricamente hubiera sido desempeñada por hombres, como abogado, policía, astronauta, director general, etc. Los trabajos considerados "aceptables" para las mujeres eran cosas como maestra de escuela, enfermera, secretaria o dependienta (por supuesto, en una tienda propiedad de un hombre). El trabajo "preferido" por la sociedad para las mujeres era el de "ama de casa", y muchos hombres insistían en que sus esposas no trabajaran fuera del hogar.

  • El derecho de las mujeres

Se supone que no hay diferencia entre hombres y mujeres. Son iguales. Tienen derechos similares. Son iguales a los hombres..........muchas cosas de ese tipo. Son sólo cosas verbales. No lo encontramos en nuestra sociedad.
Las mujeres no tienen derecho a elegir nada. Los hombres eligen dónde tienen que ir. Donde se casan. O incluso la asignatura que elige. Hay muchos obstáculos en el camino para conseguir su trabajo.

  • Jobs


Trabajos como entrar en el ejército, piolet, astronauta y muchos más se consideran trabajos sólo para hombres. Cuando algunas mujeres hablan de unirse a estos trabajos. Simplemente reaccionan, ¿cómo puedes hacer esto? Tu trabajo es solo para cuidar de tu casa. No hay otros trabajos que les permitan hacerlos. Sólo piden que se conviertan en profesoras o enfermeras. Estas son sus delegaciones. Nada más que esto. Si no quieres hacer entonces quédate dentro de tu residencia y haz las tareas de la casa.
¿Cómo puedes hacerlo? No lo conseguirás.

  • Historia


Aquí cito una historia de una chica, que quiere entrar en el ejército. Quiere luchar por su país. Ella era muy buena en sus estudios. Ella habla con su madre Quiero entrar en el ejército para servir a mi país. Ella se quedó atónita al escuchar la decisión de su hija. Le pidió que no lo repitiera. No tienes ni que tocar este pesado baúl. Quieres entrar en el ejército. Trabajarás como un hombre. ¿Cómo llevas las armas pesadas o las municiones contigo? Gritas al escuchar los truenos afuera. ¿Cómo puedes resistir allí? Con pistolas de tiro de carga.... ..... Y todo eso. Le pregunta si tiene buenas notas. Trabaja duro y conviértete en médico. Pero recuerda una cosa: nadie te permitirá salir. Es tu sueño.

Desde mi punto de vista, las mujeres pueden hacer maravillas. Si se propone hacer una cosa determinada, lo hace de todo corazón. No le importa lo que diga la gente, lo que piensen.

  • Mi experiencia:


Como somos tres hermanas y un hermano. Nos enfrentamos a muchos obstáculos en nuestro camino. La gente solía decir a mi padre que por qué invertía en ellos. No hay necesidad de sus estudios. Se van a otra casa después del matrimonio. Es inútil. Mi padre es muy cariñoso y atento. Satisface todas nuestras necesidades. Sentimos que es nuestro mejor amigo. Que nos protege de todos los ojos malvados. Aunque también es estricto en nuestros estudios. Después de su oficina, nos pide que traigamos nuestros libros. Entonces hacemos nuestros estudios con él. Contándole historias de todo el día. Esa fue la duración impresionante. Después de su motivación y trabajo duro. Una de mis hermanas es ahora un oficial en la rama educativa. La segunda es diseñadora textil. Nos dio la misma oportunidad de convertirnos en señoras de éxito. También hice mi maestría en ciencias de la computación. Pero después me casé. Ahora soy ama de casa. Cuidando de mi familia y soy feliz con ello.



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You are lucky to have compassionate father. Otherwise people under pressure women and their rights. We should raise voice for our rights. I wish you best of luck for the contest.

Yeah, I am lucky to have a father like him. He is my ideal personality. Very corroborating and courageous.
Thank you so much😊😊😊😊😊

Thank you for your entry to our weekly contest! 😊


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Our mothers are afraid of any job on which they think that any mental or physical workout will occur ( who knows such profession can become taunt or regret a lady living in south Asia ). Numerous girls fantasise about enormous dreams but when they open their eyes nothing is clear related to dreams. I am glad that your father remained an iron man to endure through all these societal oppositions. A proud father who gave rise to such a graceful lady 💙 !LUV

Most parents are afraid to send their daughters outside, especially for jobs. They think they are not safe and do not dare to stand in front of this cruel society. People often see them as they are public property. Because of this their dreams do not come true.
My father is my inspiration. May Allah give him long life.

From enormous restrictions, one of them is "not allowing the daughters to prove their talent". Instead of bringing change, fear wins all the time. But now in the environment around me, change is happening on an individual level

Nowadays people are changing their mindset. But not seems happy for them

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