[ESP/ENG] El motivo de mi fama. Concurso Comunidad LOH #152/ The reason for my fame. LOH Community Contest #152

in #hive-124452last year

Hola damas, un placer saludarlas. Nuevamente me encuentro por acá, respondiendo las preguntas para esta semana; las cuales, debo decir, son grandiosas.



1️⃣ Si tuvieras la fama garantizada por el destino, ¿cuál sería la razón de tu fama? ¿Por qué serías famoso?

Considero que si tuviera la fama garantizada, seria famosa por escribir un libro. Es un tema que siempre me ha llamado la atención, desde muy pequeña estuve participando en concursos de escritura creativa en la primaria y luego en bachillerato; y debo decir que siempre quedaba en los tres primeros puestos. La lectura y la escritura son mis puntos fuertes, y siempre he convivido con libros a mi alrededor. Cuando estaba en bachillerato, de hecho empecé a escribir un libro, llevaba muchos capítulos adelantados y me encantaba como iba dándole forma, pero lo tenía en un cuaderno (por pena no quería publicarlo en ninguna plataforma, cómo lo era Wattpad; quería escribir sin que nadie leyera lo que escribía) y un día ese cuaderno se me mojó por completo y perdí todos los avances que llevaba, recuerdo más o menos la trama, pero se que nunca lo recordaré por completo.

Luego si empecé a escribir otro libro (este si en Wattpad), pero no tuve mucha constancia, y como veía que no tenía votos o vistas, sencillamente deje de hacerlo, porque no tenía motivación.
Quizá si hubiese publicado el otro libro en Wattpad, aún tuviera su contenido y al fin y al cabo quizá nadie lo hubiese leído, pero hubiese podido terminarlo.

Y actualmente poco a poco he ido retomando la escritura, de hecho he publicado algunos capítulos aquí en Hive; y estoy manejandolo como un ejercicio de escritura creativa y fortalecimiento de la constancia (aunque me está costando un poco sacar el tiempo para ser creativa, entre tantas obligaciones, pero sigo intentándolo).

Así que si, si tuviera la fama garantizada por algo, definitivamente sería por un libro.

La segunda pregunta de este concurso, también me encanta y estoy más que dispuesta a responderla.


2️⃣ Las mujeres siempre son creativas y emprendedoras. Si te diera 5.000 dólares con la condición de que hicieras una inversión, ¿en qué invertirías el dinero?

Un negocio que desde mi adolescencia tengo en mi mente, es iniciar en algun momento una pastelería. En unos inicios la idea era más que todo un cafetín, un lugar donde pudieras ir a tomarte un café o té, comer algo rico y disfrutar de un ambiente relajado y tematizado dependiendo quizá de las épocas del año y las fiestas que hay a lo largo de este.

Pero cuando emigré, esa idea cambió un poco, debido a que empecé a trabajar de cajera en una panaderia y pastelería; y más que todo desde el año pasado que tuve un ascenso, me he involucrado mucho más en el área de producción y venta de tortas completamente personalizadas. Me di cuenta de que me gustaba muchísimo y dije "Yo quiero algo así para mí"; así que empecé a fusionar en mi mente ambas ideas, tener un cafetín con todas las ideas que tenía principalmente, pero agregarle una pequeña oficina o apartado donde pudiera conversar con clientes y ofrecerles servicios de pasteles personalizados, con diversas temáticas y presentaciones.

Si alguien me dijera que me ofrece tal cantidad de dinero para que inicie un negocio, definitivamente sería ese; y debo decir que me estoy preparando (junto con mi pareja, que también trabaja en el mismo lugar que yo; de hecho es pastelero) tanto monetariamente como en el área de conocimientos de producción y decoración, para poner a andar ese negocio con el que tanto he soñado.

Por acá aprovecho para dejarles una foto de la primera torta decorada que tuve la oportunidad de hacer mientras estaba por Venezuela hace unos días, en mi viaje de vacaciones laborales. Y así mostrarles como va mi preparación para dicho proyecto.


Pink Abstract Dots Beauty Vlogger Facebook Cover.png

No me queda más que agradecer a @irenenavarroart por tan buenas preguntas.

Y también agradecerles a todos ustedes por leer mi publicación.

Foto tomada con mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi Note 8.
Banners y separadores hechos en Canva.



Hello ladies, a pleasure to greet you. I'm here again, answering this week's questions; which, I must say, are great.


1️⃣ If you were guaranteed fame by fate, what would be the reason for your fame? Why would you be famous?

I consider that if I had guaranteed fame, I would be famous for writing a book. It is a subject that has always caught my attention, since I was very young I participated in creative writing contests in elementary school and then in high school; and I must say that I always came in the first three places. Reading and writing are my strong points, and I have always lived with books around me. When I was in high school, I actually started writing a book, I had many chapters advanced and I loved how I was shaping it, but I had it in a notebook (I didn't want to publish it on any platform, like Wattpad; I wanted to write without anyone reading what I wrote) and one day that notebook got completely wet and I lost all the advances I had, I remember more or less the plot, but I know I'll never remember it completely.

Then I did start writing another book (this one on Wattpad), but I didn't have much constancy, and as I saw that I had no votes or views, I simply stopped doing it, because I had no motivation.
Maybe if I had published the other book on Wattpad, it would still have its content and maybe nobody would have read it, but I would have been able to finish it.

And currently I've been slowly taking up writing again, in fact I've published a few chapters here on Hive; and I'm managing it as an exercise in creative writing and strengthening constancy (although I'm finding it a bit hard to make the time to be creative, between so many obligations, but I keep trying).

So yes, if I were guaranteed fame for anything, it would definitely be for a book.

The second question of this contest, I also love it and I'm more than willing to answer it.


2️⃣ Women are always creative and entrepreneurial. If I gave you $5,000 on the condition that you made an investment, what would you invest the money in?

A business that I have had in my mind since I was a teenager is to start a bakery at some point. In the beginning the idea was more of a cafe, a place where you could go to have a coffee or tea, eat something delicious and enjoy a relaxed and themed atmosphere depending perhaps on the times of the year and the festivities that take place throughout the year.

But when I emigrated, that idea changed a bit, because I started working as a cashier in a bakery and pastry shop; and especially since last year when I got a promotion, I have become much more involved in the area of production and sale of fully customized cakes. I realized that I really liked it and I said "I want something like that for myself"; so I started to merge in my mind both ideas, to have a coffee shop with all the ideas that I had mainly, but also to have a coffee shop with all the ideas that I had in my mind.

But when I emigrated, that idea changed a little bit, because I started working as a cashier in a bakery and pastry shop; and mostly since last year when I got a promotion, I have been much more involved in the area of production and sale of fully customized cakes. I realized that I really liked it and I said "I want something like that for myself"; so I started to merge in my mind both ideas, to have a coffee shop with all the ideas I had mainly, but to add a small office or section where I could talk to clients and offer them personalized cakes services, with different themes and presentations.

If someone told me that they were offering me that kind of money to start a business, that would definitely be it; and I must say that I am preparing myself (along with my partner, who also works in the same place as me; in fact he is a pastry chef) both monetarily and in the area of knowledge of production and decoration, to start up that business I have dreamed of so much.

I'll take this opportunity to leave you a picture of the first decorated cake I had the opportunity to make while I was in Venezuela a few days ago, on my working vacation trip. So I can show you how my preparation for this project is going.


Pink Abstract Dots Beauty Vlogger Facebook Cover.png

I just have to thank @irenenavarroart for such good questions.

And also thank you all for reading my post.

Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone.
Banners and dividers made in Canva.
Text translated at DeepL.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Becoming famous for being an author would truly be amazing. I'm sorry to hear about your written story that got wet and lost. The good thing is that you have a chance to continue writing here on Hive and in any other medium you can share your creativity with :)

Best of luck to you on your dream of having a coffee shop that you are planning to pursue.


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Si, la verdad perder esa historia fue algo que me dolió mucho en su momento. Pero cada día se puede imaginar una nueva historia.

Saludos 🫂

Si, debe ser grandioso ser reconocido por lo que escribes.

Muchas gracias por tus palabras.


A mi también me gusta mucho la escritura, creo que tienes un gran potencial porque siempre ha estado en ti, por otro lado que talento para la pastelería, me encantó 💕 Saludos

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Muchas gracias por tan bonito comentario.

Abrazos 🫂


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There was a time I was writing some fiction while spending an inordinate time at a coffee shop during my Community nursing work days. Sometimes there is time between scheduled patient visits so I often found a nice coffee shop and pastry to enjoy after I made my nursing work notes.
Brings back memories @orion.art

Writing is so beautiful, I'm glad you were able to experience it.

I hope at some point you can pick it up again.


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Hello @sagarkothari88

I was able to vote, previously it did not let me do it, maybe because of failures in my internet.

Thank you very much for your support.