[ESP/ENG] Mis miedos e inseguridades. Concurso Comunidad LOH# 142/ My fears and insecurities. LOH# 142 Community Contest

in #hive-124452last year



¡Hola queridas damas! Una nueva semana comienza y con ella tenemos nuevas preguntas para reflexionar.

Esta semana nos presenta dos incógnitas:

-¿Hay algo que ve dentro de sí mismo de lo que no está seguro?
-¿Cuál es ese miedo de la infancia que no le has contado a nadie?

En mi hay demasiadas inseguridades, me cuesta mucho salir de mi zona de confort, mi mente siempre me hace malas jugadas, cuando me coloco un tipo de ropa que nunca me he puesto, todo el mundo me dice que me queda bien, y mi cerebro me dice "no te queda bien" para mí eso ya es algo que marca una gran equis y me hace desistir de ponermelo. Al maquillaje casi siempre le digo no, cuando a salir nos referimos, por miedo a que las personas me digan que no me queda bien.

Pero lo que menos me gusta es que esas inseguridades no son únicamente con mi aspecto físico. Esas inseguridades se vuelven barreras mentales, me dan como pequeños ataques de ansiedad, mi mente se imagina miles de escenarios distintos que podrían ocurrir si tomo una decisión con respecto a un tema y le da vueltas y vueltas. Y al final, decido hacerle caso a los escenarios que hace mi mente y desisto de hacer las cosas; es que mi cuerpo puede querer caminar, por ejemplo, pero si mi mente dice "en la esquina te encontrarás con un perro que te va a atacar", ya no camino, así quiera hacerlo.

No me gusta que me dejo dominar mucho por mis inseguridades, y no he conseguido la manera para alzar la voz más fuerte que mi cerebro y decirle "Basta". Siento que me he perdido de muchas experiencias buenas en mi vida y todo porque mis inseguridades no me permiten vivirla, y cuando pasa ese momento y estoy en otra etapa pienso "Ojalá no le hubiese hecho daño a mi mente".
Cuando hay a mi alrededor alguien que puede decirme cosas que debilitan mis inseguridades y logro hacer lo que muchas personas están haciendo lo que solo yo no podía, me digo a mi misma "Esto no era tan difícil" o "Que bien se siente dar un paso al frente". Pero cuando me encuentro delante de otra situación que me hace dudar, todo se repite.
Espero poder encontrar pronto una manera de ser más fuerte que mis inseguridades.


Pasando a la segunda pregunta de esta semana, les puedo decir que desde que era niña, un gran miedo habita mi mente.

Es el miedo a la soledad y a la muerte.

Cuando me refiero a miedo a la soledad, no quiero decir a estar sola un determinado tiempo, o pasar un día haciendo actividades sola, porque de hecho me gusta estar sola leyendo, escribiendo, viendo una serie o película; además cuando era niña, me escondía debajo de la cama cuando quería estar sola y que nadie me hablara. Me refiero es a la soledad absoluta, el hecho de quedar totalmente sola frente a una situación difícil, que toda mi familia desaparezca y no tenga a nadie a mi alrededor, que intente hablar con personas y no pueda hacerlo, que quiera pedir ayuda y no tenga a quién. Esa es la soledad que desde siempre me ha asustado.

Y la muerte, el miedo a la muerte sigue estando muy presente en mi vida. Cuando era niña tenía muchas pesadillas, me daba miedo a dormir, únicamente por no saber si iba a despertar al día siguiente. La última vez que no dormí por la única razón del miedo a no despertar, fue hace dos años aproximadamente.

Pero actualmente ese miedo a morir sigue estando presente en mi vida, debido a que he tenido diversos inconvenientes de salud; con la diferencia de que ahora pienso es en morir lejos de mi familia, sin verlos una última vez, pienso en el dolor que eso les ocasionaría; me da miedo desaparecer y dejarlos solos.

La verdad nunca le había comentado esto a nadie, es muy liberador haber tenido este espacio para soltar mis inseguridades y mis miedos. No estoy muy segura de si en algún momento me desvié de la esencia de la temática de la semana, pero comencé a escribir y ya no pude detenerme.

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Muchas gracias por leer mi publicación.

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Hello dear ladies! A new week begins and with it we have new questions to ponder.

This week presents us with two unknowns:

-Is there something you see inside yourself that you're not sure about?
-What is that childhood fear that you haven't told anyone?

In me there are too many insecurities, I have a hard time getting out of my comfort zone, my mind always plays tricks on me, when I put on a type of clothing that I have never worn, everyone tells me that it looks good on me, and my brain tells me "it doesn't look good on you" for me that is already something that marks a big "X" and makes me desist from wearing it. I almost always say no to makeup, when it comes to going out, for fear that people will tell me that it doesn't look good on me.

But what I like the least is that these insecurities are not only with my physical appearance. Those insecurities become mental barriers, they give me like little anxiety attacks, my mind imagines thousands of different scenarios that could happen if I make a decision regarding an issue and it goes round and round. And in the end, I decide to pay attention to the scenarios that my mind makes and I stop doing things; my body may want to walk, for example, but if my mind says "at the corner you will find a dog that will attack you", I don't walk, even if I want to.

I don't like that I let my insecurities rule me too much, and I haven't figured out a way to raise my voice louder than my brain and say "Enough". I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good experiences in my life and all because my insecurities won't let me live it, and when that moment passes and I'm in another stage I think "I wish I hadn't hurt my mind".
When there is someone around me who can tell me things that weaken my insecurities and I get to do what many people are doing that only I couldn't, I say to myself "This wasn't so hard" or "How good it feels to step forward". But when I find myself in front of another situation that makes me hesitate, it all comes back to me.
I hope I can soon find a way to be stronger than my insecurities.


Moving on to this week's second question, I can tell you that ever since I was a child, a great fear inhabits my mind.

It is the fear of loneliness and death.

When I refer to fear of loneliness, I do not mean being alone for a certain amount of time, or spending a day doing activities alone, because in fact I like to be alone reading, writing, watching a series or movie; besides, when I was a child, I used to hide under the bed when I wanted to be alone and nobody would talk to me. I am referring to absolute loneliness, the fact of being totally alone in a difficult situation, that my whole family disappears and I have no one around me, that I try to talk to people and I can't do it, that I want to ask for help and I have no one to turn to. That is the loneliness that has always frightened me.

And death, the fear of death is still very present in my life. When I was a child I had many nightmares, I was afraid to sleep, just not knowing if I was going to wake up the next day. The last time I did not sleep for the sole reason of the fear of not waking up was about two years ago.

But nowadays that fear of dying is still present in my life, because I have had several health problems; with the difference that now I think about dying far away from my family, without seeing them one last time, I think about the pain that this would cause them; I am afraid of disappearing and leaving them alone.

The truth is that I have never told anyone about this before, it is very liberating to have had this space to let go of my insecurities and fears. I'm not sure if at some point I strayed from the essence of the theme of the week, but I started writing and I couldn't stop.

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Thank you so much for reading my post.

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Text translated with DeepL


I used to have that fear as a child! I would think that I’d die in my sleep and so I would try really hard not to sleep. I preferred to nap in the afternoon so I won’t sleep at night. I guess that’s how I developed the bad sleeping habit I have today

Yes, of course, I think the same. The habits we have today are because of our actions since we were children.



I wish I had some secret recipe to help you with all of this. There is so much that could happen to us at any one time, so maybe the best thing is to live the day as if it is your last. That way, you have the opportunity to really live!

Our own mortality can be scary. Think about what you are supposed to do while here; is there someone you need to help? You might not even know you are supposed to, but you do. A simple smile can make a huge impact on someone so smile- a lot!

Take care and stay positive! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day! !LADY🤗💜

@elizabethbit You tell me that we help without knowing it, and your comment has helped me perhaps without your knowing it.

Thank you very much for those kind words.


You are most welcome! Take care @orion.art!🤗💜🤗 !LUV

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I think it's time for you to start working on yourself, because as I see, there's a lot of work here. One step at a time, but you need to start. Put on a dress you have never worn before, go out and don't care about what people say. Or a nail polish or make up. Don't let fear run your life. It's terrible to live in a cage that you have created for yourself.

It won't be easy for me, but I must try. Because I really want to start living fully.

Thank you very much for your comment, they are words with a strong meaning.

Hugs 🫂

Saludos amiguita, al parecer la inseguridad es generada por complejos, es la impresión que me da. Espero puedas superarlo. La muerte es algo inevitable para todos pero nos toca aceptar el dolor sin anclarse para no caer en depresión. Saludos 🌺🌷💐

Hola @antoniarhuiz, si, efectivamente tengo demasiados complejos.

Muchas gracias por tus palabras.

Saludos ☺️

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Muchas gracias por el apoyo.

Solo Dios amiga puede transformar nuestra vida de tal manera que nos aceptemos como el nos creo. Con respecto al miedo a la muerte, Dios da mucha paz, esperanza y podemos verla de manera muy diferente en su palabra, espero puedas leerla.

Muchas gracias por tus palabras.

Saludos ☺️

I think many of us relate to your fear, and we never know what life has planned for us.
Best thing I know is to live in the moment, cherrish the little things in life and always tell the People close to me how much they mean to me ❤️ and to Stay positive and do The things that makes you Smile and happy.

Like many we struggle with self confidence and this.. Enough
Is a word I had i my head alot.
Enogh is enogh.. And am I enogh?

As I see here, you are stronger than you think and you need to belive in yourself.. You matter... You are amazing...somewhere there might be People admire you without you knowing it. It is hard to se in ourselfs but easier to see in others.

Focus on yourself, what you need to grow and feel happy ❤️
Don’t care what other think as only once closest to you matter.

Thank you for sharing your personal story and happy weekend.

Thank you very much for all these tips, I will start taking them into account.

Have a happy week, best regards.

People with less confidence tend to feel insecurities. But the only certain is, physical appearance doesn't really matter. It is our character. Just learn how to appreciate your own flaws and beauty and you will be happy
!LADY ☺️

@jane1289 Thank you very much for your advice.

I will try to do what you tell me.

Regards ☺️

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Es normal sentir miedo a la muerte es un mundo desconocido y nadie con certeza sabe que hay detrás, ese es el único destino donde todos los seres vivos no podemos evitar

Es muy cierto lo que dices, nadie sabe lo que hay después.


I can understand that. I too have this anxiety, I have always felt that if I will be too happy then something bad will follow it and in that bargain sometimes I do not live that moment of happiness to the fullest.
I had this fear of death in my childhood, but I overcame that and it was a lot of self work that I had to do. I hope that you can overcome your's too.

@nainaztengra I'm glad you overcame your fear. I will work to overcome mine.

Thank you very much for your comment ☺️
