in #hive-1244522 years ago

Lovely day to my precious ladies in this prestigious community, I will love to share my opinion about the ongoing weekly contest authored by @tibaire and I really appreciate everyone's effort in this community with all the moderators you are all doing great.

Let's talk about a resilient woman, it can be your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. What is her life challenge and what did she do to overcome the trial she faced?

The word resilient means the ability to endure and withstand tribulation without deforming them.


This is Sophia my best friend in university, she is brave, she is a strong woman, intelligent and humble, she is a lovely girl and down to earth, she is so beautiful, tall and always on point with her dressing.

We study the same course in the university but we never graduated together, Sophia problem started in our second year when one of our lecturer started throwing advances on her and she rejected the man.

Sophia became so down when she saw her second semester result where she had F (Failure) in all the three courses the man was taken us. Sophia took the case up and reported the issue to our HOD (The Head Of Department) not knowing that they work hand in hand.

The HOD told Sophia that there is nothing she can do until she oblige to the other lecturers request, Sophia became depressed and lost concentration in class, as a friend I do encourage her not to loose hope and stand firm on her ground not to sleep with the man.

Life became unbearable for Sophia in school anytime we are having this man lectures and it is not an elective course you can forfeit it is a core course for us, I am the only one that know what she was passing through in the department and she kept it to herself not to involve another lecturer that will lead to another problem for her.

Sophia suffer this bully from this lecturer for three good years before God finally intervene for her when this man did the same thing to another student that recorded his nakedness in an hotel and send it viral to the school website and the man was sacked from the school and Sophia case was taking up as she reported her matter to another lecturer and the HOD was summoned to a zenith meeting where he was relief his duty as the HOD of the department.

That was how Sophia became relieved and focus on her education but it was too late because we had already graduated from the school and she still had some carry over courses to clear, I was crying with her during our graduation because she couldn't graduate with her mate and it was so painful.


Sad situation, at least there was some justice in the end for Sophia.
Thanks for sharing her story @ronkkyb

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She can still do it. All she have to do is sit up back and read for the courses she carried. Then she is good to go.

Yes ooo, that is just the best

Sophia is an admirable woman, to have had to go through a situation like that. Fortunately, divine grace is always present and that professor paid for what he did.

How hard it must have been for your friend to endure that for three years, but God acted at the right time, I think that although it is sad that they could not graduate together, what is really important is that the experience is over and now she can move forward.

Sophia is an admirable woman, to have had to go through a situation like that. Fortunately, divine grace is always present and that professor paid for what he did.


It is very saddened but God came through for her. Thank you for visiting my blog