Hello, all
Consequently, I could say it is my first time speaking to you here, and then I need your support. I could represent myself by showing my artworks, publications, videos, pics and some of my interesting life stories.
My introduction
I am one Alisha Shaikh and that's what I go by. I'll be your pen pal forever!! My name is Noni I am 20 years old and from Pakistan I was born in a family in Punjab, the place where I been, therefore, here I stand. Adventure, singing, being outdoors, and helping animals have always given love the true meaning to me. By this reason I'm single at the moment, but I dream of being a teacher for them. Am sure that I am the youngest person in one big family which consists of one brother.
Educational Journey
How about dedicating a few minutes each day to learning something new just to brighten our day and those close to us. Now I have been taught more than I ever imagined, but this time between the classes and during the school gatherings you will be my teacher and second home – I will learn from you every day. I will feel like as if I created my family and was at home as I grew my knowledge every day. In addition to all which I have managed to study I did extra B.A course as well and I am still learning computer DIT or CIT.
My Hobbies
I am a movie person and enjoy drama and music,traveling is my favorite thing as well usually i try to capture beauty of earth.
I hope this plateform will just be full of happiness, enlightening my brain with new experiences, knowledge, and wisdom. Let me tell you just what I have been expecting to learn from the moment you started driving a new way with me, of your learning, indeed.