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◇Limitations to access employment
This happens openly when women are denied the possibility of working in certain jobs, because they will not be considered suitable, such as driving certain machinery or public transport, in other cases because they do not have the adequate preparation since they have less possibility of preparation, for different reasons ranging from men being given priority and access to preparation in certain areas of knowledge, to women having less time available because all the responsibility of the household falls on them, due to the persistence of gender stereotypes.
◇Limited credit and financing to start or expand their businesses, which limits their economic opportunities
These are some of the ways in which economic discrimination against women manifests itself today.
In Cuba, the government has enacted a set of laws in favor of women, this legally prohibited any form of discrimination, women have equal pay for the same job, equality to opt for different positions, maternity leave is guaranteed and even the family can decide who will enjoy that privilege according to their interests.
However, the administrations surreptitiously give preference to men to occupy the positions, direct, or settle down because society is still governed by macho bosses and women, despite all the legislation that protects them, continue to take care of children, parents, in-laws and in general of the house.
That is why we must continue to insist on the education of the new generations and on taking awareness of the current ones.
It is the responsibility of the government, the school and all the factors of society, including the own women who do not delegate responsibilities under the false myth that like them no one can do it, without recognizing that everything goes in practice, you learn to do by doing.
I appreciate the opportunity to express my opinion and share, all comments are welcome. The images used are my property taken with the Samsung Note 8 cell phone.Use the Yandex translator.